Wins as a support dont even feel good

The amount of stress you go through to keep everyone alive and protect yourself is unreal. Finding 0 satisfaction playing support.


It’s almost as if those cards, medals, and votes we used to get at the end of the job were doing a lot of heavy lifting but then got taken away from us.


The 2 supports after winning a casual quick play game:


I couldnt care less about voting cards. Supports in OW2 just dont work with how 5v5 is designed.


Truth, for 1/3 of all players the game is work. Couple that with if youre too good or too bad you cant play with friends, class design based on a game that doesnt exist anymore (6 v 6) and you have a cobbled together cash grab that people keep playing because it kicks off their dopamine itch.

Welcome to OW2


Absolutely agree. But this entire game is designed around designed around dps and tanks having fun. The 1-2-2 switch was just another straw on a broken camel.


Theyll need to do something, we’re not even 2 months post launch and supports are nowhere to be found.


Yep, I cannot count the number of games I’ve started with one teammate missing and it’s support.

It’s almost as if spending the entire game fleeing from tanks and dps while having 3 people spam “i need healing” …the same people who won’t return the favor of noticing you need help… isn’t fun.


Yeah, before uninstalling, I was a support main (Mercy/Ana), never gone through so much stress, I swear my hands were sweating while I was trying to keep everyone alive while being chased by Genji/Sombra

When victory appears, i was not like “Yaaay we won ! Let’s go for another”, I was “oh thank god it’s finally over, I think imma go chill on stardew valley now”


Yeah, was kinda what made me go “Yeah, I’ll come back in Season 2”. Lost interest in tanking, my previously main role, I mostly find DPS to be a bit boring… Even the matches I play really well I just don’t find myself having fun, it doesn’t feel… Satisfying? So lo and behold, I started maining support.

It’s not even fun either, don’t get me wrong, the core gameplay is very satisfying, it’s like playing DPS but with more things to do and pay attention to, but every single time a match end, winning or losing I am just stressed out of my mind for one reason or another.

At the end of every match I started asking myself “Why the hell am I still queueing?” only to realize the reason why I can spam matches as Support is because of the short queues not giving me enough time to just alt f4 the game and go do something better with my time unlike with tank or DPS.

Also, personal issue with the role… I don’t really like any of the characters enough to main, I can find them enjoyable, Baptiste is for sure fun especially since I can beat my co-healer’s heal AND have extremely good DPS, Ana is a super interesting healer, but I don’t know, none of the characters in the role quite charmed as Reinhardt when I first played OW for instance.


It’s basic human psychology. Whether you consciously care about those things or not, the brain is programmed to react positively to being rewarded. Even the most miniscule reward will cause the brain to release dopamine. Dopamine is what causes you to want to continue doing something and to look forward to it. Without the release of dopamine in the brain, the brain will not recognize what you are doing as being worth the time and the more effort you put into it the worse it feels in the end.


Stop playing support.


Yeah. The issue reaches much deeper than cards & other feedback systems, but I do find it funny how Blizzard talked about improving feedback systems for Supports & Tanks, then wound up removing a pretty significant number of these systems instead


I tend to load up support and just go into chill mode playing a game to just stay alive and keep people healed up. When you just healbot you have like no care in the world. Looking more to see those health bars go up and deny being killed. Its when you care about trying to win and get things killed that its troublesome.

It really does feel a lot less enjoyable even when you win. I also miss point/payload escort time. It was fun to see how long you were on a point for as zen


I must have missed their talk about improving feedback systems for supports and tanks … but removing cards and a convenient way to see how much healing you dead at the end of the game sure didn’t help me.

I straight up don’t want to play support anymore. I even have the medic title right now and stuck it out as long as I could but I’m done with it. The smallest stuff now is setting me off. Supports are more dependent on their team than any role, except 5v5 made this game more similar to a FFA than a team fight, yet supports also remain the biggest target. Its not fun when I win


There is a steam sale going on right now. We’re psure Team4 is boycotting the management at ATVI. Stealth sabbing their own game, because no1 could be this out-of-touch without purposely throwing in spite. They know every wrong move to make, and make them perfectly. Just like how i play my B5 accnt.

You can’t actually guess a multiple choice this wrong (with random guesses) - it’s like there is an intelligence behind it, actively dodging the right question and making sure every single answer is the most wrong.


…then…don’t…? I mean I have a favorite role but I think that’s natural…? :thinking:

I feel happy and release my dopamine when I win as support.

The thing is that support should be given much, much more visibility, get POTG much more easily (getting POTG as Ana or Mercy is such an event….). You should be more rewarded for what you’ve done.

A Mercy POTG even makes everyone laugh and think “did we perform so badly that Mercy got the POTG?”. You know what? It should be much more common.

As a support it’s just boring to not even be considered (wins are “tank/dps diff” and losses are “supp diff”) because you work in the background and often people don’t realize how much you are adding to the game.

How difficult were those 3 kills Dva got exploding her Meka? How hard it was for Ana to keep you alive in the meanwhile, while throwing a nade to the enemy team, sleeping a flanker, all at the same time?