Widowmaker and Hanzo mobility nerfs

in live it feels bad that snipers have comparable mobility to those that are suppose to counter them

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I’ve been a Widow main since beta, have played her at a master level, and have hundreds of hours on her. I have some sort of vague idea of how to use her kit.

Thanks for the sage advice, but somebody with practically no time on the hero and apparently no knowledge of her bugs isn’t really qualified to comment on the validity of this discussion.

The fix didn’t really work. You’re supposed to get a refund now, but you often dont.

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No one cares, no one likes snipers. This is a team game, not target practice. Love the nerf, keep them coming


I believe he most certainly will, especially considering he’ll be an excellent counter to Wrecking Ball, stunning him before he can do any shenanigans.

The problem is that grapple is the equivalent of wall climb. But they are too different in recast.

A Hanzo can just climb up a wall and escape a winston. A widowmaker can just grapple up a ledge. But the recast difference here is 8 seconds and later will be 10 seconds. Just not reasonable.

Blizzard needs a different approach. If you want dive to kill widowmakers, do something like “you can’t grapple if you get damaged”. I’d be fine with that if that also gave me 5 seconds grapples so I could swing around like spiderman until I get hit.

I don’t understand why the Grappling Hook nerf was needed. It’s not like Widowmaker is meta right now because of her mobility. This will do nothing other than make Widow a chore to play. The reason she’s so strong right now is because of Brigitte and her 1-shot-1-kill potential. The latter will never change (I HOPE!!!).

Most dive heroes have far shorter cooldowns on their mobility ability, catching the widow really wasn’t that much of a problem imho. + the next best counter is just standing behind rein’s shield. There’s just no way you can rationalize these changes.

If they want to make McCree meta again, give him some mobility already and nerf Hanzo. Hanzo is the same as McCree but infinitely better. He has so much more burst damage, no fall-off and better mobility too.

For Soldier the fall-off buff should be already enough, or at least bring him very close to meta again.

Right? If Widow ends up being garbage, I’m blaming the community this time. Not Blizzard.

And in my eyes, it’ll actually mean that Blizzard constantly ignoring our feedback is actually justified, because the community is no more competent in balancing ideas than the actual balance team.

4 second lunge that puts you a miniscule amount of distance in a direction.

One of the absolute worst abilities in the entire game, that is integral to a hero performing their M1, which is effectively their only output whatsoever, that’s also extremely fickle and buggy, on an 8 second cd, that isn’t really a mobility ability at all and practically speaking is nothing more than a repositioning too.

If a person actually thinks these abilities give their heroes too much mobility, they are just absolutely unfathomably beyond any shred of reason. It’s literally incomperehensible that a person can actually think Hanzo/Widow have too much mobility.

Looking like it will be the best patch in a very long time. Agree with pretty much every change on there.

Yeah, as much as I love Hanzo, I would love McCree to become a bit stronger again. Last few months I’ve been feeling like he’s currently really inferior to Hanzo, and I’d love to be able to play them both equally again without feeling like one is necessarily “better” than the other.

I’m not talking about out of range cooldown resets. The hook has never gone on cooldown if it doesn’t latch on something.

I’m talking about point blank hooks not getting resets. Walls that you can’t even latch onto. Hooks that go to map props that aren’t where you intend to go. Hooks that pull you backwards. Hooks that tease you into thinking you’ll get pulled to a spot because the cable autoaims towards the prop, but then it just stops short and doesn’t actually pull you to anything.

The recast difference is 9.833 seconds (even though the cooldown says 8 seconds, you still factor in the cast and reel times). At 10 seconds, it’ll be 11.833 seconds.

This game is so bad when it comes to making snipers useful. Just take out the snipers if you guys cant even balance and make it a run and gun game where you hold down the mouse button. Sad!

Hate the community as much as you want, Widow only became meta because the super OP Hanzo was there to clean up each other’s mistakes and prevent succesful dives because even if a Winston/D.Va dove on Widow, Hanzo would burst him, and nobody dives Hanzo with his stupid mobility. Everyone hates Mei because of the loss of control she does to the player with the freeze, then we got Brig with her stuns and instakill combos, that brought Doomfist into the meta with also his CC and oneshot combos, then came the Hanzo buff which brought Widow back into play as well. This season the whole game is about getting instakilled without being able to react, and I don’t care about GM and Top500 teamcomps because I paid for the game to enjoy quick play after a hard day and right now it’s just being permastunned and/or instakilled. Oneshots with hitscan shouldn’t even exist in any FPS game in 2018, but losing 2 seconds on the mobility skill won’t murder Widow in any way so whatever.

ya i think this is bs cuz why make a sniper slower dont play widow that much but when i do i see shes very squishy an now that she wont be able to get out of a situation quickly and for hanzo i think cool down was not to quick nor to slow -_-

His new rapid fire arrows should be nerfed too. I don’t really mind his lunge all that much. It doesn’t really hinder me when I’m trying to hit him. It’s just the stupid rapid firing arrows that always get me. What’s worse is that every Hanzo main uses it now. It does way to much damage for something that fires so fast.

It’s not that it’s harder to hit it’s that it moves him out of range of the dive tanks and then his storm arrow ability can melt them. Both together are garbage, even just one is garbage. He’s a sniper, he should not be consistent.

Hanzo’s lunge travels a grand total of 6m, compare this to Genji’s swift-strike which travels 21m or Tracers blink that travels 7.5m, it really isn’t a great escape ability!

In fact the only diver I can think of that it allows Hanzo to escape from is Winston, but do you know what? Hanzo could escape Winston before he had lunge! If Hanzo jumped just before Winston landed he would be knocked out of Winstons radius.

Also Hanzo’s lunge is not instantaneous, against a good Doomfist you can’t even use it to escape his meteor strike! If Doomfist activates it directly on you and you haven’t already started the jump animation, you are dead. You will barely manage to activate lunge and because lunge is not favor the defender like other escape abilities, you will still die.

Lunge is not a true escape like other abilities, you can use it to get back to your team which is sort of an escape or back to cover, which is very unreliable because you have to jump first to activate it which makes you an easy target.

It’s like saying McCree’s roll is an escape ability, it really is not and at least roll activate as soon as you press the button unlike lunge.
(Not saying roll is good because it isn’t especially for mobility but for example if roll was on a 4 second CD and didn’t reload, I would not call that an overall buff because of how weak roll is a mobility ability)

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Hanzo is a sniper, he deserves NO mobility as he can one shot every hero or melt every tank in the span of 2 seconds.

LOL @ people who want to compare Widow and Hanzo mobility with other DPS heroes. Wake up! YOU ARE A SNIPER, you stay miles back from the frontline and are able to 1-shot every DPS/Support hero. You are not supposed to have even remotely comparable mobility