Will Sym be played in Season 2?

not a troll post though, I just dont think when you are playing a hardcounter to genji and still struggle that you’re a good judge on how pros play but that’s just my business I guess

reported for false flagging though, I don’t think its mature to burden blizz with fake flags at this critical time for their staff. feel free to actually have a mature conversation instead of always insta reporting me (often to no avail I might add)

i doubt that, bob is pretty scary
course he’s on an entirely different level of turret…
the teleporter has almost hit a sweetspot where it can be useful for gimmicky moves, all it needs is a little more oomph and a hilarious amount of technical fixes and it would still be useful even in the heat of combat


her turrets have been through… 3 iterations on live:
initially with 3 turrets being held, then 6, now current ones being different to deploy with only having 3 out

but i would barely count the first to second one as much of a “buff” more of just a QoL change, second to third is really where any “buff” took place

teleporter has been through… just a single change?

and i mean, hey, d.va got an entire new skill with defense matrix being worked on how many times and it’s still not where people want it to be?

i don’t think you can really base this on a “number of times something changed”, some things just take time to settle

it’s just… you know…
it shouldn’t take MONTHS for things to go through small iterations for giant glaring problems…

this is so disgustingly helpful it’s not even funny
why should it be acceptable for this kind of logic to actually be real



This would be the first time I flag one of your posts.

Also Symmetra is not a hard counter to Genji. Maybe in bronze but I wouldn’t know what that’s like.

She’s not even a soft counter to him. Anything she or her turrets do to him, they do to other dps heroes more effectively.

I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who is more delusional about Symmetra than you. It’s hard not to dismiss you as a total troll, especially since you have admitted to having an anti Sym bias before, due to finding her turrets annoying.

Delusional in general, actually. “always insta reporting me” <- You literally just made that up. Either delusional, or a low effort troll. I have no patience for either.


sym has always been a counter to genji, her design hasnt changed much

you shouldnt be struggling with genji as sym simple as that

I actually have never said anything remotely close to having a bias due to her turrets. My bias stems from how utterly terrible 2.0 was designed and was implemented for ‘inclusivity’, meaning making a hero for people who would otherwise not play the game because it’s too hard. I hate any hero with a nonexistent skill curve, and sym 2.0 was the definition of that. There are plenty of heroes that receive similar treatment from me but you obviously wont hear me complain about those in sym threads because, well, I do that in their related threads.

Anyway, nice and mature of you to dismiss any opinion you dont like as trolling. It’s a symptom of todays society so I don’t fully blame you for that attitude.

also on an unrelated side note:
sym is in the right spot. high winrate, low pickrate. some heroes shouldnt see high pickrates because theyre simply toxic for the game if they become meta. sym is one example, my own main mei is another, and the list could continue with df/junk/brig/bastion/torb and some others.

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Explain how. I explained how she isn’t so explain how you think she is.

By the way:

So I always knew you were delusional, but flat-out lying now? Step up your game, dude.


i mean…
really, dude, you’re doing it to yourself, though

the only way a symmetra is a “counter” to genji, or shouldn’t “struggle” against the genji, is if the genji player is incompetent

he should never be near her if her beam is level 3

and the only other option for her to hit him with are orbs
which are incredibly slow

he is the one capable of outplaying her at every corner

this can’t be real holy butts

you can’t flame other people for trolling by trolling jesus christ


Sooooo because I find it annoying to die to a random turret means that that’s the cause of my bias? I also find it annoying to die from random junk grenades. Or a widow who misses her shots and accidentally headshots me (yes, that happened once). That stuff happens.

I just explained where my bias stems from. Feel free to ignore it though, that’s more convenient.

Anyway I’m off to bed, cya!

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benji your posts have always been weak sauce and my eyes always glaze over them, catching maybe 5 words out of them at this point. you’re white noise.


Classic troll. Won’t explain his opinion, then goes “Teehee! I’m off to sleep! seeya eksdeee!”

Stay out of Sym threads please.

For someone who claims they don’t have time to play comp and barely keep interest in the game, it’s nothing short of pathetic to keep going into Sym threads and derailing / trolling them.

Don’t need to dig far into your activity to see what you think. You think Sym is a skill-less, braindead hero with no depth. These are things YOU said. Cool. Now go away.

Sym is a high skill hero. She has no panic buttons and no on demand mobility. She has a tracking intensive short-range primary fire, and needs to aim her secondary fire to get value from it. Her turrets are on a 10s cooldown so she needs to be careful with their placement. Her ult needs to be placed properly for good value. If that’s not high skill, I really don’t know what is.


Oh, Symmetra will see some game time.

Likely due to certain contracts to play as her from certain interests to enforce, “Sym is fine.”

It will be a a gimmick play. Likely a Blitz tactic or TP of an Ultimate. Something to really, “WOW,” the crowd.

Then the player will switch off her and use a more practical character citing, “tactical play,” which we all know means:

I fulfilled the requirement in my contract and am now actually playing the game.

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Symm doesn’t hard counter anyone in her 3.0 state.


but she doesnt counter genji lol
maybe if shes playing alongside a torb, but then torb is the one creeping you out and not sym.
genji kills sym easily and escape easily from her turrets with dash.
she isnt really an issue herself, neither is her sym tier kit


I think she will get some playing time just not nearly as much as GOATS, McCree, Genji, Widowmaker, Hanzo, etc. Most likely we will see her used for:

  • Hanamura Point B Defense with Bastion and Orisa (BOSS Comp)
  • Hanamura Point A Attack for surprise TP straight to point

Nope, plenty of DPS can do the job better than Sym. She would be a wasted team slot.

jeff unranked to gm solo sym run when


I hope so, i love her, she is my favorite character! She needs to shine, the world must see how wonderful Symmetra is!


Dafran will probs pull her our when they play the Dragons or Fuel

I’m afraid she will be mostly used during the setup time to help teammates reach higher places.

Mei had a similar role in season 1, but I expect Symmetra to be better at it.

Bro, it’s like… season 14

He’s talking about owl.
It’s season 2 for owl.

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