[Workshop Mode] Loot Quest - PvE RPG w Save Codes [v7.5.1.8]

One script is at exactly 20,000 of 20,000 elements (v6.0), so that’s not an option, at the moment.

Edit: Is there an issue if the player doesn’t get credit for the heals apart from not seeing it in the statistics?

that sucks. i wonder if they’ll ever increase the element cap.

and yeah, my problem wasnt with the game actually breaking itself because of it, its just a small thing with the stat on the tab screen.

If I get a chance to, I’ll fix it in a future version :slight_smile:

Bloody hell, this is alot

Me and my friends just found your game and have been playing for 10+ hours today. Then we find out there was an update because Echo was released so we updated the game and when we play your game again. I got Echo as Rank 1 and I just found out. Every time I use Echoes Ultimate aka Copying a Bot. When I copy that bot and kill it. The game will think the bot is alive still and won’t spawn a new one so when I copied all 6 enemies. The enemies stopped spawning. So I hope you find a fix to this but for now on I won’t be using Echoes Ult until this bug is fixed. PS We love this Game Mode <3

Thanks for the info, I’ll look into this.

Don’t level your Echo too high in version 5.x. Due to a change in the save code system you won’t be able to port her to the next version (she would be a different hero after the transformation).

The Code Conversion tool can transform any old save code (v3.2-5.12) to a new one, but codes created since Echo went live can load with the wrong hero.

The new version of Loot Quest should be out with this patch, but unfortunately, I still need to change a few small things, before I can release the scripts.

The workshop, and it’s users, never fail to impress me

(Yes I know this is an old post)

thats… wierd. you’d expect the ow team to just append echo to the array of all heroes, but she was inserted somewhere instead, shifting the index for many (if not all) heroes. this way, if you load a code, your code may load a different hero, but with all the same stats.
what index is echo currently, in the all heroes array?

Echo was inserted before Baptiste and Sigma near the end.

29: Echo
30: Baptiste
31: Sigma

This was the case on PTR already, so I prepared for this and the code conversion tool will make sure you keep the same hero for any code created before Echo went live.

This looks pretty bad :confused: The create dummy action has no effect, so I assume at this point, that an ulting Echo takes up the first free slot in the opposing team. I may have to disable Echo’s ult in Loot Quest for now. Need to do some more testing to confirm my suspicion.

Edit: It appears that the create dummy action does often not work while Echo is ulting. So I’ll probably fix this for now by stopping respawn while any Echo in team 2 is using ult :slight_smile: Just will take me a few hours to implement this in all scripts. (Nevermind, Is using ult is only true for Echo when she uses an ult of a hero she copied, so I’m not sure if it’s possible at all to reliably detect whether Echo is currently copying another hero or not ><).

Edit2: Ok, I think I finally got it now: You cannot create another dummy in the slot of a dummy that an Echo player is currently copying. Now if only there were a way to reliably detect if Echo is currently copying someone :confused:

if its a problem with the workshop, im sure it will get patched eventually.

Thank you for responding so quickly. When you updated your game to 6.0+ My Echo turned into a Baptise and tbh I’m not mad. I’m actually happy she turned into a Baptise and not a Mercy or Widowmaker lol.

Recently found the new lvl 85+ secret, was wondering about the renewal, is this a way to just get super novice easier? or is it better than super novice (keeps specials?)

You can’t lose base stats or special abilities on an item in Loot Quest (except when you upgrade it to a higher rank). Any rank 5 item will turn into a Super Novice item when you are above level 60.

I know that much, im mainly asking if when i hit 60 would i retain the special stats i have? Or is it pointless to use renewal with already having super novice.

It is not pointless.

a lot of new people get confused about how to respawn. maybe you should make the death message play on loop so they can see that they have to press interact a bit easier.

It is mentioned in the description as well, but I’ll consider it, thanks.

I found out how to change values of xp and other things

something i’ve noticed is that the game pretty consistently shuts down after 4 hours of being up. maybe you could make a sort of warning that the game will end soon, like you did in previous versions. the server auto-crashing happens kinda often, since there’s no real incentive to restart, other than swapping to certain special maps, so adding this would be very helpful.