Why're people still complaining about Brig?

I agree with the person above you. I agree with everything they say.

I think a lot of the discontent stems around the insane “level of value for least amount of effort required” inherent to Brigitte as a hero.


Even funnier when she’s only used heavily by 1% of the playerbase and drops off a cliff. If she’s not a problem for 99% she’s fine.


Because she is imbalanced in terms of value to effort ratio as many other heroes in this game. Zen-brig is the best support pick in GM rn outside double shield, where you can replace brig with not the less broken bap.

Ppl have a har don for systematically listing out all her pros but none of her cons

despite her win and pickrate being bottom of barrel anywhere below GM, for as far back as data can be shown


People have a (redacted as to not get banned) for ALWAYS defending the hero because they don’t experience the extent to which in the hero excels, and as such don’t understand it.

She’s bad in low ranks because THEY. DO. NOT. PLAY. HER. RIGHT. simple as that. We make the hero viable for the bad players that don’t want to adapt to a new playstyle and we make an already overtuned hero more overtuned than they are for no reason other than appeasing a small number of players. This also simultaneously breaks all levels of play above the casual level.

Read my above post- most of your questions are answered.

also also- to prevent the generic “doom main lul” that I always receive, I primarily play tank and support at a gm-top500 level being a 4500 peak player. (spent my fair share of time abusing Bap and Brig at the highest level of ladder play to be able to share input here)


Cause people like to blame supports instead of tanks or dps for metas.

Brig was literally not meta (and is still barely meta) in GM until this week. Lie more please. Also Brig is not meta in any rank below GM. Which means, any rank you or I play in, Brig isn’t meta nor is she a problem AND she isn’t a problem in GM either.

Then play her to and at the GM/t500 level if she gets so much easy value. The answer is she doesn’t.

Brig is fine. Ya’ll just got a Brig-mania and need to get over it.


Its simply due to GM only mentality where anything below is not a concern if players are are not playing Brig with her maximum value and efficiency.

People forgot that this is a game made for entertainment for a wide audience.


I see this argument…

And it baffles me.

It baffles me because I can’t get my head around the fact that apparently, after nearly 2 AND A HALF YEARS, people haven’t realised she’s not Brig 1.0 anymore and she isn’t suppose to played like that anymore.



Ok let’s fix the hero so she’s good in low ranks and falls off in high ranks like moira does. Easy to use at a base level, but has a very low skill ceiling. ??? dont defend what you hate if you want it changed. I really don’t get it at all.


I am saying you should take a broader viewpoint. Remember this is a game for entertainment and for profit.

Its bad business to ignore 90% of the player base just to please the top 1%. The game has to be fun on a fundamental level. Something worth buying.


It’s also super bad business to add things that bypass the learning curve of the game so that players will have no reason to want to improve.

If something shuts down or does more than X hero at less mechanical or gamesense knowledge required then why would anyone ever want to improve? If the game only gets worse as you get better does that inspire people to improve? The opposite actually. Trying to defend that point is kinda pointless- just look at Blizzard’s track record with the past 5 DLC heroes. Basically all of them have abilities that are easy to use and do more for no reason other than to “be cool fun to play” heroes.

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Brig is just such a controversial hero

She’s just in such a weird spot. Genuinely.

I don’t even know anymore :rofl:

All I can ask is…is anyone happy with the state she’s in? I can’t imagine most people are. Probably for different reasons depending on what rank you are but still…


A good chunk of the player base are casuals who buy the game to have a fun time and not necessarily to invest hundreds of hours to achieve GM rank. Its like wanting to have a good basketball game on the weekend.

I am also not sure why people are hung up on perceived skill. It like asking should a person be rewarded more for digging a hole with a spoon versus a shovel.


Ah the classic “the 99% are playing her wrong for years”

It can’t be that she is flawed design and contradictory kit that only god-tier players can actually make use of

This is why I think they shouldn’t balance around OWL and 1%, because the other 99% (virtually entire playerbase of Brigs) suffer

They should balance around the largest group of players, plat and diamond, so the largest amount of people possible have a positive experience

But since they don’t, she’s gotten 22 nerfs so she doesn’t perform as well in high-tier play, and screw everyone below I guess because the stats show she’s not having a good time for most players.

Not because “they don’t know how to play her well” and not because “bro you’re just trying to play her like launch brig 1.0 still” but because Blizz nerfed her to all hell and screwed up her kit just so she isn’t so strong for the top of ladder


She’s actually better than she once was. Before her rework she was pretty bad without 2 other supports on the team and that’s not possible anymore unless you’re in arcade.

i literally do… and the consensus is that she still gets a lot of value lol. All the supports are strong currently (except moira and lucio) and she still outshines other supports in certain comps

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This is the brutal truth. Casuals make money. Tryhards don’t.


Yeah I don’t get this either. It’s so baffling. It’s been nearly 2 and a half years. She’s had this playstyle far longer than she ever had her old one. I’m sure people have figured that out by now. This can’t be used as an excuse surely.


That’s why you make characters that have low skill floors and high skill ceilings? What?

Rein is SUPER easy to understand at a base level, but is hard to play at the highest level even when he’s viable.

Ball is SUPER easy to understand and get value from at a base level, but is hard to play at the highest level.

Lucio is another one, mercy is another one, moira is another one (controversial yet true), ana is another one, soldier is another one, dva etc.

And then on the other end of the spectrum you have characters that are hard to play, but should give immense value when played well. Tracer, genji, doom, widow (old mccree not his 225 flash fan man) etc.

It’s almost not worth explaining because 90% of the players diamond and lower is stuck in the mentality of either “I don’t play ranked to improve and don’t care about balance” or “I’m stuck here because my team sucks, my hero sucks, and the game sucks”.

Care to explain then why Brig excels at the highest level, and excels when higher level players pick her in lower level games?

They don’t. This perception is so off. Do you think the top 1% of players is happy about the state of the game? HELL NO. Why else do you think that top 500 starts are like 3900??? Everyone quit because “Blizzard balances for Blizzard”. If they balanced for the top 1% Tracer would’ve been nerfed 5 years ago.

Why would anyone ever want to improve at their game then? Game gets worse as you improve? Very “Competitive”.

Again, if it isn’t “they play the hero wrong” then what’s the excuse that these ranks and players under perform on that hero? It CAN NOT be “the hero is bad” when the hero thrives and excels at higher levels of play. Again, if you guys want the hero changed STOP DEFENDING IT. Everyone wants it changed, and everyone thinks it problematic. It’s problematic for low ranks because they don’t play it right, and don’t play around it properly so it “sucks”. It’s problematic for high ranks because they do do all of that and the hero gets immense value very easily when played properly.

People make posts like these about Brig because they want their ideals echo chambered and that’s what the forums generally does. “Here’s a pat on the back for your idea, I’m plat too and I agree” type stuff. The question was “why is brig still seen as an issue”, and I’ve explained, and I’m continuing to explain.

Hero requires gamesense, and that’s pretty much it. You understand what your role is, and you use your umpteen easy to use abilities to accomplish that goal. Something a lot of players don’t realize is that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO KILL THE HERO TO COUNTER THE HERO. Brig exists in the back and shuts down playmaking, very similar to what the CONSTANTLY complained about McCassidy does but since she doesn’t “insta kill” those heroes- she just disables them from playmaking- it’s seen as “fine” by some people.


I know, I understand
I just meant that I think by now people know not to play Brig like release Brig