Widowmaker isn't hard. Hanzo and mei are

See I think Hanzo is harder. You need to lead shots where Widow is just point and click on someone.

Except Hanzo has a huge hitbox on his arrows, can one shot and has a spam ability.

Atleast Widow doesn’t have spam, her bullets are small and you can dodge her bullets more fluidly.


It’s big… but it ain’t THAT big. Ya’ll be stretchin it.

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While Hanzo’s arrow has some size, it is the smallest of all projectiles(Genji’s Shuriken too). But Mei’s right click is a big one and very generous.

Projectiles are way harder to hit than hitscan in an open space, but people usually are hiding and peeking behind walls and corners. In that case, your disadvantage is minimized, cause you can spam to the location. Ofc Hanzo has too low rate of fire to spamming, but he has a sonic arrow for that.

It’s pretty huge, especially considering the fact that hero hitboxes are big themselves.

Did i also forget to mention the relatively quick charge up time on his primary compared to Widow’s? Because that exists too.

He’s a spammy hero, that feels cheesy and no one enjoys playing against because of his RNG. Unlike Widow’s kit which is primarily there to protect her/let her position herself, Hanzo has a kit that punishes anyone that dares to come close to him, or even be far away from him whilst having much more freedom in terms of repositioning and movement than Widow. The only harder thing about Hanzo is learning his projectile, but everything else is much easier than it is on Widow.


So going by this logic Mercy is more skillful than Hanzo, her shoots are also projectile with significant lower damage.

  • 1 of the fewest 3-star rated characters in the game
  • her dmg output from icicles is heavily outhealed by any support
  • her icicles are one of the hardest hits to land in the game
  • her kit leaves small room for errors or even none
  • she is throwpick nowadays

I doubt you even play her to say she’s so easy when she’s quite the opposite of that


Agree a lot to everything you said about Hanzo
His arrow hitboxes are so big compared to icicles or hitscans. And his spam ability is also super annoying to deal with and his 1 shot.
If they made his arrow hitboxes a bit more close to character models and do less damage but gave him something in return like faster projectile speed, that would solve his annoying playstyle


I just don’t think that a spam ability should exist in a hero that already one-shots. There’s a reason as to why Ashe could only oneshot with a pocket, or as a matter of fact most hitscans.

Comparing Hanzo to Widow is very annoying when he is just a more forgiving variant.

Don’t get me wrong, I do agree that learning his projectile pattern is harder, but Widow is much less forgiving in literally every single other way, whereas Hanzo has everything in his kit available at nearly all times.

I forgot to mention also, Hanzo’s hitbox itself is skewed because of his bow. Half of his head hitbox is not only hidden by the awkward modelling of his hero but also the bow which makes hitting that headshot on him much harder.


If you buff snipers to contend with Widowmake, you just continue double-sniper (only with different heroes). We already had a double-sniper meta with both Widowmaker and Hanzo in it.

At this point, nerfing the snipers is really the only remaining option.

Let’s be real, Luck doesn’t exist in a competative shooter outside of the spread of a gun.

Spam works because they’re confident that people will walk a certain route, and them getting a kill is just the enemy proving their prediction skills corrently.

It’s no different than tunnel visioning down a sightline as a hitscan except you also sacrifice the opportunity cost of ammo or having to reload, which leaves you more vulnerable when you get dived as a projectile hero.

You didn’t walk down the hall that you saw junkrat bombs rolling down from because your player rolled a 4 on the wisdom check.

You walked down because of your poor decision making choices.

There's a second opinion for you.

Depends. Widow is all aim and pretty much no game sense whatsoever (I’ve met people who got to high master/GM as Widow but couldn’t play anything else above plat because they lacked basic game sense but had great aim), while Hanzo requires about as much aim as McCree but requires more game sense.

Their roles are different. Hanzo is a mid-range burst DPS hero while Widow is a sniper. Hanzo will win at close-quarters, while they’ll be fairly even at mid-range and Widow will demolish Hanzo at long ranges.
If your game sense is bad but your aim is good (or if you’re just better with projectile than hitscan), Hanzo will be harder, while the opposite is true for Widow.
This is for most ranks, at GM Widow will dominate Hanzo at most ranges if their skill levels are equal since hitscan is inherently superiour to projectile.

You don’t dodge Widow’s bullets. If she shoots where you’re standing, you get hit. Avoiding getting hit by Widow is all about giving her a hard time aiming at you, unlike Hanzo who you can both give a hard time aiming at you and dodge.
Pure spam on Hanzo will only get you to gold or plat, you have to aim with him above that to get anything done.

here’s a counter example:

Hanzo has the smallest projectile in the entire game, plus drop off and he is way easier to hit and his one escape ability (lunge) is pathetic, Hanzo is harder then widow.

i used to be a really good widow but now shes insanely difficult to get value with. i think a lot comes down to personal preferences and ur strengths as a player but i find mei and hanzo to be easier. i generally do better with projectiles but im a pretty good soldier and mccree.

smallest projectile in the game? lol, what?

IKR doesn’t seem like that

“Overwatch developer Geoff Goodman is putting an end to the meme that Hanzo’s arrows are big. In fact, he states that they are tied with Genji’s shuriken as the smallest projectile in the game”

Hanzo’s leap is a joke compared to the rest of the mobility and his wall climb is slow. How can you even compare something like that to a Widow grappling 20 meters in the air and a coachgun that simultaneously knocks back the attacker and propels Ashe in the air.

You cant dodge the shot of hanzo more then widowsy becauce th human reacziin speed is to slow fpr this on realistic ranges

Aiming is hard. Both Ashe and Widow are hard to play in terms of mechanical aim. Where they shine is the fact that they are the safest DPS’ to play in the entire game while also being particularly hard to dive by a single hero, Ashe in particular. There isn’t a world in which grapple is a better ability than coachgun.