Why/How Pink Mercy should come back

Firstly, there have been a lot of new players to Overwatch after this skin was released/more people making multiple accounts.

One of the main reasons I think this makes sense is because it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for Switch players to own the skin.

Lastly and most importantly, it’s clearly a highly demanded skin in this community and that means more donations to this incredible charity.

I have seen leaks about this skin coming back in loot boxes. This is so wrong and it would be a new low. Blizzard profits from loot boxes and for them to bring a charity skin into that isn’t ok. I want the skin but I also want it to support the charity.

I personally think this should come back just how it was for $15, in Breast Cancer awareness month. (This could be an annual thing or a one-time thing depending on further demand. I’d probably only say once though.)

This is a beautiful skin and by owning this you are supporting something really important. People want it so it makes sense to bring it back.


I already own Pink Mercy and I’m ok with its coming back.


Bring it back!

And make it green. :smiling_imp:


If you really want to support the charity, you would donate without the promise of a skin.

People just want to use charity as an excuse to get an exclusive skin. It’s pretty twisted.


Just make a pink Ana or Moira.

A lot of us, including me do donate to charities. This is something to encourage and incentivise us to donate even more. It originally raised over $12,000,000 dollars which is incredible.

So yes, we already do donate. We saw how amazing this community was and how it brought us all together before. Please don’t twist what I’m saying.


Is it necessary to create these spam threads? We have a lot of other Pink Mercy threads already.

Re-releasing a “limited time” skin means that future “limited time” skins won’t be purchased by as many people so it isn’t a net positive thing as some claim. Donating to BCRF directly or through an OW event doesn’t require Pink Mercy at all. It can be done with new exclusive skins that are guaranteed to sell if they look good without damaging the sales of future limited time items.

I understand that some people want Pink Mercy but that doesn’t have much to do with charities and donations. Pretending that you care about BCRF is worse than simply telling the truth that you are here for the skin.


Things are limited edition or time limited for a reason.

Please leave proof with a link. Where Blizzard might have said it.

It sucks that the new players can’t get the skin, but we shouldn’t bring back time limited skins just because there are new players.

That’s not to say there can’t be a new skin for a new charity. But for the love of orisa, we don’t need to bring this topic up again. Let the horse be.

Simply “wanting it” isn’t a good reason to bring it back.
There are other limited edition things I want. But I realize that I wasn’t able to get them, and so I move on.

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I genuinely do care about BCRF and It upsets me that you would say such a thing. In that case, I will happily delete this thread. I am new to these forums and I didn’t know this was a huge topic here.

Sorry for any bother caused. Please know that this was not my intent.

(EDIT: I suppose I am unable to delete this thread? Sorry, I am truly new to this)


No, I shouldn’t have gotten so finicky/doggy about it.

Don’t delete it.

A few months after the pink Mercy skin came out, there were a lot of boards about it. And there were many names and rude things passed and it often got quite heated. And so when someone brings it up, people instantly snap back to that time. It’s the topic, not against you as a person.

I appreciate the help. I’m once again sorry about this.

I 100% appreciate this and I once again thank you for this. This is the first time I’ve really ever brought it up anywhere so I was unaware that people were acting like children about this. (apart from seeing the spam under twitter posts :/)

Thanks guys.

Pink Mercy was sold by Blizzard as a limited time skin and Blizzard donated the money to BCRF. Most people wouldn’t have made a BCRF donation (even as little as $15) without getting something in return. Blizz got positive PR (and perhaps some tax relief). It was good for everyone.

The problem is that a lot of people who want Pink Mercy (on this forum and other social media sites) pretend to care about donations and whenever someone disagrees with them they start to throw around words like disgusting/ignorant/etc… They are hypocrites so it’s difficult for them to win a fight with that kind of argument.

From a financial perspective (whether it’s raising for a charity or not) it doesn’t make much sense for Blizzard to re-release limited items. New ones are a better choice. People’s opinion differ on exclusive items but it’s very obvious that a lot of people want them and it helps Blizz to sell more stuff.

The skin is in the “Legacy” section that makes it even less likely to return. IMO re-releasing Pink Mercy without re-releasing every other limited time skin would be rather unfair towards those who own and use Pink Mercy.

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Maybe you shouldn’t call people children because they have an opinion that is different than yours.


I was on your side? I’m not talking about their opinion, I’m talking about how they are saying it constantly on twitter in the manor that they are. + Going by you guys throwing random words around?

(I guess that needed clarification? I meant that in favour of you, I wasn’t referring to you or anyone’s opinions.)

It doesn’t matter what side you are or are not on.
I don’t agree with people calling others children simply because of having a difference in opinion.
I might not agree with your opinion but I will fight for your right to have it.

Please… I just said I wasn’t talking about their opinion, I’m talking about the way they are expressing it. I just said I wasn’t doing that so can you please, please, please listen.

In all honesty, I would be really annoyed if it’s added to regular loot boxes. It should be fair that it’s given out the same way as it was originally. Being a new player isn’t an excuse, sorry.

Not to mention that if Pink comes back, so should every other limited skin, which I don’t see happening.


I agree with you now after hearing other sides. I’m really trying to get that across but my words are just being twisted/not listened to :confused:

i’d be fine with it as long as they ran the event like they did in 2018. like you said many people want pink mercy and by rereleasing the event again they would be able to donate more money to the charity. though some people don’t want it back because it’ll ruin the exclusivity of the skin but that isn’t as important as donating to a cause to help stop breast cancer


exactly my original point! <3

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