Would Sombra need buffs?

Ah, for some reason with your phrasing above I thought it meant you were in favor of a 30 damage threshold.

I’ll do some more reading.

PTR sombra will utterly plummet her winrate

She’s not

“The Sombra changes, I was a little surprised with the feedback online where people thought it was an overall nerf,” lead designer Geoff Goodman tells me. “We gave her a lot of buffs and a lot of nerfs at the same time. The Sombra changes are a lot about giving her more flexibility in how she plays, and that flexibility gives her a lot more power.”
“I kind of understand where some of the feedback is coming from, where they’re worried about how she moves a little slower now because she can stealth permanently,” Goodman admits. “It used to be more of a burst of speed. You still move a lot faster, you move 50% faster, but it used to be 75% faster, so some people are worried about those changes. But I think when people play her they will realise she’s a lot more powerful, more useful, and more flexible.”

Recent interview about this issue.
Confirms Geoff has absolutely no idea how sombra plays, she gains nothing from this.
The team that’s GETTING PAID TO BALANCE THE GAME doesn’t knows their character uses stealth way beyond only to be stealthy
They don’t know she uses the movement speed to do flanks through certain ledges
They don’t know she wants to be in stealth as less as possible
He doesn’t even a addresses the translocator nerf

This is why she’s not getting buffed and there’s no progress with sombra, why the last 6 months have been an utter mess, etc.
Balance team has absolutely no idea what they’re doing, if these past months of hanzo, brig, mercy and what not weren’t proof enough.

The team in charge of the game balance has the same view of sombra that a guy with 2 hours of sombra playtime has.


Go to the training range and stand at a 15 meter (her hack range) and turn on “show accuracy” for your crosshair. You will see bullets escape her accuracy circle. Now imagine that target isnt a training bot and its something smaller like ana, tracer, or baby d.va. It take a whole clip to kill one person because your bullets are going over the head between their legs, and generally not where your aiming.

And? Tracer has zero utility.

Sombra’s gun should not be as good as Tracer’s in terms of burst DPS.

She isn’t weaker overall. It’s mostly a wash change that isn’t bad because it’s too big of a playstyle change. Infinite Stealth can be powerful.

Tracer doesn’t have to engage in Brigitte. Moira has literally no way of stopping Hack without committing a 6 second cooldown, meanwhile Sombra can just start the Hack again. It isn’t a hard counter. It’s just ridiculous.

Tell that to all the D.Va mains.

Sombra is not hard countered by anyone, her best counters are probably McCree and Brigitte, but neither counter her like Brigitte counters Tracer.

Tracer has a 1.25 second reload and you have a 0.65 second Hack. If you can’t time that, it’s on you.

If you die after failing a Hack cast due to other (not Tracer) damage, you were going to die anyway because apparently you didn’t have a Translocator up.

If you were dueling and the Tracer interrupted the Hack, you screwed up.

lol brigitte and mccree are her only hard counter you say ?! :rofl::joy:

Oh boy now i know your talking with your foot in your mouth. Mccree is probably the best target for sombra to go for these days. No mention of hanzo or widow? You sure know alot about sombra play. People like you are why she’s a dumpster fire character now.

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I mean, you’re mid gold on XBL, and he’s the #1 ranked Sombra on PC.

Who might have a better idea on balance here?

ohhhh now the rank shaming comes out cause the facts dont sit well.

Sry i didnt buy the game 3x and make 10 accounts till i got GM. I’m not just speaking on my perspective there multiple topics that all pretty much much say the same thing. run it in the forum search bar.

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I mean, it’s not like my rank is anything special.

Yeah, I do. I play her in Top 500.

McCree is an okay target for Sombra in a duel but his stun can prevent Sombra from doing her job. A counter isn’t just determined by a 1v1.

For the record, I have 2 accounts and both have been in GM. I play other heroes on my other account.

And you think these are BUFFS? Your out you mind man. The spread is awful her DPS is very… ya know what let me see if i cant find a video from last week on the forums


Her spread is 2.7. Soldier has a 2.4 spread. Tracer has 3.6. Sombra’s spread is fine.

These are probably going to be a wash. I’d have to play with PTR Sombra in a more competitive setting but this definitely isn’t a massive nerf. It’s proabbly going to be a small buff but a very large playstyle change.

She will never, ever be balanced, as long as she has her current kit. As soon as stealth and hack go, they can get to providing her with better cooldowns and with necessary buffs.

As long as those two remain, she will forever suffer from the economy of hack (the lack of a player while she sets up hack does not get compensated for with the benefits of hack), and the huge negative impact hack has on the game.

Its not a playstyle change. There are no new things she can do. Its just easier to do some things, because you dont have to plan ahead anymore at the cost of being less viable overall.

The whole duration management is cut out, which is why this is a buff aimed at new Sombra players who dont know how to play her correctly.

Someone said she’s effective at 25 meters. Here’s comparision’s from another sombra player.

It doesnt improve very much at 15 meters which is her hack range


There are absolutely new things you can do. You have no way of knowing when exactly a Zarya is going to ult, but with infinite stealth you can reliably cancel a Hanzo ult for free.

You can’t always know how long your team will take for an Orisa shield, but you can react to it with infinite stealth.

It improves massively considering her falloff doesn’t start until 15m.

Infinite stealth is kind of a misnomer, as the longer you are not contributing, the less valuable you are, although your point of “player determined stealth breaks” can be powerful, as having a second or two longer than the old timer can produce dramatic results, and any time one had to blow translocate because stealth was wearing, the entire process was a waste of time that would have been better served by an AFK Lucio.

Her damage isnt good because she has stealth which allows her not only to pick and choose targets, but always getting the jump on them and shoot them from behind, which puts them at a disadvantage because they have to react and turn around first.

If you wait for him doing it, which means you have to sit in stealth doing nothing leaving you team 5v6, which means they might not even need to use grav dragon to win the teamfight, all while you are doing nothing, not even building Ult charge.

And yet at 15 meters she has bullets escaping her “Show accuracy circle” on her cursor the spread is that bad

That SMG takes a long time to empty and it’s not very powerful. Even aiming for the head your mostly landing body shots or missing unless your like less then 5 meters away. And if you try doing that coming out of stealth:

  • you announce your presence with a voiceline
  • you are typically with more then one enemy unless your spawn camping
  • You have a delay before you can fire
  • you have no skills to assist in a fight, just retreat, of course theres hack but then you have these problems
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