Widow is starting to become a problem in low elo

i mean when you expend your jump to get to her widow is just going to grapple away and then it results in you having no idea how to go about to kill a widow if you have no one else with you to atleast try to kill her i think

what other tech can be applied while 1v1ing a widow with grapple?

A plat/diamond on any hero in silver/gold dominates.
Genji is one of the worst offenders. Should we nerf him too?
Cant do anything about smurfs.
Just the way it is.
Life isnt fair.
Neither is overwatch


I dont generally die to her its my teammates. It’s still a problem when one hero can carry this hard. Just cause you are a god tier widow shouldnt give you a license to michael jordan every damn game.

People are bored of the game. There needs a way bigger fix then nerf widow lol.

Smurfs are wipping theor butts with low elos.

Game is not competitive so smurfs are ruining lower ranks

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Flankers like Genji, Sombra and Tracer exist. Also you have walls to use as cover and stay away from her LOS.

It’s than*. Sorry

Low Elo widows aren’t good. U are just bad

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you do know that you can turn 180 in air to avoid widow hitting headshot on you right?

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Its actually not.

You can counter widow easily even in lower ranks by getting better yourself & picking her counters like hammond, monkey, dva, sombra, genji, widow, etc Or like use shields/walls to avoid her.

Stop complaining about hero whos balanced & improve your own gameplay/mistakes instead.

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“There is a proper counter. It’s called Winston”

Yep, so “proper” of a counter that even he has to turn his butt to her or risk getting 2 shot out of existant before he can reach her.


He really doesn’t though,

Wish you’d stop saying this like it’s still a thing.

If the Widow sees the dive and marks damage premptivly she’ll win the fight easy.

Also if Widow has a Mercy pocket which she does most of the time compared to every other DPS in our roster, Winstons damage is outhealed and he’ll probably be forced to jump away or die tbh.

Mb start play outside of “COUNTERWATCH” and go for some “PerformaceWatch” ? You counter yourself.

As a Mid-Master Widow Main, no, Winston does not hardcounter Widow. A composition that favours and supports Winston like Dive and GOATS does, but just switching to Winston in a deathball comp likely won’t do you any good. The only real hardcounters are teamcomps/teamplay and a better Widow.

Of course, occasionally a single Genji can play so well, he destroys the Widow on his own, but that’s extremely rare.


did I just read : there’s nothing wrong with widow? So why every single game has one widow (or coupled with another sniper). If this isn’t an issue, what’s going on? I can’t remember a game without a sniper in it, nothing wrong about it? Not sure about that :wink:

Becuase snipers are satisfying and glory seeking. Doesnt mean theyre op though, mercy is played a lot, doesnt mean shes a problem because she definitely isnt and neither are snipers

I don’t think snipers are the root of the problem but I definitely think there is a problem. The thing is burst damage is extremely powerful right now. And there isn’t anything in this game that mitigates burst damage without applying the same effect to sustain damage hero’s. There is no point to want sustain damage over burst and that is an issue. There should be an ability or character that has a way of mitigateing high burst damage while being weak to low sustain damage heros

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As a person in low bronze, I dont see a problem with her

She can still get off 2 body shots on you before you land. If you get Discorded, then they mind as well be head shots on a tank.

This happens all the time to high elo players, nevermind those in Bronze/Silver/Gold.

Also as a person who completely misses the point.

“Low Bronze” Widows are basically empty slots on your (or the enemy’s) team. They can’t hit the broad side of a bus. The Widows people complain about at the low ranks are not “Low Bronze” Widows.

Most higher rank players don’t complain too much about her, because they just expect that those players are good. Anyone playing Widow in Masters/GM is going to be able to hit shots consistently, but teams adapt to that to counter the Widow with Shields/Positioning/Coordinated Dives/etc.; or they have someone on their team who can play Widow well and counter the enemy Widow’s picks with their own.

Much of thise cannot be expected in low ranks, and someone playign downranked is going to completely destroy those people with their mechanics. They will be hitting shots 10x as consistently as the average “Low Bronze Widow.”

Legitimate low bronze widows have almost no impact on the game. Playing against them and someone smurfing is like playing a completely different game. For one, you basically ignore them and get free 6v5 team fights. For the other, your team is completely zoned out, and they carry at the lower ranks because people simply don’t have the game sense to consistently account for the widowmaker being out there

So you end up with people peeking, trying to 1v1 the widow who can get headshots in almost-melee-range combat, people who run back alone and get killed repeatedly because the widowmaker is stalking them, etc.


Welp. All I have to say if you have a problem with widow, do what everyone else tells us low elo fellows and get gud.

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The point of my response is that “Git Gud” doesn’t work. If’s a meme. It’s what the wannabecoolkids say on forums to feel superior because they outrank you.

You can’t get good fast enough to compete with the players I’m referring to.

If a Diamond Widow decides to smurf in your low bronze game. Good luck.

If your gameplay is as good as your reading comprehension, no wonder you’re in Low Bronze

A God tier Widow in low elo?