Widowmaker needs a buff

I’m a one trick, she’s why i play overwatch

Then you are playing the wrong game.


Absolutely braindead.

Y’all really didn’t live through the days when she had an 8 second grapple, didn’t ya. She was absolutely unkillable then. She started with 12. They buff it to 8 in 2017. Then nerf it to 10. Then nerf it back to 12 because they FINALLY realized that buffing it in the first place made her too mobile for a SNIPER.

Turns out the only character who can challenge Widow is Widow. Messing with her Grapple (especially in a single tank meta) makes her absolutely busted. Tell me who can challenge Widowmaker at the top of Kings Row? Who would even make it to her without dying?

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I get it, dive is supposed to counter widow and it makes sense but damn I thought with the amount of counters she already has she was pretty balanced.

The problem is that nobody who Dives has the vertical mobility. Tracer is ground only. Reaper’s teleport is slow and loud (free kill). Genji has to have a wall climb a long distance, leaving him open to attacks. Just getting to the healers is risky for Genji. Going even further back to Widow is even riskier.

Winston and Dva can dive Widow pretty easily, but that leaves the rest of the team without a tank for an extended period of time. Without a 2-tank system, no one has the time to get there.

that is bull, there is sombra, genji, doomfist, winston, echo, hanzo, kirko, and widow

She is objectively better in ow2 than she was in ow1. So saying they are “making her worse” is just wrong


If Sombra and Doomfist can reach you in your sniper’s nest, that’s a you problem.

how is a doomfist reaching me a me problem?

His vertical is severely limited, and if he can reach you in a single jump punch, you’re too close anyway.

Unless he’s burning his ultimate to get to you. He also does nothing for his team defensively. You should at least be able to get two kills before he even reaches you.

Sojourn being busted doesn’t mean other heroes are problematic.

Sojourn needs to be gutted. That doesn’t mean Widowmaker isn’t also a problem balance-wise.

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Lowering her health from 200 to 175 is goofy. She was killable before with the amount of counters she has. You have to stay somewhat close to the payload/objective to get kills to begin with. If this was just a tdm i would understand but there is constant moving. I feel if at 200hp she wasn’t “killable” then that’s a them problem because they aren’t good enough at the hero who counters her to kill her

Whatever bud. Nobody agrees.

Maybe you were killable, but Widow wasn’t. Keep getting ganked by Kiriko, I guess.

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her design just doesn’t encourage fun, rn the way she is you either have a character that can’t do anything because tou have bad aim do she feels awful to play as, or on other end you have a character that forces a whole team of players to hunker down hide from otherwise they’ll be instantly killed from an opponent that they can barely see, from on an attsck they can’t out heal or dodge( since she’s hitscan) and becomes far harder to dive and flank than she has any right to be

nobody agrees because none of you were good enough to kill her it seems. when i would go against widows as another character I had no problems. I’ve had plenty of people who were good at my counters and able to take me out, but now it’s just a joke. I guess I’ll have my opinion just like you guys will.

yes you should be a joke to kill up close because people fighting you from afar should be a joke, should be just as easy for your counters to kill you up close as it is for you to kill a character u counter (say Reaper for Example) from afar

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No one remembers that bad widows. They remember the good widows and how oppressive they felt.

Very, very, very, very few heroes even played by top 500 make me feel they are super oppressive. A great ball player can still be cut low by hard counters. Widowmaker doesn’t’ really have hard counters. She has some soft counters, but since she can always 1shot at close or far range any pick you make has the potential to get killed.

This is when Widow starts to feel oppressive because even trying to play counters she’ll get picks that get around the idea of countering.


Important thing to note, playing close to obj is map dependent, and even then, if yoyr close to the obj you’ll be close to your team, so whenever someone flanks you can just run over to them, i had that happen a lot to me, i sneak up to them as sombra, and as soon as they hear me uncloak, they just hop off their highground and hangout with there team, i ain’t gonna chase her cuz that’s suicide and she can always just keep sniping by her teammates, and that’s ofc assuming that there isn’t someine else chilling with her on highground like and Ana or Ashe which there usually are,

Because of this Widow will rarely have a vulnerable position, You’ll either be in such a hard to reach spot that many characters will take a ling or flat out won’t be able to reach you, or it’ll take them so long to reach that the fight is alr over, or their in close there team who can bail her out the moment she gets attacked, and all of this is assuming ofc that the Widow doesn’t just headshot them once they pop a corner, or while they’re flanking which widow can usually see, and that’s not mentioning her smg, Motion sensor mine that counters sombra’s invis and also gives wall hacks, as well her ultimate which completely nullifies all flanking attempts for a period of time.

So yeah, Flanking a widow and diving her is a bit harder than you think

As a widowmaker main…I’m doing just fine with her post nerf. Git gud.

I play Widow. The risk to reward ratio was not balanced for her, and truthfully it still isn’t.