Widowmaker isn't hard. Hanzo and mei are

Let’s be real, Luck doesn’t exist in a competative shooter outside of the spread of a gun.

Spam works because they’re confident that people will walk a certain route, and them getting a kill is just the enemy proving their prediction skills corrently.

It’s no different than tunnel visioning down a sightline as a hitscan except you also sacrifice the opportunity cost of ammo or having to reload, which leaves you more vulnerable when you get dived as a projectile hero.

You didn’t walk down the hall that you saw junkrat bombs rolling down from because your player rolled a 4 on the wisdom check.

You walked down because of your poor decision making choices.

There's a second opinion for you.

Depends. Widow is all aim and pretty much no game sense whatsoever (I’ve met people who got to high master/GM as Widow but couldn’t play anything else above plat because they lacked basic game sense but had great aim), while Hanzo requires about as much aim as McCree but requires more game sense.

Their roles are different. Hanzo is a mid-range burst DPS hero while Widow is a sniper. Hanzo will win at close-quarters, while they’ll be fairly even at mid-range and Widow will demolish Hanzo at long ranges.
If your game sense is bad but your aim is good (or if you’re just better with projectile than hitscan), Hanzo will be harder, while the opposite is true for Widow.
This is for most ranks, at GM Widow will dominate Hanzo at most ranges if their skill levels are equal since hitscan is inherently superiour to projectile.

You don’t dodge Widow’s bullets. If she shoots where you’re standing, you get hit. Avoiding getting hit by Widow is all about giving her a hard time aiming at you, unlike Hanzo who you can both give a hard time aiming at you and dodge.
Pure spam on Hanzo will only get you to gold or plat, you have to aim with him above that to get anything done.

here’s a counter example:

Hanzo has the smallest projectile in the entire game, plus drop off and he is way easier to hit and his one escape ability (lunge) is pathetic, Hanzo is harder then widow.

i used to be a really good widow but now shes insanely difficult to get value with. i think a lot comes down to personal preferences and ur strengths as a player but i find mei and hanzo to be easier. i generally do better with projectiles but im a pretty good soldier and mccree.

smallest projectile in the game? lol, what?

IKR doesn’t seem like that

“Overwatch developer Geoff Goodman is putting an end to the meme that Hanzo’s arrows are big. In fact, he states that they are tied with Genji’s shuriken as the smallest projectile in the game”

Hanzo’s leap is a joke compared to the rest of the mobility and his wall climb is slow. How can you even compare something like that to a Widow grappling 20 meters in the air and a coachgun that simultaneously knocks back the attacker and propels Ashe in the air.

You cant dodge the shot of hanzo more then widowsy becauce th human reacziin speed is to slow fpr this on realistic ranges

Aiming is hard. Both Ashe and Widow are hard to play in terms of mechanical aim. Where they shine is the fact that they are the safest DPS’ to play in the entire game while also being particularly hard to dive by a single hero, Ashe in particular. There isn’t a world in which grapple is a better ability than coachgun.

You seem to not understand what hitscan is. Hitscan don’t have bullets as nothing leaves the gun, if it did it would be a projectile. What makes projectiles difficult is that they’re heavily reliant upon prediction. They also have travel time, meaning they can be dodged, and wind-up, meaning they’re slow. Hitscan heroes hit exactly where they aim, instantly, and can fire more frequently.

If you only look at the main attack, yes. But Hanzo has storm arrow, a better ult, wall climb, and wall hacks on cooldown.

We don’t have to talk about mei

in addition to projectile size and an absolute lack of any really viable close up defense widow maker also has a head hitbox the size of a price winning pumpkin and she has to remain standing still to fire unless he hook shoots in which case for the duration she is exposed she is moving in a predictable ballistic arc.

Mean while hazos arrows have a hittbox of their own he has burst fire, a mobility mechanic that is not on a cooldown a second mobility mechanic that is on a cooldown and an ult with a hitbox bigger then a doubledecker buss.

