Widow is destroying Master, GM, TOP500 and OWL


Supports are okay to carry but DPS aren’t?

How does that even work? Following it to the logical conclusion is nothing dies and the team that does the best at having nothing dies wins.

Nah man.

That’s just another version of removing skill from this game.

There are no carry heroes tbh, when all people are on the same skill level. But if someone is a GM smurf in a plat game, they’d better stomp everyone. Otherwise there’s no point playing this game.

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I support this 110%. Everyone should have a personal shield. Positioning, like aim, should not be a skill that’s rewarded, but a liability that is punished.

We’re all GMs now.

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Your correct, ana is useless, at least lucio can do stuff even though he’s not in the meta, to put it in perspective lucio can ride on any wall in the game speed boost allies and can heal as much as ana on average which is sad, he also has self sustain with his passive healing (ana has no self sustain) and is probably the most mobile character in the game, at least he has that going for him, ana has nothing😢

Also if people complain enough they might make moira heal through barriers, it worked in the past with mercy’s bunny hop bug and lucio’s wallriding changes in a recent ptr.

I’d postulate that a 1-hit kill super long range hitscan sniper should not be in a game that supposedly is about getting into teamfights.

But sadly, that ship has sailed long ago.

I just wish the game was consistent on how it handles healing through barriers…

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"positioning? why would that be important? this isn’t an fps. go corner camp in some other game like CS: GO.

expressions of skill in this game should begin and end with the ways and frequency in which the player decides to press their H key. rock beats scissors and scissors beats paper. i’m top 500 now wowee"

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I don’t want Supports to carry.
I don’t want DPS to carry.
I don’t want Tanks to carry.

I want a team game to require TEAMWORK.

I don’t like the 1v6 thing.
I don’t like the “Rez” thing.

My preferred balance is leaning more towards MOBA.

DPS should be able to do their job (amazingly), with skill. Nothing wrong with that. But a DPS -not needing- a Support or a Tank to wipe out the enemy team, ALONE? I think that’s a problem.

I’m not a game developer.
I’m not saying that’s possible with Overwatch.

I just hate that to “carry”, you have to be a DPS.
I don’t enjoy DPS.
I like to Heal. I like to Tank.

If I want to heal, I’m dead to any/all DPS in seconds.
“Your team protects you” Not from a smurfing flanker which is extremely common in Platinum.

If I want to Tank, I’m not tanky enough TO tank.

That’s my issue.

I hate matches where I play out of my mind as a Tank/Support, but my DPS do nothing so we lose by default. I hate having 10% to 0% of impact on games. It’s simply not fun to know that “Oh you create space”, I just sit there and hope my team OUT-DPS’s the enemy DPS. That’s all I can hope for.

She’s not ruining a damn thing. You just suck.

Play Winston, grow some manhood and dive that hoe, or go Widow yourself and counter her til she swaps.

Or go Tracker and track her.

Or go Hanjo and Hanjo her.

Or go Pharmacy and blow her up.

Or go D.Va and Dive’a

The list goes on.

She’s currently ruining all my diamond games too

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I want to carry , because 8/10 teams I get are so stupid that I am losing brain cells and patience more often then I should.

Dive in Season 10. Sick meme, dude.

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I think they should make all healers heal through barriers, it wouldn’t change much since the healers who can’t heal through barriers heal slowly (lucio, brigitte) and moira already heals through barriers on live and she’s perfectly fine, sadly ana would be left behind again because her healing damages the enemy😢

Then go play a MOBA. This, at it’s core, is a first person shooter. All heroes require team work as it’s objective based. You want me to cite stories of all the nights I got mad tilted because I solo erased the back line as Tracer and my team fed themselves to the choke rendering it all useless?

Nah. No easy mode. No rewarding being a casual that has the basic understanding of “this hero is good against this hero.” You gotta get good.

i will say there are some cool things you can do as rein/winston when it comes to sectioning enemies out of their zen’s trance with your shield

or like, with lucio beat or something

that’s a cool and unironically big-brain interaction that i think should stay in the game somehow


I just wish I wasn’t practically useless playing anything other than DPS.
I can play DPS.
I can play Widowmaker and Doomfist pretty damn well.

I just don’t like it.
It’s not “fun”.
I don’t have the DPS archetype.

“8/10 teams are braindead” There’s the blunt-end of the problem.

I believe that if you play a hero, acting like a loner, you shouldn’t climb. I believe to climb, you should have to work with teammates. Personal performance says “screw you, play DPS to climb”.
So everyone Platinum or lower is murdered for playing Tanks/Supports.

We should have teams that are smart, capable, and friendly.
Anyone else should fall because they refuse to cooperate and work with the team.

I don’t like the current SR system.
The problem is we NEED carry heroes with the way the game plays currently.

You can carry on any role tbh.

It requires… Wait for it… GAME SENSE.

Just go Brigitte. She requires the least amount of game sense while being able to easy mode punish anyone that shows a shred of a lack of game sense.


Now watch, you CoD & CSGO fanboy peasant as I prove my superior positioning and game sense by W+M1-ing at the red guys!


Brigitte playing 3D chess while we all eat checkers. :disappointed_relieved:



nah you don’t understand

they just found the perfect hero for them, one that allows them to display their superior game sense and positioning like no other

they have become one with the gluten, so much so that it seems effortless. it might look like W+M1, but it’s really some 900 IQ stuff.


The barriers can still prevent healing with abilities i just mean it should go through with their primary healing such as: mercy’s caduceus staff, lucio’s aura healing, brigitte’s aura healing, zenyatta’s orb of harmony and moira’s healing spray, everything else can work as normal.

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