[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

renewed super novices wont be transformed by killing the boss, since universalist takes one special slot, and renewed already has all 3 slots filled. (plus that might be kinda op)
and btw, dont worry about asking questions. even if you dont get an answer, not knowing is better than never trying to know.

thank you for all the info!

I honestly love this RPG more than anything i have played on overwatch before and it even managed to bring my friends that used to play this game back to it. i cant even imagine the amount of time it took to make loot quest but i just wanna say that loot quest is an amazing game

p.s. i was wondering if you had a patreon to support you for the work you’ve done on this great game

I’m glad to hear you enjoy playing Loot Quest. Updates are a bit slower now, but I’m still working on bits of new endgame content and I keep updating the scripts with small bugfixes and minor improvements (ETA for the next content update is August).

I do not have a patreon, but thanks for offering your support :slight_smile:

Hey, I’ve got a question about super novice items; when im grinding levels, is it enough to just load in the common item and then once i get another item switch to that and later create myself a savecode, or do i have to do all the levelling completely with the common item from the start? I’m aware you can’t load in commons, once youre a common, but if youre already a common and you get another hero can you switch to that or do you need to do the levelling purely with the common? Thanks <3

You can equip other items. You just need to create a save code with the common item equipped when you stop playing.

However, you will only get the bonus to the rune/lucky charm drop rate while you actually have a common item equipped.

Uhm Hi, I logged into today and I noticed the load save was different and I loaded my code which worked well. But I noticed when I tried to load in a character from another code it would turn me into them instead of putting them in my inventory. Did you remove the reload then code feature because it’s not working for me

You need to hold Reload when you activate the white station with Crouch now.

If you do so, it should say “Load Item” instead of “Load Save State” in the HUD at the top .

I’m still working on updating all the maps to version I will release the full changelog and update the guides/instructions once I’m done, sorry.

Thank you!! Btw love your game!!

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Do save states not work? Nvm I was checking ult not using it

Hi! My interact key stopped working it seems and its not the keyboard thats the issue. I was about to end the game making the deal with myself “if I die, I save and quit” but when I died it stopped me from respawning like normally and therefor Im messed up haha. Is there any other way to respawn except for the key? Also 2 things are important to notice, 1. I didnt save before so cant load a presave and 2. I played this last night on my mainacc which i use when i write here and today I started on my off account to not leave my friend in the duest with whom i farmed yesterday. If there´s a way Id appreciate it but its not the whole world <3

  • Had a Mercy join me in the game with the ability ressurection available which solved the issue so Im forever indepted to her. Might be worth for future issues to put in a code for respawn as a backup or a respawn default after like an hour. Anyway thanks for this amazing mode, I love it so far <3

Thanks, I’ll consider it for future updates.

Do you happen to know if the Interact key worked again after you got resurrected?
There have been a few reports of players reporting that their Interact key stopped working for the entire rest of a match (and it wasn’t just the selling that stopped working because they switched to the alternative selling method). It appears that in rare occasions, the key somehow never registers as unpressed again. If I remember correctly this is not specific to Loot Quest and some players have experienced it in other workshop modes as well.

I’ve never seen it happen myself, but I’ll consider adding an alternative way to respawn (and change selling method).

Died again after and couldnt use interact but luckily got ressurected again so can confirm.

I also wonder, what does Stone of Jordan do? I used to play alot of Diablo so the names really take you back but I don´t know wether it was equipped or vanished. Got an Ana(legendary) around the same time so thought they were connected but then an hour later another boss dropped a legendary Junkrat but the SoJ text didnt show.

Hm, to be 100% sure, you held the Interact key for a few seconds right? ^^

If so, then may I ask if you play on a controller/on console, or with a keyboard/mouse? And do you have Interact bound to a key other than the default key?

On consoles/controllers, there are known issues with Crouch and Reload (Crouch always counts as being held for a certain duration, then it registers as unpressed and immediately as pressed for a certain duration again if you are still holding the button; for Reload, single button presses register as two button presses (unless you hold the button long enough to trigger the switch hero functionality).

Edit: You can find information on Stones of Jordan in the manual (first post of this thread).

Yes, I tried holding it again but it seemed to had stopped working for the session. My interact key was removed when symmetra got changed back in the day and I set the key to J. (Not sure which you used as default before) It didnt work even if the interact key was changed to another key aswell but all the other commands worked properly. Also Im on PC(keyboard+mouse) if it isnt obvious by now ^^

Im gonna keep on pushing it and tell if I find anything, Im sorry for only coming with questions and bugs, know that I love the mod alot and enjoy farming in it :heart:

Hello, I just wanted to say I really love this workshop mode. Nice job working, creating, and updating it to work well. Thank you.

I’ve just released a new Fishing and Herbalism non combat map.

The next base game update for Loot Quest and the second endgame raid will be released as soon as the new scaling feature from PTR comes to live servers :slight_smile:

Im having trouble loading a save with a common to continue an sn run, it says “save state exceeds current game limits” and i don’t know what that means, when i load a save with my normal items wich is higher (level 37, the sn is around 34-36) it does work

This message normally appears when an item has stats that it should not normally have in the current game version. If you can send me a message in game or on the Loot Quest forums, I can have a look at your save state.