Why're people still complaining about Brig?

She’s nowhere as good as she once was way back, and she’s not that difficult to counter. Can I please be enlightened with something I’m missing here?


AoE healing, excessive CC, Rally, pocket Packs.

Pretty much the same as always but with a lessened intensity.


because she is a horribly designed hero that drove off players in waves since she was introduced

do you need more?


Because the meta hasnt changed in months.

It’s not like brig is just going to naturally shift out of the meta with 0 changes :woman_shrugging:


Because she’s a support not named ‘Lucio’ or ‘Ana’.


That was nearly 4 years ago. Y’all stuck in the past.


The game is stuck in the past. Problems are rarely actually fixed and keep piling up. There’s nothing new under the sun.


considering we’ve had barely ANY updates for almost 3 years, that’s not that long ago.

And at low level, Brig sucks because she can’t brawl like advertised. At high level, her role as “backline guardian” is way too strong


Because she is the best peeler in the game, she makes zenyatta and ana extremely harder to kill for a small amount of effort.
She has a good amount of AoE healing that doesnt require players to constantly be in in LOS. As well as single target healing. Then, she has two CCs on a short cooldown. Rally is just op, because it gives armor and armore heavily reduces damage from beams and weapons like tracer, ball, sombra and reaper (and other flankers).
… and a shield and armor health
This is just general arguments against brig, i can say a LOT more to prove she is still too strong.
They did nerf her tankiness with the rework but heavily increase her healing and peeling capabilities


Lol. This.


I can see the increase in healing but how did they increase the peeling?

The extra packs are both, it is basically a Mercy beam on CD and duration checks.


whipshot buffs

You would also have to take in account the damage reduction, stun length and I believe shield recovery for shield bash.

Mozts’s makes the most sense in regards to peeling increase.

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Why’re people still complaining about [insert any hero here] and the title remains accurate.


espicially true of Mercy, people love to complain but she’s playable rn with Ana.

Could be worse, like Lucio who’s just inferior Brig even in Rein/Zarya comps

I’m guessing she’s great in great players hands. But kinda just see Brigs not do much in my games

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i think she is really good in higher elo’s. she is still brawly and if i see a brig coming after me i still get scared a little. if im a squishy

The whipshot now retracts a lot faster so it makes it a bit safer for her to use and lets her regain control faster. (counters monkey dives or genji on a zen/ana). The extra packs are extra healing but makes peeling better, cuz she can heal for 55 for 8 seconds on one person in a row using ONLY repair packs (3 of them increase the healing duration to 6 seconds, which is the cooldown of one repair pack and u can add an extra 2 seconds towards the end).

Because when she’s played anywhere near properly/competently she completely nullifies heroes and specific playstyles with easy to use, and obnoxious to play against abilities.

Her real playstyle is backline peeling and pocketing, but because she USED TO be able to mouse 1 W and int her brains out for free value- the perception of the hero is that she can STILL do that, and SHOULD STILL do that (she shouldn’t and can’t).
You generally won’t see anyone play Brig even close to how she’s meant to play anywhere below like masters at the minimum, and even then I’d say it’s probably inconsistent.

That being said the issues are:

*Too much easy to use CC that makes any hero that want to close the gap unable to do so when played properly. (whip primarily being able to disallow players from even closing the gap, and bash and AOE healing punishing them when they do)

*Passive, and INSANELY easy to use sustained healing that stacks on top of her CC to peel teammates. You have inspire up it’s generally enough to save a teammate from a solo or even duo dive on them, and if you press E on them and have your cooldowns up its like a borderline 100% chance they will live. (also your other supports in higher elo are smart enough to realize that you BOTH SUSTAIN EACHOTHER, and don’t afk shoot at the enemy hero while you sit there on 14 hp dying)

*Insanely overpowered ultimate. If Brig rallies and doesn’t immediately go int 1v6 and die with it, it can sustain SO SO SO MUCH. Don’t use it for ult combos generally, and don’t use it to 1v6 raid boss. Use it as a SUPPORT hero sustaining their team and to engage on a fight and it basically guarantees the fight win if it goes unchecked (also basically no hero can kill brig in a 1v1 when she’s rallied, and basically no heroes can kill her teammates if they are passively receiving the armor stacked with inspire). The armor also lingers 30 seconds so its very hard to misuse (outside of feeding) since it’ll be up for such a long time on your team.

*She punishes playmaking. This is a big one in my opinion. A hero that their entire job is to shut down plays is never going to be a fun hero in a game where making plays is a skill expression and the hero shuts down that skill expression with basically 1/10th of the effort.

*Enabler. Not only does she shut down enemy plays and carry potential, but she also enables her own team through rally, repair packs, MASSIVE passive aura from inspire, and peeling from whip (with all of this stacking on top of each other at the same time). She peels the backline while packing her dps to engage, while getting value by existing from inspire, while whipping away the diving winston while stunning the dva while… ETC. You get the point I think. Too much too easily, and all at once

Being worse than they once were is not a metric to identify something as being fine. You could have a hero that’s role is to exist and they AOE one shot everything in a sphere around them. OP right? Now they change that AOE one shot sphere to a half sphere and only in line of sight. Does that balance it because it’s not as good as it was? No. It doesn’t.
(using extreme example to help get the point across obviously).

Saying she isn’t difficult to counter is such a misinformed thing that I see all the time. The BRIG players in YOUR RANKS are not playing the hero to 50th of a degree of the heroes potential. The Brig is not the play maker- she’s the “ANTI PLAY MAKER” who exists in the back to shut down basically everything outside of high sustained ranged burst damage.

“Brig can’t do anything against pharah” Yeah, but Brig pockets and enables heroes that can.

“Brig sucks into junkrat spam” Junk is map and point specific, and again Brig enables heroes that deal with him.

“She can’t melee range like rein anymore” She isn’t a tank hero, and isn’t intended to be one. Shield DOES NOT = frontline Tank. It’s a self preservation tool.

And even in situations where she isn’t ideal (primarily double shield mirror comps since she gives nothing to shield break) she still has value enabling heroes like Echo, and Tracer, while having the ability to peel the rest of the team.

It also makes perfect sense to me that a hero whose primary function is to peel would not see significant success in ranks where peeling is basically non-existent and/or unnecessary due to significant misplays and lack of game understanding.

To answer your question, yes you are missing something just like the rest of the community that thinks Brig is fine. When played well she shuts down a lot of what made the game fun, and turns the game into high damage ranged spam wars of attrition instead of fast engage team fights while simultaneously requiring next to nothing to do all of the things that she can do AT ONCE.