[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

This is the best gamemode. Blizzard take notes!!!

hi, i wanna ask about the summit arena, my friend and i (level 82&85) tried it and it only gave us xp once after loading the mode, we tried restarting the server but that didnt help either

Yes, it only gives EXP once now (but a lot more than before).
The guide hasn’t been updated to version 7.0 yet, but you can find the info in the changelog 7.0 already.

Hey! Level 100 RSN here, still figuring things out as the guide isn’t updated yet. First, any info on Arcane Crystal Fragments?

ALSO: Preliminary bug report? Or am I not understanding things?: Once, on Dorado, after playing with some low level people, I couldn’t load a level 3 rank 5 Mercy. Triple checked the code (its v6.0.2), kept saying invalid code.

Now, I’ve spent some time on elite maps with another lv 100 person. We both have RSNs. On the World keep map, after 1.5 hours or so, he left and came back and couldn’t load his RSN. Tried and tried, but we had to restart for it to work.

Now again, on the Blizzard world map, he’s having issues. He can’t load anything on his RSN, getting the “common item” error. Though we suspect that once we’re lv 100, we can’t load anything under lv 60 (?)

I’m not sure what’s going on, and maybe we just don’t understand the update yet, but let me know!

You cannot load common items from a savegame under level 60 separately.

Am I understanding this right, that you can’t load any save state (progress + item) once you played on a level 100+ char?

What was the exact error message you got?

(You cannot use the same code more than once in a match since the latest update.)

Not using the same code more than once explains a lot, and that’ll be rough if anyone disconnects, but good to know.

And yes it’s odd, because I personally could load tons of characters, but he had issues with some. Not sure about the exact error messages he got. It was sporadic, sorry I can’t provide details to reproduce it.

However, on loading the mercy, I wasn’t trying to load into inventory, just wanted a low level character, and it said “Invalid code” (vs the common item error which would occur if loading into inventory).

EDIT: I just loaded my lv 100 RSN and tried loading a unique reaper (lv 22) into inventory and got the error “Cannot load items while carrying a common item”, yet I CAN load a rank 1 dva (lv 99) into inventory. I then sold my RSN, and successfully loaded the unique reaper into inventory.

Could you explain how adventure maps works better? I didn’t get the difference between them, why does some have less %HF rate and more CSR%? Do we get more loots from those maps then from other ones? Exemple being Forgotten and City,

I think the explanations are pretty detailed now :slight_smile:

The only drop rate that is different is the one for Runes/Lucky Charms.

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so what super novice does the most damage?

Yes, but it has lower special ability ranks.


Is there a spot to post things that may need attention?

The one thing I encounter most is a bot aiming problem. The bots all aim for center mass of their target as if it were standing, regardless of reality. This is most often apparent after Ana bot lands a sleep dart.

You can post feedback here or on the Loot Quest Discord if you want.

I’m aware of the way the AI reacts to players that are asleep, but at this point, I have no plans to improve the behavior since some of the Loot Quest scripts are very close to the maximum allowed number of elements again (1999x of 20000).

Loot Quest uses my custom AI Dumb AI which is a very simple behavior I made with the main goal of keeping the script size and server load as low as possible while still giving the AI a basic idea of how to use each hero ability. It cannot compete with more clever and sophisticated AIs that other workshop users have created :slight_smile:

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This is lots of lots of stuff! For the workshop. :astonished:

Hey, i played this mode with my friend some time ago, but when i put any code they won’t load (excpet the tutorial and the code updater), it keeps on saying that there is an error in the line 2100, and neither the special maps or the regular ones load.

i don’t know why, but when my friend input the code (4QV99) the gamemode loads for him.

thanks in advance.

First time I hear of that problem. No idea what could have caused it, sorry.

Im slightly confused about super novices, what is the difference between renewed super novices and just super novices. Also is the essence of evil what transforms super novices into transformed super novices? btw thanks for the great game!

Super Novices are the ones that come from getting lvl 60 with a common. When you defeat Essence of Evil, Super Novice items that are equipped are transformed to have a bit in every special ability. If you take a Super Novice or Evil Super Novice to the Renewal station in the secret shop (need lvl 85+), you will be set back to lvl 1, and the Super Novice item will turn back into a common, except with 3 maxed special abilities. Turning that common into a Super Novice will retain its special abilities, creating a Renewed Super Novice.

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thanks for clearing that up, are renewed super novices usually stronger than transformed super novices or do they just have better abilities?

the only difference is in special abilities. transformed has a bit in each special ability (3 i think? dont remember), while renewed has 10 in 3 abilities (rerollable). i’d say renewed is more powerful.

sorry for all the questions, but can you get a transformed renewed super novice?