Will Hero 28 be another female?

pharah’s dad, sam? 20

At this point i hope we get hammond or an evil omnic, we need more non human villains


I need more waminz to respec

Please be a twink hero, PLEASE be a twink hero

will she be another no aim character?

No, hush. I want MORE female characters. MORE.


Those and: Liao, Mama Hong, or Jetpack Cat.

Have you seen their robot ding dong or vagene?

Oh that’s right their personality can have a chosen gender but they are genderless because robits have no genitals.

So yes they are “misc.” heroes.

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And yet gender also adds nothing to a character, but everyone’s fine with these threads.

I don’t get why everyone has this mentality that people want sexuality to be the defining part of a character. People are asking for a hero to be LGBT in the lore. We’re never going to get direct LGBT related things inside the game, because then Russia would ban it.

And, why can characters happily be straight with full conformation, and even things to do with heterosexual relationships within the game (take Brigitte being Torb’s daughter, and Torb having a wife) and that’s perfectly ok, yet we can’t have an LGBT hero because they’ll be “defined” by it.


Hero 28 is going to be papa Jeff himself, he does 2 damage but if he kills you it kicks you out of the game.

I still can’t think of bastion’s beeping as male, but sure.

I actually want less heroes. Can we retire a couple?

I just want my Jetpack Cat dont really care if its Male or Female

A lot of people seem to be expecting Junkertown Queen. (They also expect Dr Winston, Hammond, Siao, Sanjay, Dr O’Wheelchair, Emily, Pharah’s father (Sam), and any hero named in Lore to date, so I don’t put much stock in it personally.)

There’s VO from Genji and Doomfist to an unknown party:
G: Something about how I was a rebellious youth, but you are something else.
D: Ha! I like you.
…sounds like a choatic character on the horizon. Maybe the Junkers were right. What would your impression be if it were her? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I almost want hero 28 to be female just to see what happens on the forums.

Beyond that I have no real/specific hopes or suspicions for it. I’m guessing it’s not another support but that’s about as much as I’m willing to venture.


Im honestly really looking forward to the Junkertown Queen! I couldn’t even be mad, of course - no doubt she would wreck, maybe she’s getting a unique battle mech, or fire weapons? :heart_eyes:

Like I said, I’ve got a lot of appreciation for the new ladies added. I enjoy variety, and I feel bad for players who really hoped for new male / animal / omnic / whatever characters to play - but instead got a lot of the same. I guess I’m asking OW to spice things up a little for Hero 28? Lol

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Can you explain the Petra stuff and why it hints to Hammond? I personally wouldn’t mind getting Max or the Junker Queen, but the next hero has to be a tank. The tank class needs more diversity and synergy. I like Orisa but she just doesn’t gel like the others.

like asking for LGBT stuff

->this does not matter

If jeff and team want to make a male they will make male
if they want female then female
if dragonkin then dragonkin

I just want awesome heroes

In the age of gender equality, we now have 12 males, 12 females, and 3 genderless robots. We can only ever get genderless robots from now on, or it ruins the current gender equality in Overwatch. D:

Or a new defence hero, since we haven’t had one yet. :o