Wow another Mercy Post

I’m not even that much of a Mercy main, Tracer main myself here, Kabaji is my hero, but I have seen a extremely gross amount of misinformation about what people WANT with Mercy. “They just want Mass Rez back to be carried to an Elo they don’t belong in” “They just want Mercy to be op” but that is not is at ALL. As a Tracer main it sucks that a lot of the new characters have various ways to counter me and obviously Brigette (who is gettiver over-nerfed but whatever) and Ashe who only needs to shoot me once compared to 2 shotting everyone else around me. Obviously I could be a better Tracer if that is happening but it sucks regardless of skill.
And I think that is what irks Mercy mains the most. The hero just is not a fun pick. You pretty much pick the best player on your team and pocket them but I am only Console Diamond so I’m not the best at knowing what GM Mercy’s do and such. But that really has to suck when you know that you are not really contributing that much and not having ANY fun which is what games are about. I know you want to balance things for ESports and this Top 500 player and this one but really they are such a small fraction and most of them are toxic sorry to say. Just cause they are funny and enjoyable to watch while doing it doesn’t makw it any less toxic. I find Bronze-Plat streamers HIGHLY enjoyable with great content but the game is so focused on the top 0.1% and what they want for the game. They whine and whine. “I can’t kill a Mercy and now she used her Ult which is SUPPOSED TO BE STRONG she is so OP” “Doomfist has a 1-shot no skill ability unlike any other hero :unamused: he’s too OP” when in reality the game is FAR different for literally everyone else who has better issues to cry about like literal shots not hitting when they are supposed to or a game not being any fun because Toxic streamers cry about a character for a few months because they feel they deserve it. Like chill you lost one game cause you didn’t kill a Mercy one time and her Ult made you lose the teamfight. 1) You ALSO could have had a Mercy or 2) You could have played better. But it’s easier to whine. Sorry I had to rant and Mercy mains keep going. We will get this game right one day!


I find her fun

Don’t do this if you don’t find it fun then

Who’s going to stop you


For me it’s not even just the balance that makes Mercy unfun - I don’t think she’s in a terrible spot right now and I still have fun with her.

It’s the hatred and toxicity that comes with it when you pick her. people calling you braindead, boosted, whatever… just a daily part of playing her. it sucks. If your character isn’t meta, everyone pretty much hates you.


Yeah like I said I am not a Mercy main myself but I have friends who are and they get trashed on all the time for finding her lackluster. I do find myself player her time to time if we need a healer just because I like her flight passive and Guardian Angel ability but I think Mercy players for the most part are misunderstood and I definitely got off track on this post so my intentions probably got lost in translation tbh. I feel your comment though as I used to play Symmetra religiously

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Well I think she is fun. In fact most of my levels have come from playing her only.


Not to mention that it is pretty rare (in my experience) anyone picks a healer, so when you lose, you end up getting the blame.


Like I said I am not a Mercy main myself. I was just trying to say that all the reasons people think Mecy Mains want her changed are not the reasons they want her changed but everyone is entitled to their own opinions of how they want a hero to be like and if you like her that is totally fine and her revert was a step in the right direction but a lot of people still find her on the back burner

Thanks, man. Mercy feeling fun and impactful has always been all I wanted out of her.

I got Overwatch to play Mercy, and I fell in love with her cerebral, RTS chessmaster playstyle. I think that if the devs had tried balance tweaks to mass rez instead of deleting it, we all could have been saved a lot of trouble.


Yeah I know Mass-Rez is a really controversial ability but I could do without it. My friends like to say “Mercy doesn’t need to have rez, she just needs to be fun” and I feel like anyone can say that about any hero they play. I know for me being one-shot by pretty much anything as a Diamond tracer sucks especially Brig but as long as I find her enjoyable I am okay with one shot brigs and the like. Just don’t harm her like Mercy

I agree with you there. But unfortunately you would still get people who would complain.


And i dont find mercy fun anymore.


Unfortunate but if all it took was a single ult change to destroy the hero for you I don’t think you ever found her that fun to begin with tbh

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Paragraphs are a great thing

Its just my opinion, so salty.

I very much am welcome to whatever opinion you hold

I just never understood why the one change made her so ‘‘unfun’’ to many people


Because i dont feel impactuful.
I prefer the rez out of the game so we can rework her…
I like the ga system and the heal beam.


It wasn’t just one change though? They changed her ult to Valk and then that ended up way more powerful than mass rez so they nerf that and then more people complain and so they nerf it again. She has gotten a string of nerfs to not only her ult but also her damage output. It’s also because she doesn’t even come CLOSE to comparing with other healers. It’s also due to the extreme backlash caused when you pick her.

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You can be impactful as Mercy now. Her ultimate now is great when your team is grouped up together.

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Healing* output not damage

Impactfull =/= spectator mode
I just watch them

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