Widow just kills the game for me

Never had a problem with sniper balance in Warzone.

(Also sniper I’m tf2 is regarded as one of the most broken casual classes smh)

All the heroes you listed require assistance and specific team comps. Widow can very effectively function with very little assistance.

There are plenty of hard counters. What i mean is to effectively beat Widow as her counters, you’re going to struggle. Even while you’re trying to counter her, she may well be getting kills on your team.

I’d appreciate if you’d reply to my entire post rather than picking small parts out of context and avoiding the main points.

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AKA there are plenty of ways to dive a widow or counter a widow.
Sombra Genji Tracer, even Doomfist sometimes.
Another widow.
Ashe McCree or soldier depending on the map.
Mercy can res picks.
Bap has immortality field.
Orisa can spam her and shield and fortify her crits.
Sigma can block her sightline and force reposition.
D.Va and ball can dive her.
Winston can dive her and block her.
Rein has a shield.
There’s plenty of ways to get a good widow.

On some maps she is dominant. But that’s how it should be. If Havana or Junkertown suits Widow’s kit well, then she should be the better pick, not equal.
Unlike Symmetra who SHOULD be good on Lijiang but is about equal to all other picks in most cases on those maps anyways.

Plan better…ask for a shield and suppress Widow from range.
Orisa can suppress Widow.

If by unbalanced you mean a person’s inexperience in dealing them then ya. But seriously know your sightlines and use natural cover…

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I dislike this argument because it assumes the Widow player is a potato.

As someone with 80+ hours on Widow, if you’re not in my sightlines I will put you in them. I will use Grapple to do so. I will move myself in order to do so. I rarely stay in the same place.

This is also not about just Widow, no FPS has balanced snipers. They’re the paragon of imbalance in any FPS. Game developers need to stop implementing them.


Thats part of the game. Fast rotations cause her sightlines to open and close faster than she can reposition. Beating widow takes good game sense.

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Widow is a problem because Overwatch is lacking any of the normal mechanics FPS games use to mitigate how annoying surprise insta kills can be. I have no idea why Blizzard set things up the way they did… but Overwatch is quite a bit worse because of it.


I’m by no means saying she’s not counterable - she is!

But they’re still unhealthy. Unhealthy doesn’t mean overpowered or broken.


Eh. I’d rather play against widow 100 games than doomfist once.

Thank Blizzard there is Widowmaker and couple of other heroes in this game with high skill floor & skill ceiling. Otherwise the game would be extremely boring for me. I love it when sky is the limit. How often do you meet a good Widowmaker? Also there are sh*t loads of shields and barriers in this game, deflects and what not, what’s your excuse?

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When did you start gaming? 2015? Sniper have been in FPS since the dawn of time.
Rail Gun was one of the most popular modes in Quake mods. The sniping resembles how Widow snipes (from 2019). Immediate and one shot kill.


Welcome to Havana, where the team with the better Widow auto-wins


Not by the mercy OTP’s or the Junkrat kids who just want to hide behind shields and spam damage.

Really?! I find it more fun to out-maneuver a Widow and pop her in the head as Hanzo/Widow/Ashe. ULTRA satisfying…

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She can reposition too you know. Also has wall hacks as an ultimate so even if you don’t know where she is, she knows where you are.

That’s why Goats and double shield happened. They effected other characters worse more then snipers funnily enough.

Have one less tank come Overwatch 2 will only exacerbate the issue unless they do some serious addressing.

Pretty much.

Other sniper rifles in games have bullet drop, harsh recoil, limited ammo, long reloads, very limited fov (I believe they used to have this but it was changed from the beta), zoomed in scope speed, being a rare weapon pickup etc.

Doesn’t help every map in this game is very sniper friendly when in other games it can be more condensed or unfavourable to have snipers.

I feel map design plays a huge part in how she feels unfair or broken to play against, at least compared to other heroes.


Wait, what’s wrong with Junkrat? As a person who tends to prefer the grenade launcher as my choice of weapon, so long as there’s tight spaces or walls to ricochet, the character should be fine.

I wouldn’t mind a second Steel Trap, and three Concussion Mines at the expense of less damage, but more knock back.

Nothing with Junk as a character. Though I wouldn’t mind his ultimate having a slightly smaller radius.

Each hero has a community behind them who tends to fall into a certain category.

In junkrats case, its more of a low skill high reward hero (nothing wrong with that). And before you respond with some over the top retort (that’ll probs ignore :sweat_smile:) I do agree that Masters/GM Junk OTP’s are EXTREMELY creative players since they have to contend with Hitscan and other (more flexible) projectile heroes.

However in the lower ranks, he’s a pretty simple hero to get extreme value out of. And in a game (like Overwatch 2) which is based more around a FPS (don’t forget overwatch is a hero shooter, not a pure fps and certainly not a moba) gameplay, people will have to work much harder to stay alive.

Simply hiding behind a wall while holding M1 (mercy) won’t be enough if the entire point of the game is to flank more.

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Sniper is kinda OP in TF2 honestly.

Quickscoping is broken and unlocks like Jarate and the Razorback eliminate his main weaknesses.

True, but if the entire point of the game is to “flank more” wouldn’t that just mean Junkrat just locks down flank routes? Two Steel Traps to cover ground, more knock back on Concussion Mines allows him to flank/fly into the air, or get more creative.

Although, let’s be honest, almost every hero is ridiculous in lower ranks (Reaper, Mei, Bastion, Torbjorn, Symmetra, etc.) and most of the characters are actually pretty bad in the average game (gold and above). If anything, most of their kits needs either buffs or adjustments (like the one I mentioned for Junkrat).

Well the other clown was saying that these kinds of things make the game less enjoyable… :woman_shrugging:t2: