Widow and Ashe in a double shield meta

Oh boy, now that double shield is over, can’t wait for the playoffs! /s

I know, it’s Ans, but this is what Widow and Ashe are capable of in the right hands, even against PROs. Not sure if the nerfs will matter much, since they can still one shot.

Nah but hey man.

It requires aim so it’s okay. :sweat_smile:



because playing a broken character that does 300 damage per headshot and has hyper mobility has skill


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I know, Widow and Ashe are so broken. I honestly don’t understand what the devs were thinking when they added snipers to this game.
Maybe something along the lines of “Hurr durr, they can be stopped by Reinhardt.” Jesus H Christ on rubber crutches. Give me a break.

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Widow hyper mobility? lol ok…


It’s almost like pro players could do well with any hero…hence the name…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Remember, this is a pro playing against other pros. Also, imagine what Widow and Ashe will do when there are no shields. The playoffs will be a sh1tshow, imo.

You think that means much? Pro players are used to fighting each other on a regular basis, they know how to read people’s movements and have excellent decision making.

Being a pro doesn’t mean you can’t get wrecked

Oh absolutely. It means that even pros can’t effectively counter these heroes consistently. Look, I get it. You’re an Ashe main and don’t want the hero nerfed. How 'bout we leave it at that?

Or that just because you’re pro doesn’t mean you’re impervious to damage, get over yourself



That still means its relevant only to pro’s.

I can guarantee you your typical gold isn’t going to be getting anywhere close to this level of output.

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She has better mobility tools than almost every tank/ support hero, and half the DPS roster

Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, Zarya, Bastion, McCree, Mei, Soldier, Symmetra, Torbjorn. Ana, Brigitte, Moira, and Zen all have 0 mobility that is anywhere near as applicable as Widowmakers

Then you have stuff like Ashe, Junkrat, Reaper, Sombra, Tracer, Baptiste, and Mercy with pretty large restrictions on their movement


On widow, yes, because if you arent hitting shots you are literally providing no value at all to your team. On ashe not so much because she has a lot of value other than hitting shots.

Also a grapple hook on 12 seconds of cooldown is not hyper mobility.


I used to be in diamond. I did stop playing for a while, but there are plenty of Widows that know how to aim at my rank. Not sure where you are, but this is definitely an issue at Diamond+.

Moot. There are other heroes you can play, and there’s a reason why Blizzard ranks heroes by difficulty. If gold players can’t aim, they can play heroes like Reaper to be more effective. Why would not playing Ashe at gold tier kick out 99% of the players? That’s just logically incorrect.

I’m just making a point lol

It’s clearly an extreme case, even in pro standards.

You’re not going to run into this sort of thing. It’s a complete non-issue.

Depends on who you actually want playing the game.

If you want to kick out 99% of the playerbase because of 1 clip from 1 person in 1 lucky game, sure, bud, you do that.

Something will always be broken in the highest level. It’s literally their job to find the most optimal strategy and heroes and use them over and over and over again. Widow is nothing new here.

We don’t have any idea what the meta will be. Some APAC teams are scrimming some comps you’d find in Mystery Heroes according to Nero & Platchat, so who on earth knows what will actually be effective.

We’ve seen Hog/Zarya run by some contenders teams in the past week, but this is often done by the bad teams unable to play a good dive comp. Outside of maps where Dive is less than ideal or against teams with a really good dive, this comp is a non-starter.

Gold’s also won’t be able to avoid widow as well as pro teams do, it goes both ways

Because they keep nerfing Dive and Flanking heroes, who else could pressure her?