h ttps://forms.gle/syuzqp6vkTK3dSuAA
Just wondering how people feel about this
h ttps://forms.gle/syuzqp6vkTK3dSuAA
Just wondering how people feel about this
I just want a beam-centric hero other than Zarya. There’s plenty of choice when it comes to projectiles. I don’t care whether they tweak current Sym’s beam, or whether they move her to support and make her beam a more satisfying version of Moira’s, or make her a tank that has both a beam and a barrier so I don’t get shouted at like I do when I pick Zarya with a non-barrier tank partner. Give me the beams. Beams. Beams. Beams. Beams.
Echo’s beam just doesn’t do it for me either.
Absolutely not. No. They should just increase her damage capabilities, make her more defined and less slow and clunky. More precision, fineness.
Why not make a new support hero instead of ripping out the hearts of players…
I just want her as a support. However, they went down the utility-only route before and she was a troll pick. If she had some healing but a focus on utility, I feel this will keep her close to her core design but make her more viable.
the whole reason that she was a troll pick was because she was simply too weak, it didn’t have to do with the contents of her kit, just that she was simply underpowered
If she’s gonna be moved to support again she will definitely have healing ability. Also she could be more viable between support roster than DPS.
tbh i can’t wait to see some changes because waiting for OW2 is getting really long.
My first way would try a support that heals through shield regeneration.
TTraw made an awesome concept where Symmetra can convert normal HP into Shield HP.
I also made a concept that inspired by him.
Plus I made a non-healing concept about a Sym 1.0 rework.
If Symmetra has to heal I think she should heal even less than Zen. So she can heal her team but it’s not the main part of her kit. She should focus on shields.
I would literally mald as a tank and ask the Sym probably to switch if they ended up taking a support spot with temporary rechargeable shields instead of healing as it didn’t work previously and you still had to run her in a DPS slot to be consistently successful with her. Of course that’s completely up to how balanced she would end up being, but if it was as hard to balance as it was before then she would be either oppressive or a throw pick with barely any balance in between. Not a good idea IMO
Not really…
The game changed a lot and tp or shield gen is not viable anymore even making her niche.
Just remove the turrets of her and give her a more diverse dps ability…
They need to move away from the builder aspect of her…