Widow just kills the game for me

Just because other games are broken doesnt mean OW needs to be.

What broken means to you doesnt to others.
I dont call someone mastering a specific hero or aiming style , ā€œBrokenā€.
Hundreds of hours of practice should be rewarded, not punished.


Technically speaking, everything in this game is not fun to someone within the community.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s a single game that does not have something considered ā€œbrokenā€? Sure, stability is sought, but itā€™s ever-changing: something will break the game, and it will have to be repaired, then another thing breaks, rinse and repeat.


you mean play widow watch. already covered that.

right, totally fair that you cant even try to 1v1 a widow on a point with most dps.

this guy gets it.


The only thing that annoys me on widow is my team forgetting they have a widowā€¦that and there are literally tank comps that kill widows effectivnessā€¦but no playing shields are boring and we cant remember to not wave at her outside cover lol

In other games, its fine, as sniping generally only threatens static defenses and people running in a straight line. These picks, largely donā€™t make or break a match though in other games, but this one? A widow consistently picking one person off during each push, effectively wins the match for that team. If she can consistently keep it a 6v5, or create so much zoning pressure that no one dares to move once the flimsy shields we have left in the game are obliterated, she has effectively done her job.

It feels awful to play into, especially the way this game is when it comes to snap-shots, lack of sway, and of course, being hitscan lol so no bullet drop. Iā€™ve always held the opinion that some characters are better off being just lore characters, with no ingame version, for the health of the game. Widow and Sombra are the big offenders, but we all remember that mondatta assassination videoā€¦ people would see widow performing as she does, and even if she wasnā€™t a launch character, inevitably, some would demand that sniper character in the game anyway, not realizing how awful it would be.

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No, i mean that video looked broken and not something iā€™d want in Overwatch.
Sure, hundreds of hours should be rewarded, but not with being massively overpowered.
Note: we dont know if the shot in that video was aimed or pure luck.

Listen, I agree it sucks to get tagged by a sniper but I also respect the skill required to do so. I often also really place the blame on myself. Most of those deaths are a result of me not watching my angles or my cover and keeping an eye out.
Not to knock Widow players but if a Widow is controlling a match and wrecking your team itā€™s usually because everyone is ignoring the Widow. The first thing I do if I get tagged is call her spot out out to my team and if Iā€™m support or tank put down some covering fire or a shield to harass her shots and make her move, if Iā€™m DPS I focus on taking her out and pushing her into close quarter fights. Usually harassing her enough will cause a player to switch to another Hero.


Youā€™re right - the entire point of most of overwatchā€™s characters is they at least feel like theyā€™re edging on the point of broken. Unfortunately, certain things that are actually broken get ignored.

Im not saying OW need to behave like that video.
Im saying that the sniping in OW is handicaped compared to other shooters. And people still complain nonstop. Is it fun to die to snipers. No and i get it.
Is it fun to die to anything. No. Even dying to Mercy or baby dva is un-fun.

Most of the time when a Widow is popping off, and no one on your team can counter her. Its the people on your teams fault more than the hero itself.
I mean I can counter Widow if my team needs to handle the enemy Widow. And not just by picking Widow myself. Even harassing a Widow makes them ineffective. Do i still die to an enemy Widow. Yes. Do i kill them sometimes as well? Yes.
There are plenty of players that know how to handle a Widow, the issue is when you get teammates who dont. Again that isnt the games issue. Its 1 tricks, or people that dedicate their whole time to only leaning very few heroes with limited skillsets that are not good at countering a Widow.


Well yeah, OW should be handicapped, its a very different game to other games. If weā€™re going to compare OW to other games then we need to do it in good context - weā€™d need to narrow down the field to something similar.
Other 6v6 team based shooters with tank/healer/dps roles fighting over objectives might be a good start. Thatā€™s just not PUBG or UT3. 1 shots are the CORE of Quake 3 Instagib, but thatā€™s a MASSIVELY different game to Overwatch.

