so far i have been playing junkenstiens revenge and about 4-5 wins are not being counted. playing on windows 10
The Overwatch Team is aware of this issue. Please play PVP game to earn credits to the Weekly Rewards Challenges:
I’ve been having the same problem, and it’s going on the second week at this point. Will this problem get fixed before the end of the event? I love the Halloween event, but I don’t have the time to grind out 100+ games to fill the weekly skin bar.
3 victorias already not acredited
or, you know, you could fix it after the second week of this. or just lower the stupid thresholds if your counter doesn’t even work correctly
He doesn’t work for blizzard
I was just googling about this because this has been happening to me for the past week. I play on a PS5 and the only way I get the games to count is if I close the whole game after a win and restart it that’s the only way it works but it’s such an annoying hassle especially when I just want to play junkenstiens revenge and not another mode.
I have a problem cause I got 6 junkenstein win and it only gave me 8 wins instead of 12
I just play Junkenstein and I can’t believe I can easily get the lootboxes from the Arcade but can barely complete the weekly wins because of a bug that could’ve just been fixed by lowering the absurd requirements.
Just did 7 wins… only 2 counted… GG Blizzard. This seems like it should be a simple fix. If the code is that complicated then wow, just wow bad programming.
Edit: I also bet this is “planned” because they don’t want people playing the PvE mode to get credit. They want people playing PvP matches that keep them in the game longer. No fix will be rolled out before the event is over.
No, I shouldn’t be REQUIRED to play PVP to earn credits when the game says that you can play the PVE mode for the skin, and has had no problem in past events with this. More like the bug should be FIXED and players compensated for the lack of competence this shows.
Please pass along the request to just give us the rewards, not fixing the bug is unacceptable.
This is pretty sad. They haven’t even bothered to fix and it’s almost the end of week two already.
If there’s a hidden agenda here, and the devs don’t actually want us to earn credit for PVE modes… just admit it already.
Thank you! I just tested now and after getting scammed at least every other game for most of the first two weeks, I just got credit for 4 in a row restarting the game client each time.
Not ideal but looks like this is the workaround.
Edit: Was not expecting anything after being broken 2 weeks in a 3 week event, but the latest patch fixed it. Cheers to whomever hunted this one down
Been playing with Garrus and victories not acredited for Garrus, i hope you can fix asap and give all the ppl their event rewards
This solution is not feasable due to the bug that has removed Total Mayham from the lineup. It should be permanent. If TM was permanent then no one would notice any issues with the other modes. Two birds…
Having just completed 3 Junkenstein’s Revenge matches in a row, which should have rewarded me the Einherjar Zarya skin, I think I’ll just wait until they fix this and give us the reward. It’s tedious enough playing that mode over and over for an easy Victory, but I have no time at this point to try winning PVP matches.
I do not recommend doing so. Its better to make sure you can earn the reward one way or the other by playing PVP modes. There is no guarantee that they will be able to manually issue the reward even if they fix the bug.
There’s no other way without playing PVP modes?
Its 3x9 =27 games at most if you loose all of them or 14 if you win all of them so… 100+ is exagerating a bit isnt it ?