Will blizzard keep pushing experienced players away with overpowered easy heroes?

There is nothing wrong with intro level heroes of course. But by diamond and up, those heroes should be less and less powerful.

It took them a YEAR to get Ana balanced with mercy. how many players were lost in that time, as Junkrat and Mercy dominated season 6, 7, 8… mercy did all the way halfway through season 11! Lots of players left over the past year, specifically because there was no reason to actually get good at the game (particularly healer), you could just play mercy. There are still plat mercys that meet a high level DPS and get carried to masters and GM.

Now Brigitte, I’m not sure how OP she is, but for how easy she is, she is too strong. Will it take them 10 more months to nerf her, as they lose half the tracers in OW?

How about the high level tank players struggling with GOATS? Even team South Korea struggles to deal with goats from teams that are inferior to them. Brigitte is the key to this situation, as she is one of the best off tanks, one of the best DPS, and one of the best healers. All while being 1 of the 2 heroes so much easier than everyone else.

I’m not saying you can’t work around these things, I’m not saying these heroes should be troll picks. I’m just saying that the output should be commenserate to the input. Easy heroes should be consistent, valuable, but limited. If you have a mercy or brig one trick in diamond, that should be incredibly exploitable. Any kind of one trick should be able to be exposed once you get high enough, but especially the easiest heroes to play.

If 2019 rolls around and players can still one trick Brig to masters, experienced players are going to move on. Especially if a viable alternative comes forward.

We love overwatch, but the balance team is just catering too hard to new and bad players. If you want the game to last, you need to reward good players.


No they shouldn’t.

There is this thing called “balance”, and the mark of hero balance should not be their floor, but rather their ceiling.

If you are worried about a hero’s floor being too high…


Brig is fine and has been for awhile.

also the people who complained about old mercy forced a rework “because she was unfun to play against” but her rework made her genuinely unfun to play and play against.


Imo, every hero should be viable in any rank as long as you’re good with that hero. You shouldn’t get punished in your rank because of the hero you play because that then reinforces the idea that you can only play certain heroes which means that there is no point in adding new heroes…

~ Sincerely,
:smiley: Someone who hates to play current Mercy :smiley:


how can you ever balance mercy and Ana to be equally strong in top 500? either mercy will be too strong, or Ana will dominate her.

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That’s the thing 2.0 wont allow for that to happen.

Mechanical skill is not relevant in balancing because that then injects bias into the equation.

~ Sincerely,
:smiley: Someone who hates to play current Mercy :smiley:

skill ceiling is relevant to balancing. mercy’s skill ceiling is inherently lower than Ana. A hypothetical bot that could play them both perfectly will either be stronger on Ana, or mercy will be overpowered and there will be no point in playing Ana.

due to the gap in skill ceiling, there is no inbetween

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I don’t know much about skill ceilings tbh. I just know that they definitely do not balance with mechanical skill in mind.

~ Sincerely,
:smiley: Someone who hates to play current Mercy :smiley:

The issue is their ceiling. Fundamentally top skill brackets should be a comparison of skill. That’s the appeal.

Heroes who anyone half decent can master in 2 hours dominating top skill brackets makes it not a contest of skill.

It’s a legitimate issue. Why do you think that people can competitively play the same gameplay in CS or tf2 for decades, whilst top ranks here are full of frustrated people tired of every meta after a month? It’s because other games have better skill curves than OW.


Not seeing the overpowered issues.

I am seeing issues with people set in their ways and still not accepting of the fact that this game is all about counters; counters to counters; counters for those countering your counters. Generally decent team compositions. These are some of the things still lacking in this game.

Sorry, since her latest nerf where have people being saying that she is unfun to play against?

That is why there is a drop with players as players are tired of that aspect.
That is Mercy’s biggest strength but also her biggest weakness in the game.

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Ment og 2.0,

shes now just up and still as unfun to play as before.

she has a lower skill floor and skill ceiling so theres no real way to improve except for perhaps here movement but even then you master that within the first 10 hours.

to be fair at the start when ow was released it was meant for 6 vs 6 and was meant as a group game not a Solo Q game. Tell me if that is how the community play it as.

Heroes are not easy because of their ceilings. Easy heroes are easy because of their floors.

A hero that is easy to pick up can also be difficult to master.

CS works because it’s fundamentally a match between pure skill. It’s simple and straightforward, and has had a LOT of time to iterate on and perfect it’s recipe without really any competition.

TF2 has hats.

well, on this account I play solo queue. it’s why I got this account. I want to play with 3+ on my other account, and use LFG for the rest. a 6 stack of my real life friends is ideal but we can’t usually get 6. even if we can, it’s rare that our 6 strongest players are online at once, and some people are going to get carried.

Even with 6 of us who play together a lot, goats comp is still hard to crack. they just walk at us and hold m1 on point. I’m a tank on my other account, and I’ve been practicing cycle contesting and staying alive as my dps wears the frontline quad tank comp down. but that is so much harder than what the other team doing. that is not balanced. same goes for bastion cheese on Junkertown, it takes a lot more work to beat it than to play it. We can do it, yes, but one mistake and they have the first point for free. they can make all kinds of mistakes.

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Well her playing style has never changed while doing her rework. symmetra, bastion, lucio, dva and even roadhog you could fell the playstyle change, and during engagement changed.

Mercy’s problem is that Rezz exist in a FPS like game. That is something the majority will ever dislike.

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Her playstyle has certainly changed.

The problem isn’t rez itself.

the problem is rez on e and the problem with old invuln mass rez was that it had little counterplay, and rez before that was a kamikaze burst of impact,

we need a middle ground between that while also adding a higher skill ceiling to mercy.

we NEED our only pure healer in the game to have a high skill ceiling or else things like 2.0 happen.

she should’ve stayed a single target healer always, and she should’ve kept mass rez.

could’ve avoided a year of grief and bad game design is so.

see titanium’s thread for a more indepth explanation on a rework that could fix said issues and more.

CS hasn’t particularly ever changed its recipe, and tf2 isn’t played intensively for its hats for most people.

They’re played because they’re enjoyable contests of skill using well designed elements. Theyre basically the only two shooters that were able to maintain a player base long term, and I’m fairly sure that’s a key reason.

People in OW have basically never been happy with high end competitive. That doesn’t help longevity.