I feel youā€™ve got it the wrong way round there - widow FORCES counters or she just gets to sit back and take potshots while your team gets picked to bits. Other heroes dont need to be countered like that. Her counters arent hard counters either - focusing down a widow as Winston or Ball means you have to get past her entire team first WHILE leaving them 1 tank down. Widow forces a complete change of behavior for the entire enemy team, she forces counterpicking just by existing and a lot of people just dont find that fun to play against.


There are several heroes that force your team to switch or lose.
Good Pharahs (Especially if they have a Mercy)
Bastion (with barriers)
God Monkeys
Even a good Torb can cause people to switch.

Are there any hard counters in OW anymore. They are all soft counters. You still have to outplay your opponent. Soft counters just make it easier. But its not an ā€œI win buttonā€ like people want. People just want to be able to instantly erase the heroes they hate with a counter pick. Thats not the way things work and isnt healthy for the game.




Please donā€™t call me ridiculous when you misinterpreted my post???

The problem with snipers is that you have an infinite skill ceiling essentially, and the drawbacks are never enough to actually balance them out. There is a reason they dominate, and itā€™s not because itā€™s rewarding players for being good - itā€™s because they reward them TOO much to the point where they decide the sway of a fight and that is disproportionately more powerful than any other class of heroes.

Thatā€™s evident in this game when Widow was meta in dive. The teams with the best Widowmakers always won. Having a one-shot tied to a primary weapon isnā€™t optimal because you could be the worldā€™s best Tracer, McCree, Soldier, etc. and you just become insta-deleted by a Widow - even when the Widow isnā€™t as good as the other players simply because of a one-shot tied to primary.

Howā€™d you interpret ā€œsnipers arenā€™t healthy designs for gamesā€ as, ā€œDonā€™t reward them for being goodā€? You literally made that up.


I havenā€™t played TF2 since likeā€¦ Overwatch came out, but I always heard that Sniper is broken in (at least some modes) of comp TF2 just because his ability to instantly get picks at long range, and that the sniper mirror winner usually wins the game because of this.

TF2 sniper is more balanced than Widow obviously, but thatā€™s purely because of Widowā€™s mobility. Their ability to secure kills is about equal but Sniper doesnā€™t have to deal with all sorts of shields.

Battlefield, CS/Valorant*, Halo, and Gears of War** all had pretty fair feeling snipers imo.

*Yes the AWP/OP can oneshot bodyshot depending on target armor, but they have numerous other drawbacks that Widow and Sniper donā€™t that makes them relatively balanced.

**not a Fps but whatever

Lets break this downā€¦
Widow can only 1 shot if she HEADSHOTS certain heroes. A bodyshot wont do.
And she can only 1 shot WITH a head shot, 23 out of the 32 heroes. Not all of them.
And she can only do all of this is she charges her shot enough to do enough damage to those 23 heroes.

Easier said than done. Of coarse people that have practiced hundreds of hours make it seem like that is easy to do.
But i bet most of the complainers can not pick up Widow and do the same consistently.
If they could, they wouldnā€™t be here on the forums complaining about her, they would be countering the enemy Widow no problem.
Im not even a Widow main. I can play her well sure. But I play other heroes more than I do her.


Right, but thatā€™s the problem - two players of equal mechanical skill will result in the Widowmaker player winning.

And Iā€™m not even talking about just OW, Iā€™m talking about snipers in FPS in general. This isnā€™t OW specific.


And thatā€™s a Blizzard problem, so thereā€™s nothing we can do about that.

Nah, Sniper is broken in TF2 as well.

Possibly. I felt like they were at best, mildly okay.

But, yeah. Every gameā€™s snipers justā€¦arenā€™t balanced. Even in BR games now.


Well yeah, in a game where the vast majority of weapons are designed for close to medium range, snipers are always going to be at least somewhat broken. Getting shot at a range where you canā€™t contest them without having a sniper of your own isnā€™t fun or interactive.