Widow Nerfs are not needed

As a former Monkey main and Rein main, I actually wanted (for Rein still want) them nerfed.

It’s not visible in playtime since I play a lot of QP Widowmaker, but I wanted Monkey nerfed hard because it doesn’t feel properly rewarding for me to sit on an enemy through no effort of my own and win most engagements.

Knowing when to turn tail also doesn’t feel like a proper flex of game sense or mechanical skill.

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Hey man, I’m just trying to fit in on American forums and using phrases Americans use. It’s my social chameleon strategy and trying to fit in :smiley: It’s a hard job. Feel free to teach me some non-cringe responses then.

Top DPS are snipers cause it’s Burst or Bust. Nothing gets killed unless you out-burst the insane amount of healing and utility supports have.

No surprises there. It’s what I’ve been saying all along.