Widow is starting to become a problem in low elo

and that is sad. PLease fix this hero already . Give her a proper counter outside of other widows


There is a proper counter. It’s called Winston.

There is nothing wrong with Widow.


Low ranks will learn line of sight with a good widow around.
Or hero swap to counter
Or lose & goto the forums
Ps im a silver/gold player & widow is fine


Winston can pressure Widow. He doesn’t really [hard] counter her.

And if a Widow is problematic in Low Elos, there’s a 85% chance that it’s a smurf. If it has a Mercy pocket… that chance increases to 98.6%.


Widow is fine in Silver/Gold if a Silver/Gold widow is behind the keyboard - provided they’re only on the enemy team :stuck_out_tongue:

Widow is not fine when it’s a Diamond/Platinum Widowmaker main smurfing down to Silver/Gold.

At that point, she completely and utterly dominates, because players in Silver/Gold are bad at things like positioning and using cover… and this is exacerbated by the fact that true Silver/Gold Widowmakers simply don’t hit shots nearly as consistently as those in higher ranks.

Git Gud is not an option nor a solution, in those cases. A lot of higher ranked players are bored. A lot of them are playing down rank. Capping noobs is fun.

In any case… bad positioning and use of cover at low ranks is usually balanced by the awful aim of the Widowmakers in those elos; but the balance goes out the window when a smurf Widow enters the game.

This is why everyone notices a smurf playing a mechanically demanding hero. They may not be good players, themselves, but they have played enough to know how to spot someone that is too good to legitimately be in their rank, because they’ve played against enough of those that aren’t to spot the disparity.


If she has a Mercy pocket then so be it. They are down a main healer. You should win literally every fight.

And Winston hard counters Widow.

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If you say so. Mercy has very good mobility, last time I checked…

Being unable to block any incoming damage, especially if they are running a Sombra and hack your D.Va, hurts a lot more than their mercy being temporarily off to heal a widow… or simply rez her and completely negate the Winston’s dive.

By the time you get the Widow, she may very well have killed 1-2 of your teammates. That’s the opportunity costs you have to factor in before diving her… and that’s if she doesn’t just grapple away/to her team, while your jump is still on cooldown for 2-3 more seconds.

If Winston was such a hard counter, widow never would have been so prevalent and dominant during Dive Meta. If Pro Winstons couldn’t stop her, Silver/Gold Winstons certainly aren’t, especially if she’s playing down-ranked…

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Winston is easier to play than Widow. There is a big difference between a low rank Widow and a T500 Widow.

I’ve been playing this game since Season 1 and can 100% say i’ve never had any major issue with Widow, and when we have, either Winston or Genji and Winston shut her down. Even at Masters 9/10 times Winston is enough to shut Widow down.

Winston? Dva? Hammond? Tank heavy compositions with tons of shielding that are not easy for Widow to snipe? Avoiding the Widow and focus on the rest of her team? These are all great counters to even a godlike Widow.

There are multiple ways to counter a Widow. Is she overtuned? I don’t know. Given the right circumstances or balance patch, every hero has the potential to be OP or useless.

Widow is a problem in EVERY ELO. The problem is, usually to get widow you have to go WAY out of position and that throws the fight. Or, you just need a better counter widow., Either way, i don’t know how to solve this eone. “play out of her LOS” yeah lemme just abandon the good positioning spots lmao

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The “Git Gud” club will have a “counter” for every argument. Not even worth the bother :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not use the opportunity to improve your positioning?


If you’re not avoiding the Widow’s LOS, then you don’t have good positioning lol. Avoiding LOS of Widows is part of having good positioning. There’s a lot of natural cover in the game, and it’s impossible for Widow to have perfect 100% LOS around anything.

Also, barriers are great things to stand behind. Even if there is no Widow. Your Reinhardt will thank you.


Winston takes 10 seconds to dive a widow. LoS is a big part of the game.

There is nothing wrong with Widow.

Winston hard counters Widow… in low Elo games. You can literally jump past the entire enemy team and int super hard onto the enemy Widow, and kill her because her positioning is bad and her teammates won’t bat an eyelid to you jumping over all of them.


The problematic Widows in low-elo games aren’t low-elo widows.

Low elo widows aren’t worth diving. They can’t hit the broad side of a bus, so it’s basically a 6v5. They will generally shoot at tanks and try for body shots, but they can’t get consistent headshots. They don’t have the aim - those that do, move out of those ranks very quickly (so, you’ll encounter them, but not often as the game will throw SR at them, to move them up).

You just have to pray the low rank widows don’t end up on your team/comp.

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Fully agree with the post above, and in those circumstances, you can’t worry too much about what you can’t control. One should always focus on themselves and their own self improvement (because in the end that is all we can control) and focus less on the actions of others or other heroes.

At the end of the day, you will win games and you will lose games. If you are truly getting better, you will earn more SR on your wins then lose on your losses, and you will slowly but surely climb.

In the end, complaining about the Widow on the other team who can land a headshot from across the map is not going to help you get better at Overwatch.

The problem I have is less “they can hit headshots” but more “they shouldn’t even be in this match…”

You can’t get better playing against players that completely steamroll you. Getting better means making marginal improvements so that you can leapfrog those who are only marginally better than you. If the gap is too wide, it becomes a situation where the people losing that match really don’t have anything to learn from it. The skill gap is too wide for the match to be a viable learning experience.

This is why the SR system zooms you out of an Elo if you are steamrolling people.

There are outliers, particularly those new to the game (or new accounts); but not nearly enough of those to cause disruption.

The people who derank purposely (or otherwise purposely play at a low rank) are a different type of problem. Those are the people causing problems at the low ranks. There are many of them, even if many on these forums think it’s a myth.

A Silver Player cannot - and should not - be expected to learn Plat-level positioning and game sense overnight simply because a bunch of Plat/Diamond widows decided they were bored and wanted to wreck noobs at the low rank. They cannot - and should not - be expected to gain any valuable experience from playing in those types of matches.

No one cares about Bronze/Silver Widowmaker “mains.” 99% of them are trash, and throwing anyways. You usually win those matches if your team is somewhat competent and communicating, cause they can’t bring enough value to justify that pick. They’re practically ignorable.

I’ve played enough matches at those ranks to say this with extreme confidence. “Just ignore the Widow” is not an uncommon thing heard in those matches, and it almost always works (unless Widow is a smurf).

Feel the same way about a couple other Heroes, as well, but Widow is definitely the torch bearer of that bunch (because she demands so much raw mechanical skill, and doesn’t have a 1-shot Ultimate).

My experience with winston against widow: jumps

  • Receives headshot* goes to her
  • Receives second headshot* dead

I find this hard to believe that this has happened every time you play Winston V Widow.

I’ve never lost a 1v1 in OW as Winston V Widow.