[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

Thank You! So Much! :slightly_smiling_face:

I just gave the Arreat Summit / boss level a try. As a 21 D.Va (1031), I was able to solo it by exploiting the AI’s almost complete lack of awareness of how to get to the higher platforms and relied entirely on poke damage. One time through and I went all the way to level 33! This doesn’t seem very balanced given how exploit-y it is. It’s nice to have this kind of mode added though! :smiley:

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Thanks for giving it a try and for reporting a bug ^^

Tanks currently get way more EXP from this than intended (every 0.25 seconds when a tank takes damage from an enemy player, the list of contributors is increased by 1, which in the end gives another XP bonus of +10%). At level 21, the Ancients should give around 57% EXP when soloed.

Edit: The bug is now fixed :slight_smile:

Hey, I doubt this is a bug, and I’m sure you are aware of it, but I wanted to say this just to be safe. When I last talked about the crouch respawning not working on Xbox, this might be similar. Ever since I found the game on Xbox I restarted many games and re-type my codes a lot. One thing that always happens when typing is that I have to press crouch twice to move to the next digit. Like I said, I’m sure you are aware of this, since it’s been in the game for over a year now, but I just wanted to make sure that the, pressing crouch twice to progress in typing the code, is an Xbox only thing. Sorry for the long message, have a great day.

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I was not aware of this. Thanks for reporting it. I’ll see if I can find a way to fix this.

Edit: I think I can bind the same action (go to next digit/confirm code) to an additional button (so players can press either crouch or the new button). Would the jump or the melee button work for this/be convenient to use on Xbox?

Yes, those buttons seem to work fine, the only button that seems to break whenever I’m working on my Gamemodes is the crouch button. That button is so broken, it can make Hammond T-Pose, which can tell you one thing, that’s not right.

Edit: The reload button makes you go down 2 digits when you press it, unless you hold it down so the, “Must be spawn room to change heroes” text pops up. Didn’t know if you knew that.

Thanks for the information. I’ll try to come up with a solution that works on all systems.

Edit: I know I’m asking a lot here, but if anyone on console would be willing to help me here, that would be greatly appreciated! :smiley:

I’ve made a test application for button inputs. If someone wants to do the testing, two series of tests need to be run (Share Code: M4370).

Series 1:

  • For each button listed below, press it repeatedly and check if the number of button presses (red HUD text on the left side) increases by 1, every time you press the button. Wait one second until the counter resets before you proceed to the next button. You can ignore the blue HUD on the right side for this test. The player communicates inputs (ID 11-18) are expected to have a cooldown of 2-4 seconds here, until they can be “pressed” again.
  • I would be interested in knowing the following:
    • Does any button increase the number on the left by more than 1 with a single button press, or not at all?
    • Does any button produce a button ID number in the red HUD text that is not the same as the number listed below?
    • Were there any small messages in the format Wait for Reset - Blocked Input: x when you repeatedly pressed just one button?

Series 2:

  • For each button listed below, hold it down for a while and check if the button hold duration in the blue HUD on the right side continuously increases. The number should go up by 1, once every 0.25 seconds (there is a varying wait duration between 0 and 0.25 seconds before the number starts going up). Wait until the counter resets, before you proceed to the next button.
  • For the player communicates inputs (ID 11-18), you don’t need to hold the button; just use the communication input once and check if the button hold duration increases.
  • What I’d like to know:
    • Does holding any button not continuously increase the hold duration at the rate it should (+1 to duration every 0.25 seconds)?
    • Does any button produce a button ID number in the blue HUD text that is not the same as the number listed below?
    • Were there any small messages in the format Wait for Reset - Blocked Input: x when you were holding down just one button?
    • Was the number of button presses in the red HUD on the left side NOT 1, for any of the buttons in this test series?
Button ID Button Name
1 Primary Fire
2 Secondary Fire
3 Ability 1
4 Ability 2
5 Ultimate
6 Interact
7 Jump
8 Crouch
9 Melee
10 Reload
11 Ultimate Status
12 Hello
13 Need Healing
14 Group Up
15 Thanks
16 Acknowledge
17 Any Emote
18 Any Voice Line

Thanks a lot if anyone finds the time to run these tests and post any inconsistencies they find :slight_smile:

I’ve been getting a bug recently, where i don’t gain any EXP or Gold from enemies above lvl 24 no matter what map am i, i don’t know why it happens, but it is just with the enemies above lvl 24, sorry if i’m just repeating something, someone already said tho… Just tried at a new game, with tracer, and apparently i can’t get any EXP with enemies above 15… (v5.0.3).

