Will Mercy ever be reverted?

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Yes. I believe so, with some very specific exceptions.

It is only a matter of time before they see how much they have failed with the rework. They have already reverted her twice already with her voiceline, and healing so technically, they have already reverted her before. I wouldn’t be surprised if they revert her Ultimate as well, and then tweak it from there.

Valk has been arguably a huge failure overall… Within a span of a year, it’s garnered even more hatred against Mercy mains (just look at this community now vs then as an example), more complaints about her kit, more people leaving the hero for other supports and writing her off as being unfun and unengaging to play, with the lowest on-fire rate she’s ever had (and still left broken and unfinished) and the largest drop in pickrates we’ve ever seen with the hero - almost a whopping 30-40%.

The way Mercy was treated was sloppy at best, and completely unfair to a large majority of Mercy mains at worst. No one asked for this rework, and unless they somehow come up with yet a completely new rework that makes her the bees knees, balanced, and fun for everyone and not just people playing against her, and risk making her OP for another 5 months, I firmly believe that she needs to be reverted plus the tweaks. :blush:

“This was a huge success.”

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


First of all, I’ll point out that current Mercy is the most reverted she could ever be, so talking about reverting her is a bit arkward, because we would be going somehow forward instead of backwards, as we did with valk, etcetera. Now said that, I’ll focus on the important thing.

Current Mercy is not working. She never worked since the revert started. She won’t eventually work like this. Why? Because the revert is based only on old mistakes that never worked. Valk never worked, so Blizz replaced it by mass rez during alpha. Stationary rez was cancer to play and contradicted Mercy’s mobility so they reworked it and removed stationary mode, because it doesn’t belong to a mobile character. 50 hp/s healing was incredibly weak and made Mercy a trol pick, outperformed in every healing matter by Ana, so they buffed it. The only new thing that valk does is making her free to play/master and allowing her to chase Widow/Pharah.

Of course, this means that they should rework her, and considering how important is rez for Mercy, it should be kept in some place, unlike valk that could be moved or entirely removed. However, things that are important:

1- The rework succeded only in one thing: No, I’m not talking about anything related to rez nor anything that was supposedly planned. I’m talking about the accidental bunny hop. Since that allowed the Mercy players to improve their skills related to mobility without having to rely so much on their teammates, that could be kept.

2- Remember Mercy: yes, this title sounds emotional, but I’ll explain it. What is Mercy supposed to be? She was supposed to be a strong single target mobile consistent main support focused on (Jeff’s words) healing and mobility. This description implies strenghts and weaknesses. She exceeled at healing, but she had to work hard because she had no healing aoes. Now take a look to her current description. We could confidently say that she is a cheap (easy to play/master thanks to valk) but weak intermittently mobile (E rez) consistent off support (too weak healing) focused on going dps and rezzing. It’s evident that Mercy is not what she should be, so that must be looked at.

3- Immobility doesn’t belong to a mobile character: I think this one explains itself so I won’t extend.

Summing up, yes, Mercy should have her rez as her ult once more, just because E rez is a huge mistake that will never work, same as valk. Of course, that rez needed some changes, but they were too easy to implement, not even a half of how hard this revert has been for everybody. However, remember that every character in the game has a basic concept, so you can’t implement things that contradict that, because then you are twisting the character, exactly like Mercy has been twisted during this huge revert.


OP posts 2 very in depth videos going into the subject

This guy: “No

What a very in depth analysis there of why you are right and he is wrong, bud. I guess it’s to be expected from the anti-Mercy brigade.


Aria the Silver-Gold Mercy main who based her experience by playing mostly Quickplay?

The same person that when got annihilated with solid arguments/devs notes/patches by another youtube her only response was

"Errr I don’t care about this … I don’t care about what he said either "

TL;DR ; No.

Mercy will get changes in the further like any other character in the game for now after the disgusting/unfun/boring Mercy dominance era she needs to get in to a wait-state.


I always find it funny that low-rank Mercy mains like to say what higher ranked Mercy players did.

Hiding was the most common way to play Mercy.


Mass Rez could be used from behind walls which was too much. Also, the team - if they were starting to lose a fight - would tend to just go ‘die together for mass rez’. She was an amazing support but she was TOO good of a support in terms of her healing and rez. And her rez animation was so fast.

I wish her current rez was sped up a bit tbh. As for her Valk, I personally don’t mind it. It’d be nice if they implemented a mechanic in it where the more people connected to the beam the stronger the output - so more healing/more damage output.

