A character should not be able to kill an entire team with only one mag.
Before you start making comments on what rank I probably am, I am a masters player.
I know all the counters to widow and what dives should do against them, but if you play any tank other than winston or maybe doom, then you basically have to rely on your dps to single her out. But as it stands, team fights are too important to exclusively go after one player. And if your a support, then once again, you have to rely on a dps to maybe peel off and kill her. But if your team can really only take team fights and close to mid range 1v1s, then you have to sit back and watch as your team is being butchered by a hardstuck gold widow that gets value like a masters hanzo. It makes very little sense. And the range nerf barely did anything. Widow should get what hanzo had and get a 125 full charge shot with a 2x headshot multiplier. I wouldn’t even care if there was no range falloff. Widow pisses me off.
Easiest character as in you’re letting her do whatever she wants
There is very little you can do about a half decent widow while also trying to progress towards the point with your team alive. And counter picking is the very last resort for me.
She is by far not the easiest, she is by far the simplest. You really have no other offensive abilities you need to think about using, no real important defensive moves, just click head, press shift when dove.
But shes definitely hard. If she wasnt we’d be seeing plats in Top500 like we did with Brig’s initial release.
Hanzo poops on her decently, Ashe does really well, the widow mirror match, genji.
Doom, Winston, Hammond especially is unplayable for a widow, and it really only takes a second for him to hard shutout a widow. Im convinced a plat player could kill kephrii with regularity just from how uninteresting that matchup is.
Kiriko even to a lesser extent can deal with a widow pretty easily if shes tunneling.
There are a lot of pretty easy counters to a good Widow, so many that mediocre widows dont even bother picking it for anything other than being a pinch server for short durations.
Please post clips of this happening.
Can we please stop things that are potentially, even brutally unlikely, on paper … like they are a baseline for how the hero is played in reality? Its dishonest. Nobody believes this.
False, source trust me bro
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You really shouldn’t be complaining about Widow right now, seeing as how she’s even weaker in the maps she was unplayable on in S7, and has less viable targets on sniper maps.
In fairness, it’s easy for her to do whatever she wants in a game with one less dive tank and incredibly long sightlines.
We have to be honest that the design of Overwatch at every single level does not facilitate long-range hit-scan.
Yes, those are obvious, but if the team needs to win a team fight to win the game there is very little a team focused on trying to keep a tank alive or a dps alive. If a widow is way out of the way from an enemy team then someone has to move away from the main fight just to kill one person, the missing player makes a large difference in a team fight. This benefits the team with a widow much more than what needs to be done on the other team. Regardless of what happens then the widows team benefits. Also something being simple to play is the same as something being easy to play. But I’m not going to get into the semantics.
It’s easy if your team lets her and stands in the sightlines on top of that, yes. All maps have cover to work with, either forcing Widow to move into a suboptimal place to continue to deal damage and risk getting killed, or alternatively sit there and hope the pressure of her existence is enough to give her team the advantage they need.
In either scenario, your team can play around her.
That’s frankly a really dumb argument. This is an objective based game you can’t win by sitting behind cover. That works in a deathmatch context. It doesn’t work for a payload.
Edit: My phone-voice to text apparently didn’t catch the first half.
I had Havana first point in mind when I gave my thoughts in the last post. You know, that map where Widow is good. You can easily play around her if you want to.
Meanwhile, no one really has to play around Junkrat.
Widowmaker requires an undue burden of swaps that no other hero requires.
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Oh? Is that why gold players complain about dying to his spam all the time?
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I am a masters player and I don’t think I have ever once seen a Widow kill an entire enemy team with one magazine. Yet more ridiculous exaggeration.
What’s odd is how many people argue that Widow doesn’t limit Positioning Choices, but then also argue that you need to “Respect her sightline”.
See, I used to be in Gold rank. He was never really that good there. In fact, it was usually characters like Soldier and Cassidy and Ash, the hit-scan crew that did best.
Meanwhile in masters, it’s still those very same heroes.
You have to respect everyone’s sightlines. The difference with Widow is that she pressures long sightlines well and short sightlines poorly.
What poor sight lines this is overwatch these maps are gigantic with nothing in them.
And? That doesn’t change the fact that you’re always playing around what any character can do. Someone like Junkrat is straightforward, don’t get hit by the bombs.
Widow is straightforward too, don’t stand where she can see you if you don’t have a plan.