Winston on Horizon second is OP

As a Main tank, I have to say that Horizon second is easily Winston best map section. That moving perch makes him basically untouchable. He doesn’t have to use his jump to initiate and he covers all entries to the point. As a PSA, if you play tank on Horizon, play Winston, it just works.

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You realize D.Va and Hammond can get up there too right? And Hammond can even do appreciable damage from it with his guns and then pile-drive off of it without having to burn his grappling hook.

Sorry you had a frustrating game but it really is fine.


On the contrary, I abuse Winston on that map for free wins. I can see hammond being good too but the lack of a barrier makes him a bit too exposed. Also both D.Va and Hammond do single point damage while Winston does multi point.

You may want to mention you were playing Winston in the OP, as some people may think you are angry at Winston. I know that is what I thought when I first read it

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It’s more of just Hyperbole on my part, but he really is amazing on that point.

I would like to try the new turret of tobjorn in that perch

Yes hello? is this Bastion?

lol this what literally all dive tanks do in horizon, sit up there and wait for a squishy to dive.

Roadhog player here. My feelings are hurt.

I mean… it’s Winston’s map.

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i didnt know roadhog was a dive tank, would be dope tho. blizzard give him a wingsuit along with the swimsuit outfit.

He is kind of a dive tank if you think about it.

I don’t quite think you understand what the point of their thread was. They’re saying that the hero works well on this part of the map and that others should attempt this as well, not that the hero is op here and “should be nerfed or removed” or something.