[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

I don’t have any experience with Discord, but I can try to set up a server (many players have asked me if there is one, in game).

However, I don’t want to spend too much time managing/updating/moderating that server. I’d rather spend that time working on the scripts. So if it turns out that this is too time-comsuming, I’ll delete the server again.

It might still be hard to find other players in higher level ranges since there is no cross-platform play and there are multiple server regions on every platform if I’m not mistaken (+Chinese players have a fully separated version of workshop where share codes from the “rest of the world” version cannot be loaded if I’m not mistaken). But I’ll give it a try.

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Thanks for setting one up, I just joined the server. It looks like there might be some channel permissions issues (viewing history, for example). The structure makes sense.

I understand and completely agree. Hopefully if you do reach that point there will be some trustworthy regulars on the server who you can give moderation privileges to in order to alleviate those issues.

Thanks again!

My bad, sorry >< Viewing message history should be enabled for all users on all text channels, now.

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Whats the new Secret Place map for lvl 60? I noticed this yesterday but it doesnt have an input code yet. Just wondering if its a work in progress and what its set up for

The secret place has been in the game since version 5.0 :slight_smile: Players near level 60 have a chance to find out about it when playing on any map except for the Arreat Summit.

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Ok, now I really need to grind…

im level 62 atm, can you tell me what i should look for?

Play normally, kill enemies in your level range (the enemies should be a maximum of 15 levels higher or lower than you), find some valuable loot (the more you find, the better); and pay close attention to small messages, especially at unlikely times.

If you see an unusual message, remember Diablo II.

(You may need to keep a match running for some time, and it helps if you have other players playing in the same match.)

Been killing lvl 60 champions on temple of anub for over an hour, killed many bosses too. Havent gotten any messages. Plenty of gold and random heroes. Also i dont play Diablo lol

Gambling can help, too, if you’re lucky.

Well i hit 63 now, been over 2 hours, dropped over 1800g on gamble. Still nothing about a message aside from the take a break and save message (also maxed out my torb to 5k)

hey delwion, how exactly does imbuing/refining work? i’m looking around but i cant find much on the specifics. if you have written about it before maybe you can direct me?

Hi :slight_smile:

You can find a short description in the first post of this thread (in section 11. Spawn Room Stations).

Imbuing will upgrade any item that isn’t on the highest rank already to the next highest rank (white > green > > blue > purple > orange). The item is completely rerolled in that case as if you obtained it as a drop or from gambling (so you are not guaranteed to keep any of its stat bonuses, special abilities, or the visual effect). Only the hero stays the same.

Imbuing a top rank item (orange) will add +1 to any of its base stat bonuses (Damage/Defense/Max Health/Speed/Projectile Speed) or +1 rank in any of the special abilities the item already has. Base stat bonuses cannot be increased beyond 50 and your current level . Ability ranks cannot be upgraded beyond 10 per ability slot. If both a base stat bonus and an ability rank can be upgraded, the chance that an ability gets picked is 25%.

If your plan is to level a Super Novice item to level 60, make sure you never imbue it, as this will turn it into a regular green item.

If you want to imbue a rank 1 (orange) item, make sure you use the latest version of the game mode, since there was a bug in previous versions that could corrupt an item.

ok, thanks! just as an example, what happens if i refine an orange pharah with base stats (30/29/27/31/33) and ability slots (crit 3 / burn 5 / lifesteal 4 ), while being level 31? run me through some probabilities.

75% chance to increase one of the base that are below 31.
25% chance to increase one of the ability ranks.

That’s what should happen at least ^^

Hey Delwion. First off, great game, I love playing it. I have 2 things to ask:

  1. What does it mean when I get a message saying something like “Stones of Jordan sold”?

  2. Could the Travincal respawn point be moved further away from the edge? A lot of times when I respawn, I spawn off of the ledge and lose more EXP.

Is that lvl 60+ map open yet? Or u still working on it

Can’t change this anymore in the next update, but I’ll consider it for future updates, thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve changed the player respawn position now in the latest share codes for Travincal and the Worldstone Keep map :slight_smile:

I’m working on updating the share codes, at the moment, will post them within the next few hours :slight_smile:

I finally got to that place with the hogs lol. Im curious what the max power is of the heroes i got there. (Noticed they had all of the ability stats and very low main stats)

a few bugs i noticed, zarya bubbles (and probably also all barriers and player structures) hardly take damage from bot attacks. also, some players are still able to teleport out-of-bounds and fall out of the map as long as they have line of sight. (which for that, nearest walkable position can be helpful, but prevents players from teleporting directly into the air).