Widowmaker is killing Overwatch

Widowmaker is ruining the game and every time I get killed by her it brings me closer and closer to permanently quitting. Don’t even tell me that it’s my fault or that I should play a certain character to counter her that’s just stupid. The game shouldn’t be in such a poor place that a player can’t play the heroes they want to because another one is so oppressive they can’t even enjoy the game. For one overwatch prides itself on being a team based game where coordination is key, so tell me how exactly a player staying away from their team and one shotting people from an extreme distance is good for this game. Widowmaker doesn’t even take skill to play all its takes is a single click on the head to kill most of the heroes. A lot of people may claim that I’m only complaining because I am low teir trash but even in higher ranks I’ve heard people saying how oppressive she is, and even if that weren’t the case the majority of player are in lower tiers so why is it that the game should be balanced for the minority top tier players. To put it simply widowmaker is not good for the game and what the game is supposed to be. If you disagree please tell me why I would honestly like to hear why and how people think she is good for the game


Someone moved out of their reinhardts shield


Do you know how this game works?? It’s not some fairy tale land where you can magically win without swapping heroes. Of course Widowmaker is going to work against some heroes, SO SWAP. If you don’t swap, don’t complain, because you’re getting countered and that’s what the game is about.

She’s not oppressive if you play Winston. Have you considered that one?


Ooookay! Maybe you should start playing Widow then :wink:

But in all seriousness. This got to be troll post… Widow takes lot of skill. Im personally rather mediocre Widow. If Widow did not take skill, how do we have so many bad Widows running around, and actually just few good ones?


Yeah, she’s killing Overwatch cuz someone isn’t not smart enough to hide knowing that they are playing against Widow, literally going into her sightlines and letting her kill you. Countering exists in this game, but what do I know cuz

You should try and play her then, she doesn’t take skill to play, just click4head, you’ll climb in no time.


Widow definitely doesn’t take the most skill to play but far from the least. Once you learn to flick, it’s just about positioning and you’re good.


You know, as Widowmaker the single thing that I see people doing leading to their death is being stupid.

Go behind a shield, switch to D.Va or something, or even just crouch and insta-burst her.


Everybody telling me to switch is just proving my point, I don’t want to play Winston and I shouldn’t have to. And also everyone telling me to avoid her line of sight, she has insane mobility and a lot of the time I don’t know where she is, I don’t repeatedly run in and do the same thing she always is in a different position when I go back and I die before I even have a chance to see her. I stand by my point that she has no place in this game.


Widowmaker is pretty much always on highground, so if you try to have cover and/or stay in buildings, you should be fine. Staying behind an orisa/rein shield is the easiest way to make sure she doesn’t kill you.

I agree with you that it is annoying to get 1-shot by her, but there are plenty of ways to prevent that from happening.

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Another thing is my problem isn’t that I think I should always win, it’s that with widow being ever present in every single game I play it’s not even fun. I understand I can’t win every match that isn’t the issue it’s that I can’t enjoy quick play anymore because she is so annoying


If you think Widow is killing the game, you’re playing the game wrong.


Tout le plaisir est pour moi.


Hmmmm i see. Have you ever considered…not sucking


stop peeking her 4head


Widowmaker ruins your game if:
a) you’re playing at GM or above and you main a hero that she counters.
b) she’s a smurf
c) she’s cheating

choose one


My only complaint with widow is that she gets too much value from low charge shots.

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“(insert Hero name) has killed me, like, 5 times in a row. They must be destroying OW! So we have to stop them!”


Widow get’s a free pass on these forums, I’ve never understood why- she does the same thing pharah does to a lesser degree but can be far more destructive than pharah could ever hope to be.

Say we’re talking owl level players, no other character can one shot as fast- as consistently from as safe a distance as widow and she can do this on all the maps even the smaller ones.

Ashe has helped alleviate this problem so I’ll give blizz that but even then widow goes completely unchallenged in longer ranged maps.


Play Sombra, seek her out, emote a bit behind her back and then pepper her head with bullets. Works 9/10 times and it’s fun to see the Widow raging about how ‘oppressive’ Sombra is.


There fixed that for you.