[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

Thanks for your feedback. I don’t think there’s anything I can do about shields/barriers. Low damage dealt/high damage received values may have a different effect on shields, compared to regular health. Changing these values would lead to other problems and manually counterbalancing the effects probably would push the current script over the size limit (and would probably not work 100% reliably either). So at the moment, I don’t have any plans to change the current system.
As for Teleport, I did consider using nearest walkable position, but decided against it since it often put the player in unexpected locations and made teleporting into the air impossible (and, in my opinion, in general made Teleport less fun to use). It should be a lot safer to use now though (in version 5.1.1) and I believe the strong added heal now makes it a viable option for the higher level range. But yes, it’s still possible to get out of bounds in many areas :slight_smile:

I noticed on the new elite map that the bots will sometimes spawn inside the chambers where the mecha robots are and they will run circles inside that box and cant be attacked.

i like the ‘load item only’ sort of feature that lets you just essentially buy an item back into your current save, but i dont like how when you do this, your equipped item essentially gets replaced, without compensation. the script size probably doesnt allow for putting an item into the inventory, but you could compensate the replaced item with gold (power level / 8), so you can swap between your multiple hero saves freely, without constantly draining your gold. this should be as easy as modifying a player value, before the power level variable gets replaced by the new item. though this would probably give you surplus gold back if you were to do a downgrade, the new item would be stuck on the save until you paid the surplus gold back, to get the first item back onto the save again.

Yes, I noticed this can happen, too. Players can also end up in one of those chambers after using the portal. However, the chambers’ glass walls block player interaction like solid walls do, and bosses will never spawn inside a chamber, so I didn’t make it a high priority to prevent this from happening (when I considered it, the script size was very close to max). I’l have a look at the current script size again and see if I can add a prevention mechanic. Thank you.

Edit: I’ve updated the Worldstone Keep script. Both players and enemies should no longer spawn inside the chambers now :slight_smile:

This could definitely be done, but in the case of some scripts it’s not easy (they are literally at 19,999 elements of 20,000) and even for a small change like this, updating all the scripts takes some time. I’ll consider it for the next update though, thanks :slight_smile:

Edit: I think adding the item to the inventory might actually be possible so I’ll try to change that in the next update.

Edit 2: I’ve just released the latest version 5.1.2: Items loaded from a save game are now added to the player’s inventory :slight_smile:

nice, thanks! maybe i’ll actually use the system now lol

Hi, Delwion.
I really appreciate your Long-term PvE RPG and liked to introduce these to Korean guys. If possible, may I translate these workshops to KOR? Everything will keep same unless it is just Korean. There will be no illegal modification of code, just only changes of few HUD and instruction. If there are any issue about modifying the code, I will stop these works.


Hi Chemist :slight_smile:

I think it’s great if Loot Quest gets translated into other languages, and I appreciate it if you can give me credit for the original version of the game mode, but also make it clear that the translation was your work.

I believe there is someone working on a Chinese translation already, but to my knowledge no one has translated the game mode into Korean, so far. Be warned that I may still update the game mode (there will likely be an update when Echo goes live) and that the scripts include multi-line strings that cannot be pasted into the ingame editor without changing them first (and then you probably need to change all of them back manually in the ingame editor which can take a lot of time with that many scripts).

If you have any questions about the scripts or the game mode, you can contact me here, ingame, or on the Loot Quest Discord :slight_smile:


at some point, i think having higher teleport just ends up being actively detrimental, due to the teleport distance. the cooldown decrease and healing is super helpful, but because the distance is so long at some point, you end up teleporting all over the place. i wouldnt mind if only healing and cooldown was buffed with point increases, or the distance increase was exponentially decreased in some way.

I’ll consider changing for the next update (I’ll have to release another update when Echo comes to live servers) :slight_smile:

Hi, Delwion.
This is Chemist.
I sincerely feel thankful to your decision. So, I’d like to share Korean-translated version, and hope you want to double-check this.
Code is EAY3A (Eihenwalde) and I will keep working on other maps.

Also, I’d like to ask few more questions.
Sometime, If I use runes or imbue my item. The few digits of save codes are shown as negative number. So, it makes me delete my progress few time.
In addition to, I also want to know how you apply multi-line strings in Overwatch.


Hi Chemist

Negative digits should not happen in the current system anymore, as long as all item stats are 50 or lower. There was a bug with the Imbue system in previous versions which was fixed in version 5.0.9.

If you encounter this problem again, could you tell me what stats exactly you had (the ones you see with ultimate status) and send me a share code of the exact version of Loot Quest you were using (and possibly the incorrect save code you got as well)?

The way I add multi-line strings:
I write the multi-line string in standard Windows Notepad and copy it, then click on the custom string text edit field in the ingame editor and paste the copied text.

I had a look at your translation (EAY3A) and it looks identical to the English version except for the translated strings, good job :smiley: So if there is a bug in this version it’s probably in the English version as well.

When Echo comes to live servers, I will release another update for Loot Quest (with many changes to the scripts) so maybe you want to wait until that is out before translating any other maps.

Thanks for you work.


i had another idea regarding codes and inventories. while the situation with loading items is a lot better because it puts the item in your inventory instead, it can still be annoying that when you save a code, the inventory items at the time will be made effectively non-existent, at least to the extent of that one save code. you could theoretically sell all of your current inventory items before you save, then reload the sold items later, but that can be a hassle. which, maybe as a solution to this, when saving a code, rather than the code taking your current gold as an input, it instead takes the current gold and also adds the effective cost of all of your current inventory items?
though it would require you to replace the old gold input variables with the new ones in the save code display, as well as some more elements to calculate this new variable including to make sure its capped at 9999, i think it would be a helpful addition.

I think I can add this to the next update, thanks for the input :slight_smile:

Edit: It’s implemented and tested in the version for the next update now :slight_smile:

nice, thanks! you do good work

hi man
i have a question can you tell me how to make the save code pls (the script)? its important to me

when you play the game, you start at a lower level map, play, and get the save code from the spawn, “get save code” and use it in the “load save code”

thanks! cant wait to play, this gamemode looks cool :blush:

another small thing delwion, if you dont mind me noting. healing from teleport isnt credited to the player. i assume this is unintentional because healing from out-of-combat regen is credited.

In this case, it actually was intended, since I didn’t want the Teleport heal (and Lifesteal) to benefit from the +50% healing dealt bonus that Super Novice characters get while the automatic healing out of combat should be faster for Super Novices. But thanks for reporting all these details. There’s always some things I missed or forgot about :slight_smile:

but super novices dont have specials, right? they wouldnt even be able to use lifesteal or teleport.

well, if they did and i didnt know, you could make it so instead lifesteal/teleport initally does 2/3’s the healing if the user is a super novice, that way it will cancel out with the additional 50% healing from super novice when its applied.