Widowmaker is without a doubt, the easiest character

The difference is, your Positioning Choices are very different when comparing InstaKills, and Not-Instakills.

Because you can retreat from Not-Instakills.

Why do I even gotta explain that?

I think you’re missing the point that the sight lines are incredibly open and it’s impossible to not stand in a place where she can hit you while also playing the objective. It’s not like COD where we have three core-door map structures with plenty of flank routes.

She would be a lot more bearable than that for better design, but they aren’t.

Indeed, and Widow has tradeoffs to account for that. Namely, her charged headshots are the only thing she brings to the table. Don’t get shot in the head and she’s useless.

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Annoying or not, widow is one of the most mechanically demanding heroes in Overwatch.


Nah, I give that to projectiles. Tracking and ledeing with travel time.

It’s really not.

You don’t have to kill the Widowmaker to counter her, you just have to not get headshot. If she can’t oneshot you, she can’t do anything. If you can still see her team and she can’t shoot you, then it’s effectively a 5v4.

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cough Sombra cough


Widow hasn’t received hardly any additional tradeoffs since OW1, despite a less barriers, weaker barriers, and no offtank that can dedicate themselves to hunting Snipers.

Why are you dancing around the fact that you have to play the objective? You literally have to, that is the game. You don’t get to choose where to stand.

In exchange, every character that counters her is better now. Tanks especially, all of them are significantly more damgerous to her than they used to be.

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I could go into a highly detailed example of how you stand behind the cart where she can’t see you when you need to push it, but it seems superfluous

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Because you aren’t just fighting Widowmaker. Are you suggesting that everyone crouches behind the cart while the other enemy players are fighting you directly?

I’m sure that enemy orisa is just gonna let you hide behind Cart. You’re gonna have to leave into sightlines eventually.

Are you suggesting you don’t ever stand behind the cart to use it as cover?

I say the example is superfluous because using the cart as cover is something everyone does against every character

I’d argue, that Widow narrows down the 38 hero choices in this game, because most heroes don’t have a reasonable chance of killing her.

And narrowing down choices, is literally a “Balance” problem.

I’m suggesting it’s not the end-all deal. You’re suggesting that you crouchong behind the cart is cover, and I’m suggesting that that doesn’t matter when the tanks can use that as a point of aggression. Hell, all the enemy team has to do in that situation is stand roughly by the cart so you can’t push it while you’re cowering in fear behind it.

I’d argue it depends on how many enemies are in a stack on the team, what rank they are, and what map you’re on.

Even then, I don’t believe Widow is a top choice at professional play outside the maps she exvels at

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If the enemy is blocking your push, you use cover and attack them from there. If not, you push the cart.

And I’m only saying all this under the assumption your team isn’t playing a dive or flank character that’s going after her nor has a shield to block her. I’m assuming you’ve got the Junker Queen with Soldier and Junkrat.

Even dive heroes aren’t a solution, they never have been. You often time have to use a cooldown to get behind the enemy team where you’re at your most vulnerable and she’s at her safest just to engage to the fight.

It’s why the best widow counter is a better widow.

You know, frankly, I have better things to do than waste my time talking with you. You’re not worth my air.

Yeah okay man, sure thing. Sombra definitely does nothing against Widow.

People that think Widow is the best Widow counter are the ones that complain because they pick the worse Widow into the better Widow and suprise Pikachu face when it doesn’t work

Anyway, have fun losing to Widow. I’ll be out here not doing that because I know how to play the game


Pharah waves hello