Widowmaker is killing Overwatch

Yes, please…20

In ANY context; if you’re not willing to swap in this game you’re part of the problem.

On the subject of Widow, sound cues are important. A widow is never going to have 100% accuracy unless they are blatantly cheating. Her scoped shots are always going to have a beam so when she misses it’ll give her away. Stay behind shields, use terrain to your advantage.

Dive characters can force her out of position. Poke damage at her will also likely force the player to move.

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Widow is objectively the most picked DPS hero in the OWL. Was true throughout the most of the first season. And was also true during the OWWC. I do think she needs to be toned down. The value she provides through one-shot kills is far more powerful than that provided by other heroes that have to carefully grind down enemies over much longer periods of time. I think Widow gets a free pass on these forums because most people on this forum suck at the game and probably pleasure themselves over the thought of playing Widow like a pro.


I believe a pro said Widow is something like. (Surefor?)

Widow is like sitting back where most of the roster can’t get you and getting free kills.


Ruining game and one person thinking about quit is not the same. World is not around one player.

Yes. She has better mobility than McCree and Soldier and can one-shot any squishy. I think she is one of the main reasons why GOATs is so popular right now. She can’t one shot tanks. Most pros actually agree that Widow is pretty damn oppressive. Anyone who suggests “simply” hiding behind a Rein shield clearly hasn’t played plat/diamond+ comp game.


A lot of people have been calling me bad and what not but there’s yet to be someone who can explain how exactly widowmaker is good for the game


I want to start compiling every post that says “_____ is killing Overwatch”. We can look back on them years from now and chuckle.


She is not oppressive. You cannot be “oppressed” by a fictitious character in a video game.

Widow is a high-skill character who has counters like any other character. I saw a Widow duel in a major OWL game once, it was fun to watch. If the OWL crowd is going wild at the Widow duel, sounds like she’s fun for everybody. If you are against Widow and it’s a good player, pick one of her counters and either negate some of her effectiveness or take her out and win the game through that.

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This is nothing new though lol. Get a proper dive comp with your team and dive Widow and she’ll be forced to switch. We’ve also seen how oppressive Brig can be to Rein or Tracer before the nerf.

Because you can still coordinate with your team as a sniper. I think you’re confusing the word “coordination” with “staying close to your team.”

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You can always place a Venom Mine close to you in order to avoid being surprised by her.

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.


lol there are more problems than widowmaker taking 1-shot kills. I have 700 hours on her and there is a TON of aim-skill involved. Infact keeping the crosshairs on FAST paced enemies is VERY difficult.

I’d be more concerned about Doomfist’s meteor strike or the Junkrat tire of HANZO using his Spam ability to shoot tons of arrows.

You’re either a troll or just a newbie. Your profile suggests the latter. I’d love to see you try ,clicking on heads’’ with her…

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The Bronze takeover begins. Seriously who are the clowns that make these kinds of threads? “This hero that hasn’t changed hardly at all since release is suddenly broken and killing the game!” This is exactly what I have said would happen, people cry and cry about nerfing stuff and then once they get that nerf, they just move on to the next thing. Because newsflash: None of the people making these threads care at all about game balance or having fair matches or being fair to the people who play these characters, they only care about nerfing anything they don’t like to inflate their own egos rather than accept their own inadequacies.

I’m level 470 I’m not a noob or I troll widow just pisses me off

True and one should take the blame for moving out of reins shield but it does kinda suck when Rein doesnt shield.

Oh yes you’ve figured me out, I want widowmaker nerfed because I think I can do no wrong and should always win. Clearly judging by the people who have liked this which are several high tier players I am not the only one who has this sentiment

Rein was never a good counter to Widow though. The best way to counter a widow is to harrass her at melee range. Rein simply cannot hold his shield up at all times.

Thus, hiding behind a Rein’s shield is not the best tactic to survive a good widowmaker. Better have a Dva, Winston or even Hammond.

Edit : forgot to say, but no, Widowmaker is not killing Overwatch and none of the other heroes are. This topic is as useless as the #DeleteBrigitte movement and all of the recent nerfs on Brig and Doomfist.

Most Widows even forget that ability exists, which makes it even funnier to annoy them as Sombra.