⚠ Widowmaker shooting through Brigitte shield bug


Cheaters actually DO use this. When they don’t care about getting caught. :thinking:

The most obvious cheaters and the easiest to detect are the ones that use anything to do with sending the server modified client information.

The harder ones to detect are the ones that use client information to inform the player of enemy direction and place shots and wall cheats.

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You do know they literally say that the server is the one that arbitrates whether something gets shot or not?

Meaning the server has the complete and absolute view of the match
if the server thought your shield was down and you get shot
it would show your shield as down

You just invalidated your own argument,

Based on client reporting. With a favor the shooter mentality.

No, The server takes the view of all clients and then arbitrates those views into what it considers a fair outcome based on those inputs.

That is literally what I’m saying

but what that means
Is that if the replay shows that the server thought that Brig’s shield was fully up
and she still gets shot directly through it…
That means there is a bug

It goes like this. Server get all sorts of data from all the clients at different speeds, and sends data out to those clients. How does it decide what happened when? It prioritizes.

  1. There’s a handful of abilities that take priority over everything, (which is why fighting a tracer is annoying sometimes). If the client says this happened, then the server is forced to also say it happened. Even if other data, like a headshot, conflicts.

  2. Any client registering a hit. Server is forced to conclude these happened, unless overruled by No. 1. Otherwise known as favor the shooter.

  3. Everything else, including bridge putting her shield up.

If the server’s data says the shield was up, but the widow’s client says it’s a hit, then the server registers the hit, and that’s that. And since the server’s data says the shield was up, the replay from the server would show that, even through the POV of the widow.

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I was trying to write up a post saying this, but you did it a lot better than I could.

If this guy isn’t willing to watch more than 30 seconds of a developer update that answers the exact question, going into full detail on the 3 simulations and tradeoffs involved, he’s probably not worth trying to persuade. GL

The problem is
What the server would conclude isn’t just that the shot was hit…
but that Brig’s shield was down

If it worked exactly as you put it replays would be littered with bullets bending around walls to hit their targets

from my experience that isn’t the case
as such it can be concluded that the server uses the perspective of the shooter to draw the conclusion to not just the question of whether the shot was hit
but to the question of whether the shield was up as well

They are actually. Here’s an example:

It gets even more extreme when you watch bullets from the defender’s perspective (because you get twice the lag), but you can’t see bullets as clearly so it doesn’t get noticed as much.

Hanzo is notorious for this because of his burst damage, highly visible arrows.

exactly, from the widow’s perspective, her CLIENT, your shield was not up yet, thus her CLIENT, registered the shot.

Now, if the server had different data, and YOUR CLIENT had different data, it’s overruled, because the system favors the shooter’s data.

You are still not understanding.

Here is what is happening.

  • Widow saw brigs shield as down and shot.
  • Server recieves widows client information and agree’s.
  • Brigs client shows that her shield was up.
  • Server recieves brigs client information and disagree’s.
  • Brigs client is what is used to recreate the visual replay and as such uses brigs client perspective.
  • Brigs client also captures the servers reporting that widow’s client registered a hit.

The server is NOT recording the visual then UPLOADING it to your cleint. The only thing being recorded and downloaded from the server IN REAL TIME minus server latency is client reports + servers ruling on those reports.

It is NOT downloading a visual file from the server. It using the VISUAL as defined by the CLIENT that is requesting the replay.

It is not a bug. It is the replay visual simply not matching the server reports.

You do know thats just how Hanzos arrows work even in a low latency environment?

theres a reason they’re called log sized

They’re not though. The devs have stated that he has the second smallest projectile hitbox in the game.

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What you see there is the projectile contacting the hitbox
the hitbox extends quite a bit out from the character

often times the visuals of the arrow will snap to the person it hit to avoid a floating arrow (though floating arrows still occur as the snapping only really happens with the head hitbox)

Here’s a video showing hanzo’s arrows vs widowmaker’s hitbox. It’s close, but I believe that you can see hanzo’s arrows need to be closer to get a headshot than they were in the replay linked earlier.


you measured the replay and compared it against this hitbox test from what?
im pretty sure hanzo got a few small changes during the time between the replay and this hitbox test, like… idk…

an entire rework?

I hope you’re taking down notes on how to never end up in this situation again.
There is a reason everyone here is saying, no that’s not how it works. Because we know something you don’t. We told it to you as clearly as it can be explained and you still don’t understand.

Maybe it’s time to concede your pre-misconcieved thoughts and just start learning instead :o

Here’s a recent post showing hitbox testing https:// i.imgur. com/Z3gJnqr.jpg - you can see it lines up pretty cleanly with the video posted early.

Here’s a dev quote saying that hanzo’s hitboxes are small.

Is it possible that “smallest projectile in the game” actually means “huge log sized” because everything else is even bigger? Yeah I can’t disprove that. It’s also possible that the entire game and netcode has been changed since any of these sources, however unlikely that is.

Unless we get a blue post there’s not much more I can do to try and clarify how this works.


This is getting to be a chore

I know what I’m talking about
I’ve worked with people who work on netcode

While I can’t say anything about the people who have vehemently denied what I’ve been saying, I know what I’m saying
Take it how you will,
I’m not going to argue with people who post videos with devs saying exactly what I’m saying and then say that said video proves me wrong

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills

so goodnight Overwatch Forums
you are as mentally deficient as ever

Those who fall back on insults have no argument at all.

I’ve worked with people who know how the human circulatory system works. Does that make me a cardiologist?