Widow useless now

Every map where she doesn’t have a Mercy pocket.

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I’m not even touching this hero anymore.
this makes her to difficult to play and to much resources from my team.
With 200hp you can kind of escape a dive without peel and win a duel.
175hp no chance.


In my mind it’s a flight risk because you will be prone to all the damage the tanks are taking, plus any aggro. It would make it very difficult and force your team to play around you a lot, if not full on baby sit you. All so you can get team support.

Tracer easy to play fo real bro ? I’m pretty sure tracer can’t one shot and can’t get high grounds fast, tracer needs good tracking and cd managent and positioning while widow is position and aim


“Do you ever look at someone and wonder what’s going inside their head?”


Widow has more than twice the range Ashe has.

The nerf is only gonna be a big deal, if u r out of position or not getting healed.


genji is harder than tracer?? :thinking:


It’s not like they could revert some of her nerfs, like her charge speed or grapple cooldown.

Excuse me but what? Tracer is more difficult than Widow/Genji and has been for most of the games lifespan.


A slight hp nerf is not going to be enough to prevent her from kicking my support main backside, which she has been doing for far too long and will continue to because she is everywhere at once and I think many of them are able to track me on ps4 due to mouse and keyboard headshots.

Widow can kill with a single Headshot, unbuffed, Ashe can not. There you go, one advantage.


I dunno, he probably does the pepe dance at every Widow nerf, no matter how small.


agreed theres a whole plain of mobility and aiming you have to master all the matchups and ability timings and how to engage with what abilities

for doom its just picking a good target from a good spot and using your combo

for tracer its just blink to avoid damage and shoot them

much more to playing genji


Widow is just clicking heads and nothing more. She is nowhere near the hardest hero in the game. Tracer, Doom and Genji are way harder.


Last time I checked being put at 175hp still lets Widow 1 shot any squishy whereas Ashe hasn’t had a damage boost so cannot 1 shot anyone but Tracer. Therefor how is she useless now “because Ashe exists”?

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All the people that say tracer isn’t easy is doing me heckling concerning because I am pretty good with her and find to be one of the easiest heroes


Hmmmm idk maybe the ability to one shot most hero’s without help

Mmm yummy salt

Literally all of these characters except tracer aren’t at their best and ashe was nerfed like three patches in a row or something.

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Doesn’t everyone scream that the game should be balanced around high level play? If so than this change is in line with that stance as widowmaker will be bought in line at high level play.