Wins as a support dont even feel good

This got me laughing! :smile: I got a POTG as Mercy shooting a Junkreat trap and then kill him and my aim is so bad…

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You do get weird POTG sometimes, I got one recently as Hanzo consistently missing shots and then dealing one single headshot, I was ashamed that everyone would see that.

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Hope that you didn´t use storm arrows first and missed all shoots

idk im dps mains

but i find support is relaxing to play even being chased nonstop

staying alive and keep your team alive is more chilling compared to trying to yolo kill someone on enemy team

No, it was just me pathetically trying to snipe enemies on point and hitting walls, but finally getting one kill.
The weird thing is that my ult killed 2 enemies, but they decided to show the pathetic attempt so everyone could see I can’t aim so well. I don’t know why.

Ayy, another SDV player. Which spouse is your fave?

So like literally half or more of the lobby usually is already gone by the time the POTG even starts playing.
So having “everyone” see that is an overstatement.

There’s just nothing worth your time anyway past the game completion screen you aren’t punished for leaving either, assuming you don’t see wasting more of your time as punishment.

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I always wait to see the name of the player who got the POTG, in case it’s mine.
If it’s someone else’s I often skip that too, unless I’m interested to see what happens.
If it was a Mercy POTG, I would definitely watch it eating popcorns.

This is something the devs need to explain how it works… I had an Rein going crazy and basically do a team wipe and the the Junkrat got the POTG for a tire and two kills! :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I’m also much more stressed now as support.
I don’t remember this happening so much in OW1.
I have games where at the end I feel really nervous and need some minutes to shake it off.
This happens to me especially with Ana. I can’t have a single game with her lately where I feel like I’m chilling out, playing relaxed, focusing my attention as needed. My aim also gets worse due to the stress.
I need to watch around constantly like if I was harassed and followed by serial killers, playing Resident Evil is the new chill out game compared.

I had a Hanzo potg years ago that I literally missed the first 20 or so shots and finally headshot a widow and 2 others right after… I said in map chat “See? I gave you people ample warnings shots… But no you kept coming at me so I had to put ya down.” I ended up with my first 12 vote.

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