Ah, that is a change to the game, not a bug, sorry. There is an EXP/drop penalty now that begins when the level difference between a player and an enemy is 7 or more levels. The penalty increases with the level difference. If the difference is 16 levels or more, then players will not get any drops or EXP anymore.

The bosses on the Arreat Summit map are an exception in that they will always grant the full amount of EXP, but only players between level 15 and 45 can enter.

You can find more information on this in the changelog for version 5.0 and in section 12 of the first post in this thread.

Oh thanks, i just made a mistake while reading then, but wow, ur a really good custom game mode creator, and seems a really nice person, Keep up the good work dude, thanks for the quick answer too.


Cool idea, and seems very playable now. Great work. A few hopefully helpful comments
-the xp is sort of weird, if someone solos a mob that is too hard for them they get 0 xp? I’m guessing there is a better way to solve the root problem with high level mobs.
-at least if the xp stays the same way, something to see what is going on might help… like if each kill had a little ephemeral text… +.42% xp, or better yet, displaying the base and the penatly, then people can better debug/farm efficiently… +.82%-.40% xp
-it looks like no xp is given if the mob is killed with a single blow. i’ve seen this with doomfist, {a full charged rocket punch, ult, point blank primary fire} a not full charged rocket punch which does inital and wall damage seems to give xp, and if i tag them with primary fire before doing other things, it looks like xp is still given. in case you were wondering, killing dva mech then baby dva with 1 punch still grants xp. with further testing, this seems pretty 100% reproducible.
-some boss fights didn’t leave a drop? i was solo when this happened a few times, i’m not sure of the level differential either + or -
-i just started playing with teleport, is it meant to go through walls? i can get to unintended areas, also, fall through the world… just look down a little too much while emoting, poof, dead :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

editorial: i got a lucky loot drop, and now i’m in a position where if i stay in the zone that gives the most xp, i have to put in a lot of effort not to 1 shot them, and if i go up from there, i get less xp. happy to discuss/debug anything in game, messages, if you want.

Hi, thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

I believe the cause of the one-shotting problem is that the “player dealt damage” rule is activated after the “enemy health <= 0” rule in a script (not in the same frame). I’ll see if I can fix this in the next update.

Edit: There were two separate issues both causing this problem, but I managed to fix them in a test build and the fix should be included in the next update. Thanks for reporting this issue.

As for the EXP/drop penalties based on level difference, you can see the table in the first post of this thread. For every point the level difference is above 6, you lose an additional 10% EXP. Bosses are not guaranteed to drop an item anymore when the level difference is 7 or higher.

Teleport is working as intended. It teleports a player in the direction they are facing. I tried out versions that used nearest walkable position to the target location in the past, but the result was a lot less satisfying. Players appeared in locations they weren’t aiming at (teleport is meant to offer mobility and be an escape option).

If you are level 15+, you can try the Arreat Summit, by the way. The bosses there always give the full amount of EXP (no real loot though), but you can only enter with player level 15-45.

Thanks for your quick response.
one other oddity (not saying its a bug that needs fixing) is that mobs can not only go into their spawn area, but spawn in there, i could hear a bastian in the spawn and i had to wait for him to coming out :slight_smile:

Also non critical, in the Arreat Summit, bots can get stuck in the lower left room, they can bounce into the doorway and the repel field doesn’t let them get back on the ground to walk out, maybe changing the field location would fix it.

just a thought, if you separate the user restore code from the loot restore code, people could save their loot and not have to pick a single to level up (it could just be that the first X characters are the user and the last X are the loot), or you could have a bank portal where you can get a seperate save code for your loot

Sorry it had taken me so long to respond, I will try to test these to the best of my ability, my smol brain doesn’t let me read things properly, will get back with results soon!

Status 1:
From testing, pressing most buttons, (for example primary or interact) increase the counter by 1 each time you press it.

The Problems in Status 1:
The problematic buttons in status 1 are
.Any Button In the Communication Wheel (ex: Hello, Need Healing, Voiceline, Emote)

These 3 things each have their own problems

Crouch: Crouching on Xbox is, you press the button once, and you start to crouch, and the indicators say that you are holding it, even if you are NOT even crouching, press it again and you stop, effectively meaning you have two press it twice for it to count as ONE press, except for the first press. This does make the case of not being able to Respawn on Xbox by pressing crouch weird though, as you were not able to respawn period.

