Will misgendering Venture be bannable in OW2?

My boss is an actual living breathing person. Venture is not.

Venture isn’t going to turn up at my door and complain I’ve been using “she / her”.


Am I supposed to have an encyclopedic knowledge of everything that was ever posted here? How am I supposed to know what threads were deleted? What if I wasn’t on the forum yesterday?

My thread is a valid question and I think we can all get to the bottom of this topic respectfully!

That’s fine, but I’ve given you the relevant info. If the mod that locked the previous thread sees this, then don’t be surprised at a repeat outcome.

Ok, but nb people exist. By intentionally misgendering a nb hero, you’re denying their existence, not just the hero’s.

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Oh my god. Why does this keep coming up. :joy:


I certainly hope not. 90% of the playerbase doesn’t engage with game info on social media. They will have zero clue about the character’s pronouns. And probably don’t care to know. All they know is that crazy hobo with a giant drill is fun or not.


because it is kinda a concern, I mean can it get you banned? I can imagine a new player saying the wrong thing then getting banned a day later and having no reason why

Misgender your boss and call them a random name then.

We can do that all the time, because were pals. So sorry you work an awful job with a crappy boss.

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I never said they didn’t.

That is complete rubbish and you know it.

Calling a fictional character by what gender they appear to me is not the same as refering to a living breathing non-binary person as a he / him or she / her.


Answer. Anything can get you banned if you’re rude or offensive about it. Even the trans people that fight back on it may get banned. Anyone can be banned for anything at any given time. Welcome to Overwatch.

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Great point! I think we should have all heroes’ pronouns visible on the character select screen. That way nobody will get confused. So you select Venture, and their name instead says “Venture (they/them)”. They can do this for every hero, for example “Lucio (He/Him)” without much effort.

It would certainly make the game more inclusive!


Imagine you’re a NB person playing the game and someone is going out of their way to misgender someone who has the same identity as you…

The community will come up with a nickname. Like they do for pretty much anything else.
Really thinking Diglet is sticking with me
Or the easier Vent, or Ven.

This didn’t needa full topic. Again

Wonder how long it takes to get locked today…

You certainly could include that in game, but that same 90% won’t care. All they care is that drill make funny sound go brr! A lot of people just play the game.

Yeah I usually say the same thing, even the friendliest gesture can be deemed reportable by someone

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That shouldn’t be needed at all. If people state what they want just remember it. You can memorize every stat of every hero in this game. You can learn all maps and health pack locations. You can memorize strata too. But you can’t memorize the pronouns which up till now has been very binary and only one hero isn’t. It shouldn’t be that difficult to learn.

I think the devs have more important things to do. Like actually working on making the game itself a bit better balanced for all heroes.

I couldn’t care less. Peoples negative opinions on the internet mean absolutely nothing to me. Where I come from we call that “having thick skin”.

If it bothers you that much what random people online identify you as then maybe you should cut off all ties with the internet and do something else.

With that said you’re still comparing an actual person by the wrong gender and a digital non-existant character by the wrong gender.

From a gameplay perspective I couldn’t care less what any of the heroes identify as. Not just the non-binary but the males and females too.

I say again. Purely from a gameplay perspective. It’s far easier for me to refer to venture as a she / her because in my eyes Venture looks like a she / her.

Venture is not going to get offended by that because venture does … not … exist!


Diglet is a good one. Better than my first impression of Frumpy the Hobo. :smile:

Outside of the drill, Venture’s design is very much an afterthought.

First question, it depends? Like if it’s obviously an accident then I can’t see any gm holding up a ban.

If you’re going out of your way to do it then idk, maybe. Depends entirely on the situation, but I can’t really think of a situation where you’re going to bring up their pronouns in anything other than a passing manner. I don’t think getting actioned/banned over this sort of thing is a problem anyone but trolls will face.