Will Hero 28 be another female?

I want another female hero!
Mainly the Recluse Hero that was teased in the “hero concepts” that they talked about. I remember she had this bangin’ pink side haircut, and she had legs that lifted her into the air, and they had another concept art piece with her shooting a beam out of her mouth!
I want Recluse to be a playable character so bad!!!

Really? I wonder if this would be the ape that started the gorilla uprising.

I’d have to re-read but I do know he got out and screwed up everything good that was happening. The doctors were not super happy about using a monkey (He was the only monkey and all of the others were apes) and they were not able to find him after he got out.

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I really want Hammond to be added as a hero.

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Or mama hong

If it’s another woman for both June and November, yeah I’m gonne be ticked off.

I really hope it’s max

Maximillian sounds like a good hero idea.

Orisa and Zen are not misc.

Because the virtue of being LGBTQBBQWTFLMAO does not add character to a hero. In passing, sure. But no hero needs their entire personality and identity revolving around their sexuality.

To this day, I still think that the best example (in my opinion) of how a gay character could be handled is both Ellie and Bill from The Last of Us. Bill mentions “his partner” multiple times throughout his sequence yet doesn’t let it get in the way, and Ellie mentions having a romantic relationship with her friend Riley and Joel has asked her to elaborate on it, yet there’s more to Ellie than her sexuality as shown throughout the entire game.

OR, they could keep making female characters - because stuff it, there are plenty of dudes you can play as in a ton of other games.

I don’t really get the sudden expectation from gamer dudes that gender balance must remain at 50/50. (Give or take 1 either side as new heroes come out, of course).

Everywhere else it’s sausage-festival-with-token-female-character. Even though the recent Marvel movies have started to included more women than previously, the movie posters are still predominantly male. So why not allow the balance in Overwatch to tip the other way? I see no harm in it.


Emre could bring some diversity. Hope he will be next hero and he is the guy who seen on the Ana origins picture.

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wait…is doomfist male? i thought it was a super strong muscular woman like zarya


Oh. So you’re one of those kind of people who think because many things are male-heavy that something HAS to be girl heavy to make up for it. At least that what your response seems like.

It shouldn’t matter what gender the characters are, but Blizzard obviously wanted to balance out the genders. Plus, we are in desperate need of a new male character.


I’m okay with 28 more ladies.


Desperate need? Are we really, though?

^ after all.
But still there are -not specifying you as an individual here- people who get rather disappointed when the gender balance even gets close to something equal.
Frankly, I’m tired of watching them be molly-coddled because they’re unable to cope with the sort of thing half the population has dealt with on a daily basis for decades now. :slight_smile:


And he “misplaced” his bank account

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Im hoping for Lynx.

The NB representation doesn’t get points unless the in game acknowledges it.

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12 Female.
11 Male.
1 gorilla (also male) ( i guess 12 Male in total)

and 3 robots, 1 guy robot, one girl robot and one who doesn’t talk.

pretty sure that’s as much diverse as it can be. So please, stop complaining about genders. It’s irrelevant.

But we only have one fury friend in the game. We need Brig’s cat to be a hero!

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