Reload: Reload counts as 2 presses, once when you press, once when you let go UNLESS you hold it down for a second, then it cancels the the second “press”

Communication Wheel: (((((I just read section 2, so ignore this, but Do read the bold))))) All of them do the same, pressing it once says that you are holding it down for a set duration. **Another problem with it that might not be related is it being very buggy in Loot Quest, sometimes I press my ULT charge to see stats and it won’t work, therefore I have to spam “Ultimate is Charging” until it stops me because I was spamming too much, then it works again, sometimes.

More down here in another reply

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Section 2:
All work except these (even reload works in this):
.Communication Wheel

Crouch: Same issue as in section 1, counts as holding if I press it once, even if I’m not crouching.

Communication Wheel: talked about this in the bold in section one, except have a sort of better idea. After you use one Communication, no other communication will work (even the one you just used) until you spam it enough for it to say “Too many messages!”

If there is any more I need to test, please tell me, I’m currently on Spring Break and have nothing else to do, so I’m always open.

Edit: I started to spam buttons and broke the counter, now only Melee and crouch will work, and the counter will not reset

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Thank you very much for taking the time to run these tests and post the results :smiley:

There’s one more thing I didn’t realize: I think you can bind commands to different buttons on the controller on console as well? So if you were to bind the problematic controls to another button on the controller, would that change how the input behaves?

If any of the communication commands in Loot Quest doesn’t go through, it’s always a good idea to wait 2 seconds, then try again. That works most of the time :slight_smile: When you use ultimate status successfully, you won’t be able to perform another complex action (such as picking up loot, equipping an item, or using a station in the spawn room) for 6 seconds, for performance reasons.

I’m considering the following rework for commands while entering a code:

Action Button(s)
Go to next digit Crouch / Ability 2
Go to previous digit Ability 1
Increase current digit Interact
Lower current digit Melee / Interact while holding Ultimate

Would that be reasonably convenient to use or are there other button that would work better instead of Ability 2 and Melee?

Melee and Ability 2 work perfectly fine, I will try keybinding soon.

I have tested a few things and this is what I have found:
Crouch is automatically set to “Toggle Crouch”, so by turning it to “Crouch” fixes most issues, but makes crouching on console pretty hard to deal with as now you either have to give up ability 2 or aiming, or do some weird maneuver to do both which greater henders skill OR grow an extra arm.

Re-binding Reload does not change anything, it is still broken.

Edit 2:
While I was playing, I found a problem, the Hammond Ai never attacked me, he acted like I wasn’t there. He just kept running around, going in and out of ball, even when I attacked him, thought I’d let you know.

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Sorry for my late response.

Thanks for reporting this. I will try to improve it now when I’m updating the Arreat Summit script to version 5.0.5.

I believe that’s a great idea. But to be honest, at the moment, the amount of work this would require is just too much for me, and I also think it wouldn’t be possible to implement a change like this without making existing save codes invalid (I could make a separate script for code conversion where players could convert old codes into new ones, but that again would require a lot of work, so at the moment I probably won’t make any changes to the save code system).

Thanks again so much for your testing. This is really helpful for anyone creating workshop modes on PC who would like their modes to work on consoles as well.

I’ve made some tweaks to the Wrecking Ball AI in the latest version. He still likes to roll around a lot but should use primary fire more often now :slight_smile:

this is a little bit of a kludge, but similar to some other features you’ve added… if you hold something while you crouch on the load zone, then it only loads the loot, not the character. so its painful, but since its better than nothing, someone could first load their latest code, then an older loot code.

also, most of the time games that are playing are lower levels (better to have beginners join) a way to lower your own level so that you can still play and get loot would be nice. … actually if the above feature was implemented, we could open an old save to use for the character, and then load the character from wherever we wanted. so again, kind of a kludge, but it would work, and your time and script space is very limited, so maybe acceptable.

edit- i just thought of how this could be used to exploit the current gold system… i mean, this mod is for fun, its hardly secure, so maybe its still an ok idea, just wanted to point out that someone could upgrade a character with gold, then restore their gold separate from character. also, using boss stones continually, but this can already be done with 2 people. i think in general it will help the fun, just letting you know of a side effect i thought of.

Do you have a Discord server or similar that people can join? At high levels it is very difficult to find games with similar players, and any public games that get opened (even if you state “high level only”) get filled with new players that get 1-shot/no XP. If you had something like a Discord it may make it a bit easier to organize.