To start off, I don’t want them gutted and useless. They devs have shown time and time again that there is a bias towards these two characters. Where other characters would and have been nerfed/changed more for being less pains than these two, they continue to get slaps on the wrist.
The changes on the ptr will not help other dps characters feel much better but it will further the gap in effectiveness of burst damage and sustain damage meaning people will continue to blame healing and push for more support nerfs in which case, I’m betting on Ana’s nade getting nerfed next.
I’m fine with a IF nerf. It is a pretty powerful ability. Completely stopping death is crazy strong and it could even nullify ults. However, it had more counterplay and setbacks (allowed you to get to low hp, stationary, cooldown, etc…) than Widow’s sniper shot which literally allows for absolutely no counterplay for a majority of the cast.
The developers have proven that they do not care about fluidity (Doomfist), stats (Sombra), or changing core parts of a character’s kit (Sym, Mercy). These are just a few examples. They have also shown that they absolutely want to influence metas and even make sure certain characters make it or don’t make it into the next meta (nerfing Sombra before 2-2-2 yet leaving Reaper and Mei with their GOATS buffs)
Various times have they used how it feels to play against a character or ability as justification to change or nerf it yet people have been saying how horrible it feels to get instantly killed from anywhere on the map by Widow and burst down by Hanzo much longer than they have been complaining about double-barrier comps and the barrier tanks got multiple changes so it wouldn’t feel so bad yet the core issues with Widow and Hanzo remain unaddressed (their burst damage).
Widows kit not having much to it is not an excuse to leave the poorly designed hero as she is. Her having a niche is also not an excuse as they have changed/removed multiple other character niches in the past.
Give her more things in her kit if you have to, you’ve done it before.
If healing keeps getting nerfed, abilities that completely nullify it should get toned down as well. If Supports could not heal at all, Widow and Hanzo would still be better than Soldier 76 due to their burst damage and it’s ease of application.
Tanks don’t have to be shieldbots or fat damage characters but they get melted so quickly that it isn’t hard to see why double shield is still going strong. This is not a Widow/Hanzo exclusive problem either. Every time a Support has a decent utility ability to support their team, it gets nerfed and the support player still gets blamed for not pulling miracles. Tank players get blamed for not making space or dropping shields and sometimes the complaints are warranted but other times, the tank has to try to make space while also not getting separated, burst down, and trying not to let the enemy burst down their supports.
No role is braindead easy but it isn’t hard to see why damage is more popular than the other two. This is marketed as a team game yet the damage roster has characters who are much more independent than everyone else in the game and rely on support way less. The game is filled with characters who are well equipped to do their job plus much more and others who are barely equipped to do their basic job and a lot of that is because of poor design and poor balance choices.
I’m not saying the devs are lazy, they work hard and have made good decisions such as the translocator buff, I like that. But there needs to be more and their bias towards certain characters needs to be stopped.
The tank and support rosters need more characters, not saying as much as the damage roster but the gap should be closer. Tank=/=barrier, Support =/= heal-focused abilities. The whole damage category needs rebalancing and power redistributions to a lot of the character’s kits.
Rant over. Please excuse but don’t forget to call out and make fun of any typos and/or grammatical errors. A lot of these are my opinions but some are facts such as “feelings” being a balance factor which can be proven by balance patch logs which are available to the public.
One last time, I want each character to be good at something including Widow and Hanzo but I also want them to not receive special treatment that they continue to receive. Have a good one.