Widow needs 200 hp / cooldown rework

With the damage drop off patch, good widows have adjusted their positioning and now play slightly behind or even with their team to utilize her effective range. Being at 175 hp feels very outdated being as most heroes on the roster have “chip” damage that brings widow deadly low.

A single Moira skill orb for example flying past brings widow to about 90 hp if you get immediately out of it.

Sombra virus alone brings you dangerously often enough to even kill you with being sprayed at by 60 clip ammo

Few seconds of soj or 76 spraying at you gives you only one or two shots before you need to afk to get healing or grab a health pack.

I understand that players in low metal ranks feel like a good widow is impossible to play against but widows whole kit/ hp makes her often not even worth the risk of playing in diamond and above rating if you can’t consistently hit 55% scope threshold for shots.

It’s also extremely frustrating after a single death ppl instaswap sombra or genji 200 hp would make those matchups slightly more fair rather than being a 67% chance to lose without healer instantly needing to ignore everything else in the world to save the widow dive engage.

I’m sure it’s not fun for healers being told sombra is going to open on me every other 10 seconds of the fight.

The player base that comment “don’t care widow is overpowered takes no skill sits back of map” will be ignored.

A good bit of the time high skill ceiling widows are actually playing in front of their team making space so please go away with this common misconception.


In every scenario you describe, the Widow could turn and instantly delete any DPS hero threatening her with their horrifying chip damage. She’s 175 HP because she is the single most potentially-dangerous hero on the roster, bar none.

Literally no other hero in the game, if we assume they’re hitting 100% headshots, can 4k their way through an enemy team as fast as Widow. It would take Tracer - again, played perfectly, with 100% headshots - twice as long.


K, give Widow 200hp, with 30% lower cooldowns.

But turn her scope shots into Poison Damage over Time, instead of an instant kill.


Even top 500 widows have a 67% chance to land the headshot point blank on sombra. So yes there is a chance they can one shot the sombra but if sombra misses 67% of her shots and widow misses her single shot the sombra (generally) wins.

It’s the opposite. Widow is a problem in Masters and GM because of sniper maps.

Meaning that they have the upper hand even against their biggest counter? Not a good way to frame your argument.

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widow should never get 200hp again


I’d like widow reworked period. I’ll take hanzo over widow anyway

Not reworked, but a way shorter falloff and 200 HP.

If she keeps her instakill, she should probably be 150hp. “Glass Cannons” should be made of actual “Glass”.

Hanzo should also be either 175hp.
Or cut his storm arrow firepower in half, and it doesn’t oneshot at longer ranges.

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I’d be fine with that since I’m generally standing in front of my tank

Widow is fine getting 45+ scoped accuracy is generally easy and on par for diamond.

Also ignore grey he is a salty pharah main.

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Then you have horrible positioning, but whatever. As long as we agree.


It’s not the whole time, I’m fairly accurate with my mechanical aim so I know a quick headshot can win fight before it’s over, if they have no dive obviously I’ll back up

Yeah I read this and was like… wtf? What’s your K/D? Negative 100?

To each their own I suppose.

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No experience widow on your profile I see why you don’t understand how widow takes over games

I generally am 2-3 kdr

Yep never seen a widow in all my hours, no idea what a good one should look like :+1: whatever you say

Pretty much :headphones: sums it

Press enter please

Show off your profile then if you’re about judging others. Got something to hide Silver Dps main?

More of a “anything that gets in the way of increasing the playerbase size doesn’t need above average pickrate”.

If you want to extreme specialist that breaks counterplay design, and is basically a foreign guest as a Tactical Shooter character, in an Arena Shooter game.

Then they should be designed like they are only viable in “Special” circumstances.

An extreme Specialist, with the downsides of a Generalist, is bad game design.