Will Sym be continued to be ignored to Beta 3?

Her utility should not hold her back and in the case of cooldown team E-TP it definitely does.

You can slap utility somewhere else. You can slap team TP in a healthier form somewhere else, like an ultimate.

Also Shadow Step doesnt let you return almost instantly.

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They definitely arent and implied so on the update where they approached Junkrat and Sym being underperformers. They compared her to Mei and other close range dps, which couldnt have happened if they had any real plans of making her a support in any kind.


Going over this a little after work.

I think that was a smart question.

I know I would be a little mad if it wasn’t covered.

Now I need to focus on driving and getting to Whataburger.

Judging by what was said, no.

Aren’t yall supposedly making whole new game? That’s precisely the time for a full rework with new vfx, anims and VA.


Time to speculate what they’re going to do with her.

What changes could they do to her current kit that would drastically change her playstyle?

First thing that comes to my mind is teleporter.

I’m still hopeful, that statement could technically be taken in two ways. As in they aren’t using any new animations but keeping her current kit and moving her to support with new ability mechanics or they really are doubling down on her dps. I just loved playing her back when she was support and I really do hope they bring her back there.

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Praying for shield gen


Characters still have their old shield gen voice lines in the files, even newer ones that were added after SG’s removal like bap and sigma had some recorded, so there is always hope.


That’s what I’m saying. Those voice lines were recorded because they haven’t ruled out shield gen never returning.

As for tp, I can maybe see them making her able to place down two separate portals as long as they are withing a 30 m radius and don’t need to be in a straight line LOS as it is currently.

Would make it less of an aggressive tool though but stronger as a defensive one.

Or they could even just remove orbs for a barrier on right click.

Literally anything could happen with her.


This! I just want to see her as a weaver/dancer support with all her cool build animations, plus her lore is more skewed to being a protector. I want to see her weaving cooldowns in the correct places during fights rather than just spamming out turrets and playing as a budget flanker, I want them to lean into a more dance-oriented aspect or something that feels like shes actually bending the light around her to build things. Would just be cool to see imo, again she literally builds whole cities in the lore and for some reason is limited to flimsy simple constructs. But this is all wishful thinking from my end, I just love her as a support too much and am praying she returns lol.


Lol wth is your problem? This is a sym thread to discuss sym.

Go troll elsewhere. Reported.


Not a correct summary of her lore, I’m afraid.

She’s a Corporate spy meant to sabotage rivaling companies so Vishkar can rule the market.


If you think THAT is what killed ow1, you’re beyond delusional


You’ve got a crappy personality

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Changes that aren’t a full rework and won’t require new assets to be made?..

*hint hint nudge nudge
Kidding of course! It seems from the wording, the devs will be changing her playstyle while this was just enhancing her existing kit.

smithers so underrated.

I agree with you but I think it has something to do with limited resources.

Seen this tread a lot lately among other gaming companies.

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Yes please!!! DON’T waste your time working on new vfx for your worst hero :pray:It’s totally normal! While we’re on it, make sure the team stays as incompetent as they’ve been for the past 6 years too (doing otherwise would require effort) :blue_heart:

As long as it’s not a lock-on beam or a barrier, I think that everyone will be happy about hearing this :slight_smile:

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