Widow useless now

I honestly cant think of any advantage widow has over an ashe now. I find it really funny that higher skill delta heroes like Widow/Genji keep getting nerfed, but their easier counterparts (Ashe/Tracer(or Doom)) are allowed to ascend to god-pick status. Do people just hate being styled on that much? Is it THAT punishing to have someone play better than you?


So you’re saying Ashe needs 175hp?


I would have thought that Tracer was the poster child for being a high skill hero. Can we get a skill tier list in here? Thanks.


Tracer and Doom are not easier than Genji. And you’re still going to pick Widow for that innate one-shot potential.


Tracer? easy? Hello?


yeah like… I’m ok with widow being “benched” for a bit.

But Blizzard has to know that is BAD, any hero that goes below the 200HP suffers greatly in this game. Tracer has at least recall and mobility.

but this nerf will kill her at all levels!
Chipsa must be very happy right now XD


Widow became a little easier to dive. That is about it. It might be enough to change her from must pick to mostly pick - hard to say.


Tracer has always been the main balance point of the game so she’s always going to be a good pick.

Ashe is pretty much fine and isn’t as overtuned.

And Widow still has the ability to one shot from halfway across the map with little counterplay, deny entire areas of maps just by existing, and can one shot every squishy or 2 shot most tanks, have good mobility, 2 forms of wall hacks, and a slim hitbox


This is honestly going to kill widows in ranks below diamond who dont get peeled AT ALL. But yay balanced higher ranks! (Not sarcasm)


Insta killing and doing that at a longer range.

Two massively big advantages she has over Ashe.


She’s supposed to be a long range hero… so hopefully this nerf will keep her at long range where she can be more easily flanked.


Tracer and Doom have much lower skill floors. Not saying they dont have similar skill ceilings, but it is much easier to play Tracer/Doom and get value than it is to get value out of Genji, unless you’re already a Genji main and your genji is just better than those other heroes bc of gamesense diff. But as someone who settled on Genji after playing a lot of heroes in 2018, I played a loooooooot of Doomfist/Tracer first and they were significantly easier to learn


She was already easy to flank, this just means that GOOD widows can be flanked now.


200hp meant she could stay near the team for healing and support while doing damage at various ranges. 175hp puts her in a predicament where she can be easily killed out of position. So it should force most Widow players to play longer range than normal


Sure but on what map does this even matter? The blue moon Junkertown first where you can actually get a teamfight long enough to even get angles from the backline? She cant break barriers, she has no sustain, aoe, cc. All she can do is land high skill high reward crit shots and die. As a Genji main, I really dont mind of the Widow slaps me on the flank bc I know that shot is a difficult shot to land, and I’ve gotten deflect headshotted enough times to know that I couldve won the 1v1. Widow isnt even busted rn imo, players just cant learn to play angles and pap Jeff is consoling his little casual children lmfao

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Widow is just a super problematic hero. She’s the one hero I hate to see on either team. I don’t know what they can do to fix it.

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If you put it like that this doesn’t really change anything. Shes just gonna get peeled.

This isnt even accurate. I’m playing Widow up my tank’s a$$ now because I know if I play anywhere else, I wont be able to live long enough to get peel. Dash Right click melee without headshots 1shots widow now, so u can bet ur lucky stars I’m gonna be getting that 10/s from the payload lol. See y’all’s faces on the cart lmfao


Tracer easy too play are you sure oh wait that is right your a widowmaker player of course you think she is easy too play

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Junkertown, Kings Row, Gibraltar, Rilato, Dorado, Havana, Busan, Temple of Anbus, Numbani.