Widow is destroying Master, GM, TOP500 and OWL

ah yeah that makes a bit more sense then.

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Even smarter than the Pyro from TF2! Dear god…

Now they have to worry about their personal shield’s HP, their self-regen, and their pure-skill mace-to-face mechanism all at the same time!

Edit: Oh wait that’s right Pyro got a 0 IQ primary that requires aim, blech

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genji (20 characters)

That reminds me, poor Genji…

He’s been shafted non-stop since release, and was made worse and worse by Blizzard’s constant attempts at bringing down dive before giving up and adding Brigitte; the final nail in the coffin for 'em.

Easy now.

You gotta recognize it’s a very complex, calculus requiring, activity to face tank 600hp worth of damage from a Junkrat and Pharah and have them break your shield.

You gotta accept general reaction time and such, I mean, how can you expect me to react to this spam damage in a time frame that allows me to move away from it before my shield breaks?

And don’t even get me started on the incredible length of time I’m stuck staring at a wall while I wait for my shield to regenerate. Do you know how long it takes for the shield to regenerate? Forever. That’s how long it takes.

And don’t even get me started on how much ult charge I just… Oh shield damage doesn’t provide ult charge? Alright, ignore that. Blame the Roadhog on my team for not having a personal shield. Such a feeder…


Valkyrie Mercy?

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She requires the most mechanical skill to get any value out of. She has the highest skill floor and ceiling of any character. She is also a sniper, being able to one shot a character is part of a sniper’s kit.

The biggest brain plays are when Brigitte engages from 50 meters away, and just stares at the Pharah (that is always there and always has a pocket Mercy, mind you) while she holds her shield up and fights a 1v6.


are you meaning to tell me that i don’t have to stand there and let junkrat empty his entire clip into my shield

i’ve been doing this brigitte thing wrong this whole time


Totally enjoying the current meta.


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I’d never suggest that.

It’s a matter of PRINCIPLE. AND HONOR!

You have to sit there and take that damage. If you fail to do so, you bring shame onto your family, your cow (read: Orisa), everything. It’d be a legitimate INSULT to your HIGH level of game sense and positioning to move to avoid long range splash spam damage like that Pharah and Junkrat throw out.

You have to stand there, with a determined face, and take it. You might even have to emote in order to really establish dominance in regards to game sense and position. Let them know you’re so above their level it doesn’t matter if they send you to spawn. You will just reposition. God tier. GM level positioning.


i guess all i can do is watch the unwashed masses and hope that they, too, find their perfect hero one day.

only then can they reach nirvana.

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That’ s actually funny and true at the same time! :smiley:

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Never forget the incredible intelligence required to run straight at the enemy team’s Rein while they’re all standing behind him, and the incredible effort it takes to land a Shield Bash on him and preform a combo.

Going further, her combo is extremely difficult to pull off and really adds depth and complexity to Brigitte. The ability to simply delete characters is a totally fair and balanced way to counter a dive hero. There’s like, 2 whole keys you have to hit in a 1 second time frame. Borderline impossible to do.


You guys are doing great keep it up!


We can all place our hope on the fact that finally Blizzard has managed to design the perfect hero for some people. They have found salvation, priase to them. One day Baby Jeff will bless us all with a perfect hero, and we too shall rise into the ranks of GM. As we are worthy, pure, without sin of poor positioning.

We are all GMs. I pity the fools who put faith into the false idol of fair match making. I pity those that doubted the gold/plat tier players that insisted they deserved to be in GM. They just failed to realize that those poor players simply hadn’t had the perfect hero made for them.

Soon though, soon. We will all be GM. We will all have our perfect heroes. Brigitte is the start of a beautiful golden age of where we receive what we’re entitled to. F%^k spending hours learning, practicing, etc. It’s all about that perfect hero…

It’ll come, have faith, my friend. Soon we will receive our perfect hero and ascend to the heavenly realms of 60%+ win rates. Just do not lose faith. Look at these poor support mains that had been oppressed by dive for so long… They were blessed. So shall we. In time.

Praise and glory to Baby Jeff. Hallowed be thy name.


its so silly because the same people who say they want skill cap lowered also want skill floor raised i bet… like… god

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Way to take everything I said out of context. I said Widow might not be the problem, and even further went on to say she might need no adjusting at all.

The problem lies with everyone’s DPS steadily increasing since launch. Storm arrow cutting down barriers is likely an enabler of this.

Everyone’s DPS hasn’t increased since launch.

You just making stuff up man.

Get behind cover. Utilize barriers and poke at her from a distance.
Having a kill button for anything that gets near you isn’t the only way to play the game.

Oh yeah, because Ana is a shining example of a thriving high skill hero.

I’m using her as an example, because she’s a very similar hero that has many other weaknesses on top of the risk of missing out on value.

Not every problem is solved by slapping a hard counter on it. Hard counters ruin the game. Why should you win against the mechanically superior player by using a crutch? Why can’t you try and be the better player? Why do you want an easy way out? Why is it so much to ask for player A to actually be better than player B to win?

Yeah, so let’s introduce a character that wins by default? That’s stupid.
If a Widow is dominating you, it’s because of either one of two reasons… ;

  • The other player is more skilled than you.
  • You are out of position.

You don’t like interactions with Widow, because it doesn’t involve an easy way out. You can’t just switch to a hero and expect to take her down.
Either the enemy player is better than you, or you are better than them.

Just because she is a problem for you doesn’t mean she actually is a problem in general. Widow isn’t meta because she’s better than every other DPS, but rather the meta picks being unable to touch her. Because heroes like Rein and Zarya can’t touch her doesn’t mean that nobody else can.
The current meta features a lot of short ranged heroes like Zarya, Reinhardt and Mercy. Brigitte to a lesser extend, but she’s countered hard by Widow and Hanzo. So she doesn’t see that much play.

This, combined with the support powercreep that has been going on the past year, just means that there is more demand for Widow.
Wait until characters like Soldier or Genji become meta again.
You’ll see Widow’s pickrate drop. It’s just that nobody is playing characters that can contest her. But even then, Widow’s pickrates really aren’t that impressive.
She peaks at 6.49% in GM. Thats really not all that high in contrast to the other 5 meta characters.

Mercy @ 14.23%
Reinhardt@ 12.83%
Zenyatta@ 12.67%
Zarya@ 11.37%
Hanzo@ 9.42%

(Multiply by 6 as this % is based on chance per player per team)
What do all of these characters except for Hanzo have in common?
They’re ineffective at Widow’s range. There is no other hitscan.

Hanzo, Zarya and Zen are better tank busters than Widow tbh.

snipers are being played because of support power creep. Supports run loops around flankers, or downright kill them (Mercy and Brigitte)
Nothing dies, but when they do, they come back. So if you even begin to hope to kill things, you need to get off Soldier or McCree, and get on Widow and Hanzo. This really hurts the enemy ult economy, and allows you to pick them off from relatively safe spots as well as create a danger zone for the Mercy to ressurect. Widow and Hanzo Ensure that Brigitte doesn’t see any play, which is huuuuuge.
If Hanzo and Widow weren’t meta, Brigitte would dominate. There is a reason Genji and Tracer aren’t meta anymore. And it’s not because of Hanzo or Widow.

They also deny Zarya, Reinhardt and to a lesser extent, Zenyatta a lot of ult charge. Snipers are being percieved to be OP because they’re really effective this meta. And to take them out, you have to be a better player than them.

Again, i’ll warn you…If Widow and Hanzo dropped out of the meta, Brigitte would dominate hard.