For Hanzo i’d rather they just make his headshots a flat 200 damage
No longer one shots 225 health heros or 200 health heroes with armour
That or give him 35-55m falloff
For Hanzo i’d rather they just make his headshots a flat 200 damage
No longer one shots 225 health heros or 200 health heroes with armour
That or give him 35-55m falloff
200 hp widow is broken. We’ve been through this before.
The character is simply fundamentally flawed in design and will either be complete doodoo or literally game changing.
I’m happy to take the former instead of the latter, because then I don’t have to worry about 4/5 members of my team getting insta one tapped.
Widow players still tend to do alright as she is now, as long as you can aim widow will never be objectively weak. The only issue right now is sombra, but that’s a sombra being designed by a 5 year old issue. Not a widow being weak issue.
Funny cause the enemy team effed up, and the widow looked truly dumb and lucky af.
I know potg clips are all over the place, but that is one is pretty sad imo.
Still funny, no doubt.
So should she not one shot so its slightly more fair for heros who cant get to her to kill her
i think 200 health is a possibility and even maybe 8 second grapple on top of that. she had 8 second grapple at one point and it may make a comeback
something new and fun would be 6 second grapple. i mean i use to love the custom games where she had no cd on grapple but of course that would be too powerful probably. it was fun being spider man tho
of course i think the falloff should stay. the buffs would be for survivability
they could always keep 175 health but have grapple with charges. like 2 charges
Well, here’s two very detailed explainations for that.
But the short of it
Sniper Rifles in videogames fundamentally break #2 and #3, so you need some sort of “widely availible mechanic”, to provide a lot more Counterplay against that Sniper players.
Other FPS games have a “widely availible mechanic” to bypass those concerns, and provide an additional layer of counterplay. For example
Overwatch does not have a “widely availible mechanic” to deal with Snipers.
That’s the problem.
it was done for fun, i was annoyed at the enemy zen, dude kept spamming at me and wouldnt let me do a shot of the dome, so went put him in his place and walked away.
Its not something i advocate , also im a tracer hanzo two trick, was just playing widow today to checkout how she is nowadays with sombra and 175 hp.
I think she is fine and im sure better widow mains than me will play her a lot more effectively.
She didnt feel particulary weak at any point for me even with sombra, as long as you manage to keep a tab on her.
I mean i went 7-8 of 15 games today but i felt a hard diff loss only one match and it was cause the other widow was better or hacking
Most other games i was doing well often the hope of the team and stuff.
As long as she can one shot, she should never have 200 HP.
Kinda, I’m writing what I wrote up top, there is a way to get around that.
Do it Apex style. (Or Overwatch PVE style)
Depleting a character’s HP to zero doesn’t kill them. It just downs them. And they have a limited amount of Red downed-HP. And they can crawl. Probably remove headshots on them for this. And every character can rez teammates, at pointblank range with 100% movement penalty by holding the Interact button.
Didn’t mean to rag on you personally, that clip was kinda wild tho
Much love
If you feel the metal ranks have a hard time with widow then you need to see what GM widow players look like. I hate the current sombra with a passion but I personally hate widow more. Nothing sucks more than a hitscan one shot, a GM hanzo at least will miss half his shots but a GM widow doesn’t miss a single one. Even at 175hp, GM widow is still a menace and I don’t blame people for going sombra. Widow is cancer, no hero should have a hitscan one shot in this game. If you want widow back at 200hp, she needs to be a projectile hero.