Almost half my games start with a widowmaker, and more than half end with one. It’s exhausting, and i don’t care what happens to the hero or her “identity” she’s ruining the game and needs to be fixed. I’m so tired of playing correctly, almost winning a fight to have 3 of my teammates or myself die in a millisecond. I can’t outheal a one shot, I can’t out damage a one shot, and I can’t stay in cover forever. Widowmaker is so oppressive and while I used to mostly see her in comp, I can’t even enjoy unranked. Fix her or after six years, i’m just giving up.
As a ball main a Widowmaker is like a Toru magnet and I make sure I make her life as miserable as you experience from her.
Honorable mention to my camping Sombra translocator and solo minefielding a Mei in Cryo.
Same. as lucio and genji are my go to heros i will be harrassing widow till the swap usaly to genji at first then then mei i find
In a weird way, I like this situation.
Because it makes things so intolerable that the devs have to do something about it.
But for real, Snipers with flawed matchmaking, has gotta make that matchmaking so much more flawed.
Gameplay Sabotage for every Widow I see
Hey, that’s not fair at all.
Widow ruins far more than QP.
Yeah same here. I’m SO sick of loser Widow thrower trolls Widow throwing every QP game at the lower ranks. It’s almost impossible to find a 5vs5 game now.
Aim better and counter her with that, it’s a skill issue. The better player with better aim wins, it’s as simple as that.
As a maim Mercy i don’t have problems with wm. She is my favorite dish during Valk
and your name is torb only…
and your name is Vanîty…
i played my daily 3 games today and not a widow in sight. ill play later tonight but this has to be highly exxagerated. the whole last week doing my dailies i see widow like 10 percent of the time
maybe its a region, mode (quickplay, arcade, or comp) and rank thing
of course unless i play widow which sometimes i do but i play sombra more
Profile is public lol, your rant is not only incorrect, but unwarranted. You’re mental, bro.
everyones ranks should be attached to forum posts
This one, where you didn’t use the word trash at all to explain how little you know about anything at all.
Yup I know nothing you are god’s gift to overwatch, the lengendary torb menace, putting me in my place
You’re not wrong.
But that’s abysmal in terms of trying to maintain and grow the playerbase, if the only enjoyable counterplay to Snipers, is to Snipe Snipers with more Snipers.
Not just QP. In competitive half the games it comes down to “Do you have a widow?” and “are they better than theirs”?
If no team has a widow, the game is actually fun.
I actually don’t think that’s always the case, even on sniper maps. Strategy>Skill. If the enemy team is running Sig Hanzo Widow zen bap. And im the only sniper on my team as widow. I have to play pretty smart and conservatively and make every shot count. Your aim at that point can be better than everyone else on the other team but that doesn’t matter when everyone focuses you. Not being able to maintain picks or momentum makes your value go down. And being really conservative with tons of focus is really not great
It just amazes me that they aren’t willing to at least reduce her one shot range. They can make it like 30m which is basically a Winston leap. 30m is still really far…but not uncontestable. She can still live out the one shot sniper fantasy at this range without being impossible to play against on certain maps without a widow.