Widowmaker needs a buff

My issue is widow maker, my favorite hero and I have way too many hours with her but over time she has become so useless, and you keep making her worse. she has at least 4 counters and her abilities have the longest cooldowns 12 second grapple and 15 second poison. her hitbox is huge and then you give her less health. Shes the slowest moving sniper which makes her an easy target. On top of all this her ultimate is literally one of Hanzo’s ability. She started out as one of the best heroes in the game until you drove her into the ground. Please fix her and give her the attention she deserves.

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she is weak for lower tiers low/mid but in overwatch 2 even with 175 health she is still miles better than the widow from overwatch 1. i just hope they dont nerf her further

as for buffing for low to mid tiers you cant do that really since she’ll just dominate masters+ even moreso then now



If you feel like you’re weak with her jump into Aimlab for a week then come back.

Wouldn’t be mad at a Widow rework tbh.

She suffers from the same problem she, dps Doom and Sombra have always had, impossible to balance with number changes because their kits lead to them either being terrible or oppressive with no real in between. Doom was reworked into a tank and Sombra has already eaten one rework with a second on the horizon.

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That’s a funny joke lol, season 3 map pool is currently greatly in her favor along with her still dominating lobbies on both PC and Console. I don’t think she needs any buffs, honestly she changes how a whole lobby is played by simply existing.

I just think the 175 health was a goofy choice. I feel her grapple needs a faster cooldown so she has an easier chance to get away. Along with her ult being more useful or all around lasting longer.

No. So long as she has that 1 shot ability, no buffs.

With 1 less tank and shields having been nerfed towards the end of OW1’s life cycle, Widow is stronger than ever. Even with the revert nerf to 175HP.


so does hanzo but he has no movement penalty and has rapid shot arrows that do the same damage as his regular

I can see that argument tbh and even agree, 10 second grapple wouldn’t particularly break the game and her being more squishy could justify such a buff. I still think they should reduce her max headshot damage to 250 tho.

Im sorry to say but i respectfully disagree with you.

The nerf to widow was fair she needed a nerf.

Think about it this way yes you are a sniper with a one shot which insta kills every body practically who is not a tank. In that sense you should be prone to dive and be vulnerable but widow still has her one shot so she still has lots of solo carry potential.

All this nerf did is make widow more fair to play against if widow can one shot majority she should be easy to kill from divers thats simply it.

They only can buff her hp once she loses her one shot capabilities.


K, give her an 7sec grapple.

And 150hp

The purpose of her health nerf was to make her weaker to being dove on. Decreasing the cooldown on grapple makes her harder to dive.

She doesn’t need buffs with the potential she has.


The only buff Widowmaker needs is to her upper booty.

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The difference is Hanzo shoots Projectiles and isn’t Hitscan like Widow. Hitscan is instant and projectiles take time to travel. That’s not to say Hanzo’s one shot is healthy, it too should be removed IMO.

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but she no longer is that great with sojourn 1 shots at full charge and hanzo still has his 200 hp with his 1 shot crits. Along with kirko (a healer) able to do huge damage with her headshots. If not buff the grapple then buff her movement speed.

The widow rework should have went live with 5v5. It was clear she wasn’t designed to go against 1 tank.

hanzo doesn’t have to aim at their heads, he just needs to shoot head level and wait for someone to run into it and his hitbox is the smallest thing in the world.

If you have too many hours on her then you will not mind trying something new.

Yeah, a fair number of people were kinda hesitant to go into 5v5 without the questions of tank busters and snipers being answered. One was somewhat addressed, but jesus, snipers need a looking at.

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