Why/How Pink Mercy should come back

Why do people feel the need to spam these over and over again? Theyre limited time only for a reason. Yes, sucks to miss it. I’m sad I missed goat Brig.

But its really telling when the majority complaints are about pink Mercy and not other skins. It really is just about “I missed cute pink skin. Please give it back”

It would ruin the sales of future limited time items too that includes any future charity events. A good new exclusive skin has more chance to raise more money without damaging future sales and it would be purchased by many of those who already have Pink Mercy.

Re-releasing Pink Mercy benefits only those who don’t have and want it.

I really wouldn’t care if the skin came back. If they wanted to make it more “fair” or whatever they could raise the price/minimum donation or give the original owners a special spray or something like that (I’m pretty sure nobody cares that much about missing out on limited time sprays)

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Dude, I know.
And I’m saying you shouldn’t call people names because you don’t agree with what they are saying OR how they are expressing it.
You are calling them children, which I believe is wrong.
That’s my point.

well personally, spamming and attacking Overwatch’s twitter isn’t the most mature thing

Also it’s either you pay $15 now or you pay $15 at a later date? I don’t get why it would deter people from buying it. It’s not like we are talking about it being released free/cheaper.

Many people are using the point that “its an exclusive skin” and “it would ruin the exclusivity”, but we seem to forget that Blizzard doesn’t care about that, as 1. Demonhunter Sombra, which was told was an exclusive skin, came back for Halloween, and 2. old “default” exclusive Blizzardcon skins came back with last years Blizzcon e-ticket. Both these cases came with the purchase of something, and both were claimed to be exclusive and wouldn’t be returning (in the case of the Sombra skin at the time of release it was told it wouldnt return, a few months later they changed that) which was a lie.
Im not saying I agree that the Mercy skin will return, or that it even should, but i AM saying the people who are using that as an excuse that it wont return are incorrect, because its clear Blizzard has no issue returning its exclusive skins.

No, Demonhunter Sombra was stated to become public in the future. That is massively different than saying limited time only. It was always intended to come back.

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Once again, I’ve changed my mind from my original post and I’m not saying it should return. I wanted a friendly discussion :slight_smile:

Please read the whole post sweetie :slight_smile:

This is false. It wasn’t exclusive to Blizzcon.

??? What old skins?

Again, please read the whole post honey. I address this later in what I say lmao yall kinda dumb

Nobody is claiming there aren’t good people who do, but you’d be fooling yourself if you believe even for a moment that most people who donated weren’t actually just buying the skin.

I did. And it makes no sense. What old “default” skins are you talking about? Neither Bastion nor Winston returned.

I did, and youre still wrong. It didn’t take “months” for them to say it would be released later. They stated it from the beginning


Read the whole post sweetie :slight_smile:

Can we just get a mega thread for this topic or something? There’s multiple of them every day.


Most of those who buy a lot of stuff (not only 1-2 skins for their favorite hero) are collectors and they like exclusivity. If they re-release Pink Mercy then new limited time items released in a the future won’t be treated as exclusive that will damage sales.

When Blizzcon tickets included a Sombra skin and people found out that according to the small print it would become available to everyone in the future a lot of people asked for a refund.

Most people just bought a skin (many probably assumed it to be exclusive) and Blizz donated the money in exchange for other things.

For the lazy, I’ll quote:

The in-game items for Overwatch, StarCraft II, and StarCraft: Remastered will also be available separately in 2019—further details will be announced at a later date.


I love when people start up insults when they’re literally wrong lol.

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Yeah, we’re just “kinda dumb”.

I didn’t buy that ticket at the time because I read that footnote. Was going to come sooner or later again anyway.


The fact that some people are willing to buy a F-ing expensive BlizzCon ticket just to get an exclusive skin is telling. Exclusivity sells.

For a collector it sucks to miss one of those items but those who play OW regularly are guaranteed to be able to pick up something special. Exclusivity has it’s own beauty even if it’s painful when we can’t have something we want.

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