Both are skill dependant but hanzo has more utility to aid him… i would say their recon potential is about the same…

the only reason i dont play hanzo more is that i keep getting tired in my thumbs after playing him more then 2 matches in a row.

Also Mei is a freaking sniper tank…

Mei shouldn’t be included in this. That’s comparing apples to oranges.

Projectile’s are harder to hit, in theory, but there will be a lot more rng in terms of hitting shots with a projectile, which sometimes makes them easier.

For example, You could be just a teeny tiny bit off hitting someone as widow, and you’ll miss the headshot. You could then be the same distance off with hanzo, but get the headshot and the kill due to the projectile hitbox. I’m not talking about random spam here, which is another thing entirely, but rather just missing shots by a small margin. Hanzo has more room for error in this regard.

Hanzo is harder to play at range, yes, because of leading shots. But really, hanzo is a mid range sniper. He doesn’t play at the ranges widow does. Hitting shots from far away as widow is actually very hard, as it requires a lot of micro adjustments. Hitting shots at hanzos effective range is often easier, as he doesn’t really need to lead his shots too much, since the projectile will end up reaching the target relatively fast.

So, TLDR: They’re both different types of snipers, and are honestly pretty fairly matched in terms of how hard they are to play. They both have unique attributes that make them difficult to play.

You ever play ANY other fps that has things like travel time and bullet drop? That also does it at ranges MUCH longer than Overwatch?

No, it’s not hard to hit things like that.

His projectile size is nerfed in the past, and it is the smallest one now according to the developers.

Dude mcree is a 2 star hero, junkrat is a 2 star hero, MOIRA IS A FING 2 STAR HERO (she should be a one star hero) soldier is 1 star, symmetra and torbjorn are for some reasons two star heroes two, TRACER IS TWO STARS (shes the most skillful hero in the game, she needs good mechanics gamesense and postitioning) WIDOW IS 2 Star, ZARYA IS 3 STAR.

Im sorry but this star system is flawed, theres no way that mei is harder than mcree, soldier, widow, tracer, f it even symm and torb are harder to play than mei and they have some self aiming turrets.

you could say the same thing for any non insta 200 hp burst dps

cap, even junk needs more aim to hit his nades, mei has a big hitbox on a fast moving projectile that doenst arch

im sorry she litterally has an ability that makes her immune to danger and a wall to wall herself off if she makes a positioning error, theres a lot of room for error with mei.

true i agree on that.

With Hanzo, you can just shoot randomly like an autist, and still get picks, while with Widow (or any hitscan) you have to actually aim, and shoot at the target.

Personally I don’t agree…Each one is better in different cases, projectiles are best in medium to close range when enemies don’t have a lot of time to react, because of their bigger size and slower travel time they cover more space for more time, if a character runs into hit scan direction it will never hit because hit scan is instant but with projectiles you can be more about prediction and hit more consistently.

For me at least, Hanzo is much easier to play than Widowmaker, I pull more headshot with him and get much more value because I play in his better range and better at prediction rather than tracking.

His ultimate doesn’t have to be for kills btw, you can use it for zoning or forcing enemies to split.
Lets say enemies run a brawl comp of Rein-Zarya with Ana.
You can use the ult to seperate Rein from his healers forcing him to fight by himself.

You can also use it to separate a team member from an enemy like a hook.

I hate to break it to you but icicles are actually bigger than Hanzo’s arrows. In fact it has already been confirmed that Hanzo has the smallest projectiles in the game, tied with Genji’s shurikens.

That being said, Overwatch has zero movement acceleration which means it is a literal necessity for projectiles and hero hitboxes to be enlarged. The devs tested giving all projectiles pixel-perfect hitboxes before and it broke the game, with projectiles phasing through charcter models.

The problem with having zero movement acceleration is not just instantaneous movement which makes A-D and crouch spam incredibly powerful, it also means the game cannot have the same same hit prediction like in other games.

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