[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

How did you even make the save in game? I’ve been wanting to know for a while now as I am a workshop creator too. I have to say, your work is amazing! Loot quest in my opinion, is one of the best gamemodes out there!

It’s a simple password system, like they were used on some older systems where saving values wasn’t possible/easy (for example, Super Castlevania IV on the SNES or Megaman/Rockman 2 on the NES/Game Boy had password systems). When saving, some operations are applied to the values that need to be saved, when loading, the same operations are reversed.

I see, thank you! I’ll look more into it later, as i’m a bit busy now. Have a good day ^^

Hello there! I love this game mode and I’ve recently been getting all of my friends into it even in real life. I have one particular friend who’s never played Overwatch before and got the game to try this mode out! However, she gets motion sickness from the weapon bobbing in game and struggles to play. (She plays Brig) Is there any possible way you could add in a feature to swap to third person view? I know that coding is limited but I think it could be an interesting feature to add and change things up a bit ^.^ Thanks!

Glad you like the game mode.

Some of the scripts are very close to the max number of elements (19,999 of 20,000 elements) so unfortunately I can’t really add any new features at the moment without removing existing ones.
The start camera action can also increase the server load by quite a bit so there is a risk that it might cause server crashes.

Made an account here just to say I stumbled across this last night and this is definitely the most fun I’ve had in OW in a long time, so thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this!


If I may ask, is there a Discord link available for this workshop? I saw discussion of it earlier but no joinable link, so I’m wondering if it’s public or private.

The discord no longer exists, but there is a shivtr guild fansite linked above.
(On a side note: I’ve just released the new level 105 raid Frozen Factory :))

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Hi Delwion, first of all, thank you for this mode! btw, there is a bug that baby dva has no ammo so she cannot shoot anything. Could you please fix it?

Thanks for reporting this issue. I’ll see if I can fix it within the next few days.

Edit: The bug should be fixed now :slight_smile:

Hi Delwion, there is a bug with the second raid. About at the Angel’s egg phase, there is a big yellow area covered the inner part of the map to indicate damage if enter this region. However, this sphere is smaller than the actual danger area therefore people who are not inside the sphere could also be damaged. This is really confusing, could you please fix it?

How big is the difference between the sphere and the damage area?

Sphere effects in general will appear a bit smaller than their defined radius (the difference grows with the size of the sphere up to about 1-2 units for a sphere of the max radius of 200). If this is the issue, I should be able to fix it with some testing, just don’t go near the yellow area until then.

(Another thing to keep in mind is that the Angel’s Egg boss will always deal enough damage to kill a player when a player gets hit by its stomp attack, and the impact radius is quite large).

Edit: The issue should be fixed now (though in some areas the players will now be able to step into the sphere a little bit without taking damage). The issue was of course, that the sphere effect isn’t a perfectly round globe. So the radius is correct for the vertex positions, but the edges and surfaces between them will always have a slightly lower distance from the center than the exact effect radius.

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We experienced a glitch a couple times this morning in the Frozen Factory. We defeated Unit-01 at Capture Point A but the next event did not trigger.

The first time, we took off running to the Egg area, and all wiped as the green orb was still up and the discharge triggered. I thought maybe we had killed it too quickly before it triggered or something.

But the second time was similar, we waited for the discharge, then proceeded, and the egg area had the yellow orb around it, and the Messengers and green orb were stuck on their loop despite the boss being defeated.

Thanks, I’ll have a look at it.

Edit: Added a potential fix.

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Not sure exactly what’s happening, but in the Meka Base Busan Elite map, the spawn rate for enemies seems to go down drastically once there’s 3+ people in the map. (Like, 2 max spawns) The only thing I can think of is the fact that there’s one level 61 player and two 58-59 players and maybe it’s trying to spawn the wrong level enemies and as a result it keeps improperly looping?
Edit: It’s definitely the level 61 player’s presence causing it. They have a single-50-stat item if that’s of any help, too.

Thanks for the report. There was an error in the formula that determines how many enemies can spawn on Elite maps. It only checked for players of level 60+ (except if there weren’t any level 60+ players in a combat zone, then it checked for all players in a combat zone).

This should now be fixed (the max number of enemies that can be up at the same time should be equal to the number of players in a combat zone + 1; up to 6).

Do Stones of Jordan do anything on Adventure / Elite maps? I swear we’ve had games with 31 of them sold to the merchants and no special bosses or whatever ever spawned.

On a different note, are Heirloom items exclusive to raids or something?

Stones of Jordan will only have an effect for monsters of the highest possible level that can spawn on each map (see section 5.7 in the manual).

Heirloom items can only be obtained in raids by players of level 100 or higher (40% probability). For more details, see the Endgame Item Guide (you can find a link to it on the shivtr site).

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Hi Delwion, i’ve been wondering about transformed super novice items. Me and my friends have been trying to figure out how to get them but to no avail. Can you give us an insight on how to obtain them or a clue if it’s a secret?

See section 7.6 in the manual (or section 7.4 if you meant Renewed Super Novice items).