Will misgendering Venture be bannable in OW2?

From previous player experiences we know that any slightly critical comments regarding transgenderism, LGBT, etc in the game chat or on the forum are bannable.

If players refer to Venture as “he” or “she” instead of “they” is this a reportable offense? Even if not explicitly disallowed, will enough players report for it that the automated system will trigger?


I am having the strangest sense of deja vu.


That is indeed how the automated system works, Flounder.

As far as I’m concerned. All characters are made up of 1’s and 0’s.

That makes all OW heroes binary.


No, because pro nouns are the choice of the person, not of the people addressing them.


Well yes, but my question is whether our esteemed forum thinks that someone misgendering Venture in the match chat or voice chat will earn a report. Not whether the automated system will action on them with enough reports, we already know that.

i just had a no limits game everyone missgenderd venture i tried to correct and they got so mad calling me a cry baby and a lqbtq loser

I have been in this place before.

Interesting, so maybe you got reported then for trying to correct their misgendering. A curious outcome.

Its gonna be totally dependent on who you are playing with, if you call her a she people are most likely not gonna care or they’ll just call you out in chat. To ban people for saying a wrong pronoun is really stupid though but I think you’ll be fine. I can only think of one instance of people being banned for it and that was in borderlands 3 forums

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Be careful – reposting a previously deleted / locked thread can get you forum-banned.

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Theres your issue.

Offence is taken. Not given. People choose to be offended.

I still call cassidy “Mccree”. I don’t do it to cause offence to spark hatred. I’ve just been playing since OW1 beta and got used to calling him Mccree.

In a gameplay POV. Venture looks female to me so if I’m communicating with friends I will probably refer to Venture as “She / her”.


Why’s that? Is the idea of Venture being a biological woman somehow less offensive than the prospect of them being a biological male?

is it so important that troll posts have to be made every day about this??


This is an original Flounder creation.

Doesn’t matter – this same topic was already covered, locked, and deleted only yesterday.

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Look I don’t know, again it just depends on the people in your lobby, I got called the N word like 3 times in total mayhem and each round had different reactions to it, it goes to show people have different views on things they find reportable or not.

Only in-game heroes are allowed to misgender and be toxic, not the players.

if you wanna missgender venture do so but its kinda disrespectfull

Misgender your boss and call them a random name then.

Keep doing that consistently and see what happens.

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