But Mercy is still great to play. Aria Rose is a youtuber I…personally don’t agree with. I find her toxic towards people who don’t agree with her and refuse to admit there’s anything good about Mercy now. Mercy is not the most useless character in the game and her pick rate isn’t that bad - it’s not as much as it was before but that’s because other supports are starting to be used more.

Animetic brings out great Mercy videos still - using her in games and user her well. I would suggest watching them instead.

Well, even the most important Mercy haters have stated the opposite.

It was only a bunch of Mercys hiding” Seagull, the pro player, currently ex OWL player.

It wasn’t a matter of her kit but a matter of her broken SR system” Taimu, another pro player.

Also, if you see the world best Mercys they use tempo rezzes more than hide and rez. Hiding is just how current rez works. I’m sorry, but trying to say that hiding was the way to go with Mercy is like saying that the water burns. It doesn’t, only in specific situations.

Finally, tweak it a bit and it wouldn’t have hide and rez problem anymore. Guaranteed. Underpowered? No problem, add her a real E ability (not her ult) and that’s it.


Very like nah not ever.

People hate Aria and love to use ad hominem arguments against her. Me, personally, think a revert would be nice but a rework with mass Resurrect would be better.

Hopefully not.
(Twenty characters)

They won’t cuz it will just bring us back where it all started and also no one but the mercy mains wants it back.

Also don’t advertise if you don’t want to get flagged for spam.

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Not after they got rid of it

Not after the next few months when people were calling for revert

Not after Jeff’s first response on the matter

Not after people played word games with what Jeff said and complained further on forums

Not after further calls for the next few months

Not after Jeff’s second response on mercy

Not after the complaints about Jeff’s response to the complaints

Not after several more months of complaining

Not after these most recent healing changes that led to most balanced healer lineup the game has seen in like forever

Not after they buff her in a month or 2

Not after more complaints about a buff not bein the change she needs

Not for the next few months after that

And not after any foreseeable span of time anyone can imagine goin forward



The fact is that Mercy players in solo queue absolutely hid and resed. Sure they didn’t do it in the pro scene, but they also didn’t use Mercy in the pro scene almost at all.

If you’re going to try and use pro scene tempo reses as an argument, you should at least admit that Mercy 1.0 was D-Tier garbage and giving her any kind of cast-time nerf would just be unplayable.

Let’s just go through every possible Mass Resurrect change and say why it wouldn’t (or didn’t) work.

#0: Do nothing. 5 man Resurrects are a viable option, encouraging Mercy players to let their teammates die in some scenarios.

#1: Remove invincibility. 5 man Resurrects become useless and are essentially removed from the game. Unusable game mechanics are bad design.

#2: Cast-Time. As above. 5 man Resurrects become useless and are essentially removed from the game. Unusable game mechanics are bad design.

#3: LoS-Check. While 5 man Resurrects would be slightly more difficult, there would still be zero downsides to using Resurrect as the last player alive, meaning Mercy players would once again be couraged to let their teammates die.

#4: A hard limit on the number of players Resurrected. The number would be arbitrary and it would be difficult to actually get the players you want Resurrected. Overall, this option would be a terrible middle-ground for all parties.

#5: Single-Target. This is what Blizzard went with. While I personally would have preferred an ultimate version of Single-Target Resurrect, Blizzard wanted to reduce the impact of Resurrect in Mercy’s kit, so they lowered its overall power, made it a basic ability and gave Mercy Valkyrie to fill that gap.

Mercy 1.0 was not balanceable. There is a reason she was reworked.


You should probably post overwatch central and unit lost. Here these are relatively new.


Unfortunately I don’t think they ever will, they are just too proud to admit that Mercy in all respects is an utter failure of a hero. Them calling her rework a “success” only shows how blind they are when they balance.

She’s their “spokesperson” which totally doesn’t sound ominous

I would just suggest that invulnerability left and she has a damage reduction. I think slowing her down to use rez as an ult is too much, and would encourage a hide and rez style play like she has now.

Brother, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of Mercy posts out there for you to look at, with thousands of replies discussing this exact same topic, all with the same answer.

It may be worded different, it might be a paragraph long, but the answer is always the same: it’s no.


:spider_web: Temp rez was the only fun strat with Mercy since day 1 and while Valk is kind of lackluster, her current kit at least is more temp-rez benefiting. I’d tolerate mass Rez back, but I’m not going to say I really miss it.